Considering Westward Test E


Well-Known Member
I'm considering Westward Test Enanthate as I want to try Test in sesame oil again, and this seems to be the only option at Empower Pharmacy to do so. I don't like big pharma to begin with, but would like to hear any experiences perhaps with Westward Test E vs compounded, if there are any
I've tried most of the carrier oils (GSO, sesame, and several others), and have used Westward test, although it was cypionate vs. enanthate. I never felt any difference except maybe the viscosity. For many, the carrier oil makes no noticeable difference. However, I've read that many men have sensitivities to certain oils, or anecdotally feel differently depending on the type of oil used.
I'm considering Westward Test Enanthate as I want to try Test in sesame oil again, and this seems to be the only option at Empower Pharmacy to do so. I don't like big pharma to begin with, but would like to hear any experiences perhaps with Westward Test E vs compounded, if there are any
I’ve always felt better with Westward testosterone over compounded. I am currently on westward test e and like it.
I've tried most of the carrier oils (GSO, sesame, and several others), and have used Westward test, although it was cypionate vs. enanthate. I never felt any difference except maybe the viscosity. For many, the carrier oil makes no noticeable difference. However, I've read that many men have sensitivities to certain oils, or anecdotally feel differently depending on the type of oil used.
I know on paper a different carrier oil should not make any difference in the treatment beside skin reactions, although I see many people reporting less bloating/water ret or just feeling better with a type of oil vs another. Some people even report less anxiety. At the beginning of my treatment, I was with Hallandale Pharmacy, sesame oil compounded test, felt great and no water retention at all. Once I switched with Defy years ago, I started to develop water ret from testosterone, I just realized now that I switched at the same time to APS and Empower Pharmacy, Grapeseed oil. Curios to see what happens on sesame
Oil again
Christians, Pastors, Priests, Bishops, Church People, doctors, scientists. Ambassadors, and Public: All of your congregations Elder People Need, and Will Need, Benzene Free Testosterone Enanthate, some Time, in their Lives, as the aging Processes over Age 40, leaves many of The People in your Congregations with low Testosterone Symptoms including ED, and in poor Prostate Health. The Humans Need Balanced Sex Hormones in their Bodies, to be at their Best Health, Spiritually, Mentally, and Physically. My Efforts in Communicating with you Churches so far, has Been a Waste of My Time, your Time, your Congregation’s Time, since you Church Leaders are Not Passing on my information on, to your Congregations, and Since, Seniors can Not Benefit from my communication with you. I have discovered that Citric Acid and Ascorbic acid reacts with the Benzene that is in The Testosterone Cypionate, and other Benzene containing Testosterone Compounds Through Experience. Everybody under a doctor’s care, using the Testosterone Cypionate or any of the other Benzene compounds, contained in injectables, should be WARNED to stay away from Citric and Ascorbic Acids. As I found out this morning with an addition of Grapefruit Seed Extract to my drinking water, that my body Reacted quickly, in throwing down my Energy levels, and poisoning me. Citric acid and Ascorbic Acid React in the blood with the Benzene containing Testosterone compounds. Benzene containing Testosterone Compounds should Not be Used by Humans. (I stopped using Statins 8 month ago, since my Diet mostly composes of Spirulina, for Pain. The Spirulina does Not allow the body to absorb Cholesterol. The Spirulina contains a strong anti-inflammatory Protein. The Pain in the calves of my legs, due to muscles not getting enough blood, due to High Cholesterol, has subsided. The Spirulina causes the body Not to Absorb Cholesterol. (Long Term low Testosterone levels, causes High Cholesterol, and Diabetes.))

