crashed e2


So I started on 250mg 1x week injection and only needed 1/10th an adex tablet a week.Last 2 months I dropped my dose to get into a better trt range of 900 and switched to injecting 2x week subq 50mg each time and cut out the ai as I figured more lower doses I prob didn't need it. I also added in hcg 2x week at 250IU, 4 weeks of this protocol I got my estrogen tested and it was 63 with 62 being the upper end of the normal scale. Next 2 weeks i took 1/6th adex tablet and measured again and it was 64.

I decided to then take 0.5mg adex and after 4 days felt great but thought my e2 was still a bit high so took another 0.5mg. End of the week I got e2 tested and it was <5 so I basically crashed it, I can tell when I start to get vertigo whenever I bend over and lay down lol. How long will it take to come back seeing it was only crashed for a short period would 1 week of no ai bring it back?
It's going to take longer than that.
I'd say skip the AI for at least 4 weeks then draw labs again.
This is the problem with dosing week by week, and going strictly by what you feel.
What protocol does your doc actually have you on?
What symptoms of high E2 were you having? It looks like to me if your test result for E2 was 63 on a top range of 62, then you have the wrong estradiol test. The range is a dead giveaway. Looks like your test was the Roche ECLIA methodology which is for women. Men, need the Estradiol Sensitive LC/MS/MS assay. The Roche ELCIA estimates estradiol much higher than the Sensitive test. It is very likely that your Estradiol Sensitive is much lower than 63.

For example, my non-sensitive Estradiol result was 91.0 but my Estradiol Sensitive test was 35.3. A huge difference. I take no AI at all but had I gone off the non-sensitive test I would surely be on an AI and I don't need it.

So, you need the proper Estradiol test which I indicated above. I would not take any AI unless you have severe symptoms. It will take the AI about 10 days to get completely out of your system from the day you last took it.
So I started on 250mg 1x week injection and only needed 1/10th an adex tablet a week.Last 2 months I dropped my dose to get into a better trt range of 900 and switched to injecting 2x week subq 50mg each time and cut out the ai as I figured more lower doses I prob didn't need it. I also added in hcg 2x week at 250IU, 4 weeks of this protocol I got my estrogen tested and it was 63 with 62 being the upper end of the normal scale. Next 2 weeks i took 1/6th adex tablet and measured again and it was 64.

I decided to then take 0.5mg adex and after 4 days felt great but thought my e2 was still a bit high so took another 0.5mg. End of the week I got e2 tested and it was <5 so I basically crashed it, I can tell when I start to get vertigo whenever I bend over and lay down lol. How long will it take to come back seeing it was only crashed for a short period would 1 week of no ai bring it back?
Youre never going to have any kind of success doing things like this. Using the wrong E test. Trying to dose an AI by saying it's a 1/6th of a tablet...wonder why you're crashed out...
Guys I do not live in america and not flying to america just to take the sensitive test. I see no problem with the regular E2 test over here, my friends use the same and when the test says high we have high e2 symptoms and when the test says low we have low e2 symptoms so it seems pretty spot on.

Vince some of us only require micro doses so we dissolve in vodka and only take 1/6th or 1/10th of a 1mg tablet and this works extremely well, I have no idea why you think it wont work!

I will wait 2 weeks and retest again but my e2 seems to climb pretty fast on HCG without HCG I would not need an Ai at all. on 250mg test a week with no HCG I barely needed any AI but feel way better with the HCG.

I figured seeing I only briefly crashed it should come back pretty quick but was not sure how long Adex lasted in the body, I thought the half life was only 48 hours but someone above said 10 days, is this correct?
We know that's the wrong test for males, that is a fact, typically overestimates levels in men but hey whatever, you do you and good luck with it, and microdosing an AI that you can't express in a real dose, i.e., so well for you and your friends but yet here are...<rhetorical>
I thought Testosterone was meant to increase happiness and well being, You sure your actually taking proper Testosterone Vince as you seem like a cynical old B***** :D:D:D. Yes since adding in HCG I have had to dial in my protocol again but thanks for the help oh wait you haven't actually helped at all!

Thanks nelson yeah I have read many threads about people crashing E2 before but most had been taking adex does for 4-6 weeks, I have not seen any threads of people who dropped it down for just a few days. Hopefully It will start to come back pretty soon, dialing in E2 on hcg seems much harder then when it was just test.
cheers Joe yeah my last reading was 3 days after my dose of adex, good to know yours came back pretty quickly I can feel mine starting to recover but not back to optimal levels yet.
so it has been 2 weeks and I got my e2 tested again and I am at just over the top again
43.72pg/ml (7.6-42.6) with SHBG 21.40 injecting 50mg 2x week and doing 250IU HCG 2x week. It seems the hcg is really increasing my E2 fast....

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