| | |||||||||||
Diagnostic Test / Results | Results | Out of Range | Flag | Units | Range | Site | Stat | |||||
CBC With Differential/Platelet [Final] | ||||||||||||
Notes | Fasting - Yes | |||||||||||
WBC | 9.4 | x10E3/u L | 3.4-10.8 | 01 | F | |||||||
RBC | 4.57 | x10E6/u L | 4.14-5.80 | 01 | F | |||||||
Hemoglobin | 16.0 | g/dL | 13.0-17.7 | 01 | F | |||||||
Hematocrit | 45.8 | % | 37.5-51.0 | 01 | F | |||||||
MCV | 100 | H | fL | 79-97 | 01 | F | ||||||
MCH | 35.0 | H | pg | 26.6-33.0 | 01 | F | ||||||
MCHC | 34.9 | g/dL | 31.5-35.7 | 01 | F | |||||||
RDW | 12.1 | % | 11.6-15.4 | 01 | F | |||||||
Platelets | 267 | x10E3/u L | 150-450 | 01 | F | |||||||
Neutrophils | 66 | % | Not Estab. | 01 | F | |||||||
Lymphs | 21 | % | Not Estab. | 01 | F | |||||||
Monocytes | 8 | % | Not Estab. | 01 | F | |||||||
Eos | 4 | % | Not Estab. | 01 | F | |||||||
Basos | 1 | % | Not Estab. | 01 | F | |||||||
Immature Cells | NP | 01 | X | |||||||||
Neutrophils (Absolute) | 6.2 | x10E3/u L | 1.4-7.0 | 01 | F | |||||||
Lymphs (Absolute) | 2.0 | x10E3/u L | 0.7-3.1 | 01 | F | |||||||
Monocytes(Absolute) | 0.8 | x10E3/u L | 0.1-0.9 | 01 | F | |||||||
Eos (Absolute) | 0.3 | x10E3/u L | 0.0-0.4 | 01 | F | |||||||
Baso (Absolute) | 0.1 | x10E3/u L | 0.0-0.2 | 01 | F | |||||||
Immature Granulocytes | 0 | % | Not Estab. | 01 | F | |||||||
Immature Grans (Abs) | 0.0 | x10E3/u L | 0.0-0.1 | 01 | F | |||||||
NRBC | NP | 01 | X | |||||||||
Hematology Comments: | NP | 01 | X | |||||||||
Comp. Metabolic Panel (14) [Final] | ||||||||||||
Glucose | 93 | mg/dL | 65-99 | 01 | F | |||||||
BUN | 7 | mg/dL | 6-24 | 01 | F | |||||||
Creatinine | 0.84 | mg/dL | 0.76-1.27 | 01 | F | |||||||
eGFR If NonAfricn Am | 104 | mL/min/1 .73 | >59 | 01 | F | |||||||
eGFR If Africn Am | 120 | mL/min/1 .73 | >59 | 01 | F | |||||||
BUN/Creatinine Ratio | 8 | L | 9-20 | 01 | F | |||||||
Sodium | 139 | mmol/L | 134-144 | 01 | F | |||||||
Potassium | 4.1 | mmol/L | 3.5-5.2 | 01 | F | |||||||
Chloride | 100 | mmol/L | 96-106 | 01 | F | |||||||
Carbon Dioxide, Total | 25 | mmol/L | 20-29 | 01 | F | |||||||
Calcium | 9.3 | mg/dL | 8.7-10.2 | 01 | F | |||||||
Protein, Total | 6.6 | g/dL | 6.0-8.5 | 01 | F | |||||||
Albumin | 4.3 | g/dL | 4.0-5.0 | 01 | F | |||||||
Globulin, Total | 2.3 | g/dL | 1.5-4.5 | 01 | F | |||||||
A/G Ratio | 1.9 | 1.2-2.2 | 01 | F | ||||||||
Bilirubin, Total | 0.4 | mg/dL | 0.0-1.2 | 01 | F | |||||||
Flag Legend: Flag Legend: L (Below Low Normal) H (Above High Normal) LL (Alert Low) HH (Alert High) < (Panic Low) > (Panic High) A (Abnormal) AA (Critical Abnormal) | ||||||||||||
Ordering Provider SAYA, J | Collect Date & Time 4/16/2020 8:06 am | Date of Service 4/16/2020 12:00 am | Status Change Date 4/21/2020 8:08am | Status FINAL | Signed 04/21/2020 GABRIELA | Req. Number | ||||||
Diagnostic Test / Results | Results | Out of Range | Flag | Units | Range | Site | Stat | |||||
Comp. Metabolic Panel (14) [Final] | ||||||||||||
Alkaline Phosphatase | 52 | IU/L | 39-117 | 01 | F | |||||||
AST (SGOT) | 31 | IU/L | 0-40 | 01 | F | |||||||
ALT (SGPT) | 33 | IU/L | 0-44 | 01 | F | |||||||
Lipid Panel w/ Chol/HDL Ratio [Final] | ||||||||||||
Cholesterol, Total | 129 | mg/dL | 100-199 | 01 | F | |||||||
Triglycerides | 102 | mg/dL | 0-149 | 01 | F | |||||||
HDL Cholesterol | 42 | mg/dL | >39 | 01 | F | |||||||
VLDL Cholesterol Cal | 20 | mg/dL | 5-40 | 01 | F | |||||||
LDL Cholesterol Calc | 67 | mg/dL | 0-99 | 01 | F | |||||||
