Daily test c injection - half life question


So I started daily test c injections in an effort to improve my libido and erections. I was on twice weekly injections and noticed that my last two blood tests showed that even though my dosage has not changed 120mg week), my TT, FT and E2 have all steadily increased. My TT was over 1500 on my last test. Since I have to decrease my dosage anyway, I have decided to lower my dosage to 80mg a week and try daily injections. My dr is very open to me making adjustments as long as I maintain healthy levels. I understand that test c has roughly an 8 day half life and that doing weekly injections, it should take about 5 weeks for hormone levels to stabilize. So my question is, does it still take that long for hormone levels to stabilize with daily injections? My plan is to start at 80mg a week then slowly increase my dosage to see if I can find my "sweet spot". TRT has really never improved my libido or erections. I also use 250iu of hcg 3x a week and an ai if needed. Thanks
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So I started daily test c injections in an effort to improve my libido and erections. I was on twice weekly injections and noticed that my last two blood tests showed that even though my dosage has not changed 120mg week), my TT, FT and E2 have all steadily increased. My TT was over 1500 on my last test. Since I have to decrease my dosage anyway, I have decided to lower my dosage to 80mg a week and try daily injections. My dr is very open to me making adjustments as long as I at healthy levels. I understand that test c has roughly an 8 day half life and that doing weekly injections, it should take about 5 weeks for hormone levels to stabilize. So my question is, does it still take that long for hormone levels to stabilize with daily injections? My plan is to start at 80mg a week then slowly increase my dosage to see if I can find my "sweet spot". TRT has really never improved my libido or erections. I also use 250iu of hcg 3x a week and an ai if needed. Thanks
Any change in protocol requires you to wait at least four, my own doctor insists on six, weeks before levels are stable. It was interesting, over two years ago, when I went to daily injections. It was something of an up-and-down sensation as serum settled.
Any change in protocol requires you to wait at least four, my own doctor insists on six, weeks before levels are stable. It was interesting, over two years ago, when I went to daily injections. It was something of an up-and-down sensation as serum settled.

Even on a daily delivery you had a up and down ride while getting the T to stabilize? I wouldve thought after 2 weeks any ups and downs would be gone.
Even on a daily delivery you had a up and down ride while getting the T to stabilize? I wouldve thought after 2 weeks any ups and downs would be gone.
Yes, I was aware of the transition for at least four weeks when I went from twice weekly to a daily protocol. My doctor, who has a significant number of men on daily injections, said to expect that, and Dr. Saya confirmed the same point.
Yes, I was aware of the transition for at least four weeks when I went from twice weekly to a daily protocol. My doctor, who has a significant number of men on daily injections, said to expect that, and Dr. Saya confirmed the same point.

Interesting. Today was my second injection in my EOD protocol. I am feeling anxiety creeping up on me, I did take my AI pill a hour ago. I hope that will keep this from growing any more than it already has. I was already thinking of just returning to the twice a week come Wed, but now will give it more time. Thanks.
You're still going to have an up and down, a peak and a trough, the point is is to minimize, but there's an absolute up/down rhythm even on dailies.
Interesting. Today was my second injection in my EOD protocol. I am feeling anxiety creeping up on me, I did take my AI pill a hour ago. I hope that will keep this from growing any more than it already has. I was already thinking of just returning to the twice a week come Wed, but now will give it more time. Thanks.

Do you feel anxious when your T is low or E2 is high? Just curious since I feel less anxious since starting TRT and not sure why. I figured it was more exercise, more sleep, and better diet. Thanks.
Do you feel anxious when your T is low or E2 is high? Just curious since I feel less anxious since starting TRT and not sure why. I figured it was more exercise, more sleep, and better diet. Thanks.
Testosterone is known to have a mild, anti-inflammatory effect, and is thought of as a neurohormone (as well as a classic androgen). This is seen in the way many systems *can* respond - blood pressure may lower, gastrointestinal inflammation may improve (it had a significant impact on my lymphocytic colitis), hs-CRP has been known to drop, and a1C has been seen to fall. It can certainly impact sleep.

You're right, of course, healthy levels of testosterone are accompanied by higher estradiol levels - which research has shown to be critical for men.
Do you feel anxious when your T is low or E2 is high? Just curious since I feel less anxious since starting TRT and not sure why. I figured it was more exercise, more sleep, and better diet. Thanks.

