Crashed E2 for months


New Member
Hey guys, been feeling crappy for a long time and really running out of ideas here, read every forum on the planet but found no help.

I’m 28yo, 210lbs, 14%bf been on and off AAS/TRT for 3 years.

So I was running A new brand of test that I was told was good and unfortunately didn’t question. About 300mg of test C (was toying with dose when feeling shitty). Split into E3D shots. I started taking a quarter adex EOD, then after a month of feeling a little shitty bumped it up .5 Adex

Was constantly going on and off the adex over the course of a few months trying to figure out why I would get hit with lethargy/cloudy headedness a week at a time. Seemed to be no correlation with adex but was still mixing things up. Would feel good for a week, then crappy for 2, so drop the adex for a week or 2, still feel crappy, start the adex again and feel better right away. The way I see it now, it took being off adex for a week or 2 for my body to start coming back to feeling good, then when I started taking it again I would start feeling better FROM BEING OFF IT for so long, then as I’m on it for another week start feeling crappy. If that makes sense...

So I screwed around with this for 3 month before finally I stopped feeling good completely.

Got an estrogen test In the middle of the 2nd month- E2 non sensitive (didn’t know about sensitive yet) it said I was at 25.

Then after feeling shitty non-stop for a month (and stopping adex for 2 weeks) I went to my doctor and got a full blood panel. E2 was <7. Thyroid was 4.78, was at pre-diabetes, RBC little high but normal. Prolactin a little high but normal, at 15. Cholesterol 201. LDL 140. HDL 45. Everything else was perfect. Then 2 weeks later retested and all the above fell back into normal.

So I had bunk test and thought my levels were high so I was cranking Adex without getting labs cuz I trusted my test was good and was a cheap ass to run labs.

Tried HCG, diff doses/esters of test etc. and just about everything else, nothing helped a bit....

One thing I notice is after I eat, lethargy hits me harder, no matter what I eat, but more carbs the worse. I’ve tried cutting certain foods for a month at a time gluten, lactose, chicken, eggs, etc.

My Last resort is trying HGH to see if I can kick something back on (could be bullshit but willing to try anything )

Been stalking forums for months and spend hours a day doing research but I’ve found nothing. Hoping somebody here may have some experience I can learn from.

How long ago was your test where everything was back to normal?

Symptoms from estrogen crashes can still linger for a month or two even after things come back into range afaik.
It’s been a little over 2 months since my bloods all came back normal. I just finished HCG and was going to go off TRT if I felt better from PCT. If the HGH doesn’t work I will definitely consider stopping everything, the only thing stopping me now is the thought that I already feel like crap, I can’t imagine how I will feel with zero test on top of it. I’m currently taking 1 shot of 150mg of Test-c a week.
We know that crashed E can take a good time to recover something like weeks and months, price you pay for messing with AAS and not getting proper testing. You'll have to just ride this out.
It sounds like you AI dosage is too high, you're clearly sailing through your sweat spot after being on the AI for a week. The only way to lower the AI is to get it compounded into a lower dosage. Cutting Adex into smaller pieces than 1/4 is next to impossible.

You could always lower test dosage and maybe not even need the AI.
Well i struggled with cutting my AI pills, bought a pill cutter, used steady surgeon hands but no luck after 1/4 the pills just became irregular sizes.

So what i did was i use a laminated paper (all plastic). Then i take the pill and crush it into powder.

I then use a credit card or whatever(i dont use my creidt card but another card i dont care about lol) and arrange the powder. I bought empty gelatin capsules and i just put the powder in them and that way i get whatever dose of arimidex i want in capsule form.

It was the best way i could think of apart from disolving it into liquid, wich i rather not do since i'm not sure if i would get equal dosing that way, like if it's dissolved even everywhere in the liquid.

Only downside to this method is that you feel like a drug dealer haha
Burritos how long have you kept a steady protocol where you didn't change anything?

What dose of test and arimidex did you run at this period and did you pull labs during this period?

Also have you checked your shbg before/after crash?
Burritos how long have you kept a steady protocol where you didn't change anything?

What dose of test and arimidex did you run at this period and did you pull labs during this period?

Also have you checked your shbg before/after crash?

It’s been 2 months I haven’t changed anything besides slightly my dose of test and went from 2 shots split up to once a week. Been on about 100 to 200mg of test-c with nothing else for a month (month ago I was on HCG). E2 (sensitive) was in the mid 20s and I have not run a test lab (back on a trusted brand) Also a week ago I tried rubbing a little estrogen cream on for a couple days, but all that did was destroy libido immediately.

Did not check shgb but will do that ASAP!
It’s been 2 months I haven’t changed anything besides slightly my dose of test and went from 2 shots split up to once a week. Been on about 100 to 200mg of test-c with nothing else for a month (month ago I was on HCG). E2 (sensitive) was in the mid 20s and I have not run a test lab (back on a trusted brand) Also a week ago I tried rubbing a little estrogen cream on for a couple days, but all that did was destroy libido immediately.

Did not check shgb but will do that ASAP!

I'm pretty sure u'll be fine, just need to find out what's causing this.

I remember when i crashed my estrogen the first time, i thought i had permanent damage in my brain and i finally came off everything after struggling for months.

6 months later i started again and everything was back to normal.

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