This is The Only Chance for our Future, to Rid Testosterone Compounds of the Benzene compounds, that limits The People, from getting any Help from Testosterone Compounds with Treating Symptoms, and Raising Sperm Counts, also protecting their prostates. The Time to Act is Now. The Endocrinologists at UCSD Need your Feedback in Why they Should Prescribe me the 20mL of Testosterone Enanthate, that I should pick up once a month at the Pharmacy, For one (1) year. They would Need to Reach out to me, due to the System’s Abuse towards me. I want ALL of my Medical Records and doctor’s Notes from California and Texas on Public Display. I have worked very Hard, to compile the information contained in This Document for The People’s and my Benefit. The People in America, have been praying for an Escape from their low Testosterone Symptoms, Since, 1979, without getting their prayers answered. The Deceived do Not Know that they are being Deceived. I Know the Reasons for my ongoing Low Testosterone bone loss pain, and the oncoming of the Arthritis that I am getting in my hands and fingers. The Toxic Sex Hormone Scam is, and has, fooled many People and doctors through the Years. Doctors getting in the Way of Me getting Enough Testosterone Enanthate, is The Only Issue, Here. But, Now; as We Can All See: The Children, and Infants are Involved, Too, in The Toxic Sex Hormone Scam. Why Has God Jesus Forsaken US for so Many Years? Is Not Ignorance or Criminal Activity the Reason Why? All doctors should Know, that Boys and Men Missing Testicles, Need to supplement their bodies with Benzene Free Testosterone Enanthate or/and Testosterone Propionate, long term, until they Die.

As we see that the Medical School’s Standards drop with the Medical Student’s Grades, so the Medical Students can pass Classes, so the Medical Schools can continue to make Money: Seeing that these doctors we deal with in Today’s World, including the Endocrinologists at UCSD are Not as Smart as they used to be, and Should be, since Medical Schools Standards of Education have Dropped through the Years, due to dropping standards. The Endocrinologists in UCSD should be thrilled in doing Testosterone Research WITH me, Since my Research is more advanced than what they Know, about their Toxic Sex Hormone Scam, and Testosterone. Also, me being a minority, since I am Missing Both Testicles. A Teaching Hospital can Not Learn? The proof of the Toxic Hormone Scam, is contained in This Document. Because, The Proof is Within me, and other People. Doctors that have Never Shot Benzene Free Testosterone Enanthate, and have No Idea of what Testosterone IS, should give me the Benefit of Studying This Document, because what doctors learn in Medical schools, with the Online information about Testosterone, is Totally Flawed.

Checking my Benzene levels, also proves doctors Wrong, because the Benzene levels in my Blood, are Higher than they should be, due to the Benzene I must Shoot with Enough Testosterone Enanthate, to give my body Any Testosterone, and Any relief from the bone pain. Otherwise, the Bone loss and Pain will Kill me. As, I am slowly being Crippled, along with being Poisoned.

US and World Churches: The Latest!

- New Wound Treatment Info, Too! My phone # has been changed to [removed by moderator].

Subject: Doctors, Specialists, with The US Government, and Health Insurance companies, Have Polluted The Fountain of Youth, with a Scam. Seems to be 2 Fountain of Youth compounds, in our History: The Testosterone Propionate In 1936 which has a Half Life of 20 Hours, injected every day or two, (without the Benzene compounds). And then, in Time, The Testosterone Enanthate in 1954 became Available, which has a Half Life of 4.5 Days, which is injected every 4 Days, (without the Benzene compounds), was Coined, “The King of Testosterone.” Why would Mankind Pollute The Fountains of Youth, in This Day and Time? Why is Benzene Free Testosterone Enanthate Not available to anybody over age of 40, without limits, at Pharmacies? Since doctors turned TRT into a Scam?

If Job would have Failed God Jesus, would This Not have made Job a Sinner? Mankind Made themselves Stupid with Mankind’s Scams. Or God Jesus, made Man Stupid? So, Few People would be Saved. Salvation was already pre-planned for most People, ahead of Time. Since Scripture shows US that Few People will be Saved. Who is it that should Counsel God Jesus?

God Jesus and The Devil Played a Game with Job. Even through Physicians. Job 13:4 KJV. We must all be caught up in the Same Game Job was in, Because Still Today doctors are of No value to patients, as People Age. Once The People are Sick due to low Testosterone Symptoms and Diseases, The People will always be Sick. The Needless Bone Pain Suffering has Not made me a Better Man. Pain Kills the Heart. My plans may Fail, But God Jesus’s Plans Never will Fail. Few will be Saved.