Both, when I got onto TRT y level of T was 100. I am not sure of my E2 as I had a sorry Dr, but I assume it was low due to the 100 T level. I also get anxiety when E2 gets rather high.
You're still going to have an up and down, a peak and a trough, the point is is to minimize, but there's an absolute up/down rhythm even on dailies.

I am currently at one day after my second injection of the EOD protocol. I am injecting 38mg EOD and taking AI mon-wed-fri, I've only take the AI once since going to EOD Saturday. Monday morning I felt anxiety, and am feeling again this morning. It has to be related to switching dose schedule, but what. E2 or Test is too high, or too low? I am also very tired, even though I have gotten good sleep. Seriously thinking of returning to the e3.5d tomorrow. Any ideas?
I am currently at one day after my second injection of the EOD protocol. I am injecting 38mg EOD and taking AI mon-wed-fri, I've only take the AI once since going to EOD Saturday. Monday morning I felt anxiety, and am feeling again this morning. It has to be related to switching dose schedule, but what. E2 or Test is too high, or too low? I am also very tired, even though I have gotten good sleep. Seriously thinking of returning to the e3.5d tomorrow. Any ideas?
Your serum levels are in flux. The transition period when one is in the midst of a protocol change can be somewhat challenging. You can draw no conclusions for at least four, preferably six, weeks. I sympathize with your situation. When I shifted from twice weekly to daily injections it was an odd ride. But a worthwhile one.
Yes, I was aware of the transition for at least four weeks when I went from twice weekly to a daily protocol. My doctor, who has a significant number of men on daily injections, said to expect that, and Dr. Saya confirmed the same point.

Certainly due to half-life overlap it does take a little time to fully stabilize. As noted, a minimum of 4 but preferably 6 weeks is ideal after any protocol change (especially in T cyp dosage).
I guess there's not much I can do then, besides sit back and go for a ride. Was kinda hoping since I have a serum build up already the transitition would be a bit smoother.
I guess there's not much I can do then, besides sit back and go for a ride. Was kinda hoping since I have a serum build up already the transitition would be a bit smoother.

Much more about your anxiety which we can't address than anything to do with TRT or even the questions youre specifically asking about because your concerns aren't realyl much of anything (sorry), it's just your anxiety at work here.
I guess there's not much I can do then, besides sit back and go for a ride. Was kinda hoping since I have a serum build up already the transitition would be a bit smoother.

IMO, your last dose of weekly TRT will not disappear when you decide to go to daily injections. It will fade out over time but your daily injections will start to pick up. You might notice some dips as everyone says but I don't think it will be starting at zero. You might consider giving yourself a small daily dose before your week is up to keep things smooth. That is what I did as I recently transitioned from once per week to every 3 days - I feel like I noticed a dip (could just be mental) but my mood and energy levels seem to be rising up again - again, could just be in my mind, no labs to back it up.

Good luck with the anxiety - it is no joke. I will take low T over high anxiety any day. Exercise and know that you will be back to normal soon with the new schedule. Good luck.
I have a feeling E2 has shot up a bit. Yesterday my nipples were rock hard, so hard they hurt. Then while driving home from work, a song come on the radio and I felt/got all emotional. Good thing I didnt watch "Notebook" last night! Also when I woke my sheets were soaked, I must have sweat pretty bad through the night.

I am also pinning HCG now at 250ui every day I dont take a Test shot, so EOD as well. Maybe I will need to lower this to 150ui, or I should have not changed this protocol at the same time. I was pinning 350ui every Sun-Wed-Fri, the two shot day and Friday before switching my T shot to EOD.

@ Saul, with Low T I had horrible anxiety! It would kick in while at the store, I would feel like I was going to die, dont know why but I sure would feel it. I havent gotten this feeling since beginning TRT though, knock on wood.
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when this happens on cypionate/enanthate (high result >1500 ng/dl) just stop injecting for two weeks and let your levels taper down you will be absolutely fine and can resume whatever protocol you want.
For me this would be worse, I would be more worried about dropping to nothing then being the way I am now. Ive actually mellowed out a lot, I think going back on my AI has helped tremendously. I had skipped 2 AI pills, since I was taking a lower dose.

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