Comment: | NP | 01 | X | |||||||||
T. Chol/HDL Ratio | 3.1 | ratio | 0.0-5.0 | 01 | F | |||||||
Notes | T. 1/2 Av Av 2X Av 3X Av | Chol/HDL Ratio Men Wom g.Risk 3.4 3 g.Risk 5.0 4 g.Risk 9.6 7 g.Risk 23.4 11 | en .3 .4 .1 .0 | |||||||||
Testosterone,Free and Total [Final] | ||||||||||||
Testosterone, Serum | 835 | ng/dL | 264-916 | 01 | F | |||||||
Notes | Adult male reference i healthy nonobese males Travison, et.al. JCEM | nterval is bas (BMI <30) bet 2017,102;1161- | ed on a ween 19 1173. P | populat and 39 MID: 283 | ion of years old. 24103. | |||||||
Free Testosterone(Direct) | 31.3 | H | pg/mL | 6.8-21.5 | 02 | F | ||||||
Dihydrotestosterone [Final] | ||||||||||||
Dihydrotestosterone | 84 | ng/dL | 03 | F | ||||||||
Notes | This test was develope determined by LabCorp. by the Food and Drug A Reference Range: Adult Male: 30 - 85 | d and its perf It has not be dministration. | ormance en clea | charact red or a | eristics pproved | |||||||
DHEA-Sulfate [Final] | ||||||||||||
DHEA-Sulfate | 482.0 | H | ug/dL | 71.6-375.4 | 01 | F | ||||||
TSH [Final] | ||||||||||||
TSH | 0.770 | uIU/mL | 0.450-4.500 | 01 | F | |||||||
Prostate-Specific Ag, Serum [Final] | ||||||||||||
Prostate Specific Ag, Serum | 0.5 | ng/mL | 0.0-4.0 | 01 | F | |||||||
Notes | Roche ECLIA methodolog According to the Ameri decrease and remain at prostatectomy. The AUA PSA value 0.2 ng/mL or PSA value 0.2 ng/mL or Values obtained with d interchangeably. Resul of the presence or abs | y. can Urological undetectable defines bioch greater follo greater. ifferent assay ts cannot be i ence of malign | Associ levels emical wed by method nterpre ant dis | ation, S after ra recurren a subseq s or kit ted as a ease. | erum PSA should dical ce as an initial uent confirmatory s cannot be used bsolute evidence | . | ||||||
Estradiol, Sensitive [Final] | ||||||||||||
Estradiol, Sensitive | 35.0 | pg/mL | 8.0-35.0 | 02 | F | |||||||
Notes | This test was develope determined by LabCorp. Drug Administration. Methodology: Liquid ch | d and its perf It has not be romatography t | ormance en clea andem m | charact red by t ass spec | eristics he Food and trometry(LC/MS/M | S) | ||||||
Flag Legend: Flag Legend: L (Below Low Normal) H (Above High Normal) LL (Alert Low) HH (Alert High) < (Panic Low) > (Panic High) A (Abnormal) AA (Critical Abnormal) | ||||||||||||
Ordering Provider SAYA, J | Collect Date & Time 4/16/2020 8:06 am | Date of Service 4/16/2020 12:00 am | Status Change Date 4/21/2020 8:08am | Status FINAL | Signed 04/21/2020 GABRIELA | Req. Number | ||||||
Diagnostic Test / Results Sex Horm Binding Glob, Serum [Final] | Results | Out of Range | Flag | Units | Range | Site | Stat | |||||
Sex Horm Binding Glob, Serum | 20.6 | nmol/L | 16.5-55.9 | 01 | F | |||||||
Cardiovascular Report [Final] | ||||||||||||
Interpretation | Note | 04 | F | |||||||||
Notes | Supplemental report is availabl | e. | ||||||||||
PDF Image | . | 04 | F | |||||||||
Tests Performed at Labs / Sites | ||||||||||||
01 LabCorp Dublin 6370 Wilcox Road Dublin, OH 430161269 - Ricchiuti Vincent, PhD - 8002827300 | ||||||||||||
02 LabCorp Burlington 1447 York Court Burlington, NC 272153361 - Nagendra Sanjai, MD - 8007624344 | ||||||||||||
03 Litholink Corporation 150 Spring Lake Dr Ste A Itasca, IL 601432091 - Asplin R John, MD - 3122430600 | ||||||||||||
04 Litholink Corporation 150 Spring Lake Dr Ste A Itasca, IL 601432091 - Asplin R John, MD - 3122430600 | ||||||||||||