Yes, there will be many doctors in Hell, to see after The Peoples Souls. To Sooth the Pain, that the Eternal Fires Consume. I only Observe, because This is all I can Do. My Sins have Nothing to Do with my low Testosterone Bone loss Pain Illness, I am suffering. As in Job’s case, his sin’s having nothing to Do with his Situation, as Job’s friends accused him of. However, The Government’s and doctor’s Sins have left me with This Bone Loss Pain, and other pain, ED and other low Testosterone Symptoms in my Brain, and Body. As in Job’s case Too, doctors could Not Help him Either, due to their own Devices. The Benzene Free Testosterone Enanthate, has Taken me Completely out of Bone Pain, when I could Keep my T-levels Up for an Extended Time.

Job is the Bible Character that suffered the Most in The Bible. Even, Job’s Wife commented: Curse God and Die, because she was angry with God Jesus, for what He did to her Husband, thinking that her Husband would be Better Off Dead, to end Job’s Suffering, which disrupted both of their lives. Job Suffered from Mental and Physical Pain, by the Trials God Jesus put Job through.

Doctors have No Idea of The Suffering of low Testosterone Depression, I suffered through for many Years, since I lost my First Testicle and then 5 years later, losing the other Testicle to Cancer, and the Chronic constant Needless Bone Loss Pain that they have already put me through, due to their System of Prescribing me Testosterone for many years, and in the last 7 Years: The Bone Pain. Holding Still, while these Monsters Destroy my Bones. I know what works, and I Need prescribed 20 mL each month of Testosterone Enanthate at the least, per month, for maintaining my body and Brain, with enough Testosterone. (I hope?). This is only 1000mg of Testosterone each Week.

Did God Jesus or The Devil make mankind Stupid? Salvation was Already Pre-planned. I guess, in Job’s Case, God Jesus wanted to prove something to the Devil and all the inhabitants of Heaven and US by Testing Job. But, God Jesus Already Knew that Job would not Fail Him, in The Trust that Job had in God Jesus. God Jesus Never promised me that the devil will Not Kill me, over Needless Pain, as God Jesus Restricted the Devil, in what he could do to Job. And, we can See that Low Testosterone conditions has been Killing people for a long Time in Recent History, without the People even Knowing it. Are Not Testing The People Dealing with The temptations of Sin, Verses, Good Health, Since Good Health means more Sex Drive? As, I am Disabled over Pain, as Job was, I sin Less, because I can’t do anything and have No pleasure in it in my life, due to the Needless Bone loss Pain taking over my life, as well as any pleasure I could have in my Life. I am better off Dead.

Temptations of Sex Sins, Verses, Good Health with The use of The Testosterone Enanthate? It’s Not a perfect World. With Good Health does come more Temptations and Sin. Yielding Not to The Temptations is the Real Test. As America has Failed in This. A person that is in Great Pain is Helpless, as Job was during his Pain. Job’s Pain Kept Job away from Sin, when God Jesus Tested Job. Because Job could Not do Anything or Sin, Being a Captive of Pain. With more Sex Drive in People, comes more Temptation for Sinful Sex. God Jesus did Restore Job’s Health to a Better Condition, than what Job was in, before Job’s Test By God Jesus. Job 42 KJV. Is this Not, what gives me Hope?

Since, Job did Not Fail God, This made Job, Less of a Sinner? I would think So. The KJV Bible Teaches US, that Few Will Be Saved, in where Most People will be going to Hell. Where is The Way to The Tree of Life? The Deceived do Not Know that they are Being Deceived, Witch is a Great Sin. Wide is the Gate, and Broad is The Way that Leadeth to Destruction.

Finally, I Proved doctors Wrong:

Teach your Male Children to Not Masturbate. That to think on other things besides Sex. The Scientists that claim that Masturbating is Healthy, is part of the Misinformation the Government Pushes behind Their Low Testosterone Genocide. The Boy’s Penis grows the most during ages 12- 16. The Boys should Refrain from Ejaculation, during these Puberty years, so that their Penis Growth and Size in Not Decreased. When males Ejaculate, they Rob their Testosterone and Sperm Cell Reserves. Possibly Causing males lower T-levels in their bodies later in life Too. Online shows that refraining from Ejaculation increases T Levels. The Boys Need High T- levels for their school Studies, and Penis Growth. Me being a male without Testicles, and having to use Testosterone Enanthate, I notice that after Ejaculation, that my Testosterone depots get used up Noticeably faster, also leaving me in more Bone Pain, which takes me over 2 weeks to recover from. The Scientist are Wrong about Masturbating often, being Good for Health. The old saying: That Masturbating will cause a Man to go Blind is very True. The Use of The Testosterone Enanthate has improved my vision. See online article on: Male Gold Fish on Testosterone.

Most Elderly Men aged 40 and over, suffer from Low Testosterone, with Low Testosterone Symptoms, that limit the Happiness in Their lives. Antidepressants do Treat depression and give people Energy, but Antidepressants can Not treat the Other Low Testosterone Symptoms. The Old Men think that their low Testosterone symptoms are only old Age. The Elder Men Starting Treatment, would possibly give them a better life, than they had when they were younger. The Testosterone Enanthate, will Keep the Men Healthy, Alert, and more aware of their environment, as well as being more Self Aware. Improving the Sensitivity of Their 5 Senses with Improved Eyesight, with Faster Healing. Moments of Enchantment, (Not Déjà vu). Driving is also improved with Faster Respond Times, and more forethought in actions taken. The Brain being more Active, with improved thought processes. Since, The Cell Processes do Not Function properly under low Testosterone Conditions in the body and Brain. Testosterone Enanthate can Repair The Men’s DNA cell damage that was caused from their long Term low Testosterone conditions in their bodies. Men with heart conditions and strokes would need to be super Cautious, to avoiding the heart stress that Testosterone Enanthate induces at Higher T levels. I am a 61-year aged Man, I use Statins. I will Need to be injecting Testosterone Enanthate for the Rest of my Natural life, to maintain my body. Since, I am a Male without Any Testicles. No matter what doctors tell me. Once Men Need Testosterone, they will always Need it, until their Life Ends. I Encourage you Men to Experience the Benefits, of even Music moving them, as it has Never done Before, through The Use of The Testosterone Enanthate. Low Testosterone Thinking is Not Good for The People’s Bodies, Minds, and Their Spiritual Wellbeing. Most of the Elder Men Need Testosterone Enanthate. Vocal musicians should Not use Testosterone, since Testosterone can lower the Pitch of People’s voices.

God Jesus gave Mankind the Testosterone Propionate in 1936, in Time for Hot water plumbing to be installed in People’s Homes, which did put a large increase on the Life Expectancy of Mankind. Most of our Doubled life Expectancy compared to less than 200 years ago, is due to Hot Water Plumbing. (Showering or Bathing at Night, is a better choice than Sleeping in the Day’s Dirt. Keep those sheets Clean! In 1940, almost half of the homes in America had hot water plumbing.) In 1954 The Testosterone Enanthate was approved for Medical Use, giving Mankind The Best Compound of Testosterone to Use. Testosterone compounds were sold openly by vendors and gyms, before 1990. And doctors prescribed The Testosterone Propionate or The Testosterone Enanthate without T- level Testing to limit dosages, before the arrival of the Testosterone Cypionate in 1979.

The Sperm Cell is the Smallest Cell in The Human Body. The Ovum is The Largest Cell in The Human Body. The Male loses genetic material every Time Ejaculations occur. The Women Only Loses One Egg each Month of their Genetic Material, no matter how many orgasms she has. The Toxic Hormone Scam has been Destroying The People’s lives for at least 33 years. This Abuse by the US Government and doctors Needs to Stop Now. There is No Help through doctors and The Medical System in This Country for Treating Low Testosterone Symptoms. I have a Relative Too, that is missing one Testicle, and he Too, was abused by doctors prescribing him the Testosterone Cypionate, with the enslavement issues of blood T- level Testing, to the point that he will Not do Any Injections. He has Never Experienced his Symptoms being Treated with The Testosterone Enanthate injected at the appropriate Times and Doses. So, he Too will Die, Not Knowing what Joy and Happiness is, away from being enslaved by his low Testosterone Symptoms.

ONLY BY INJECTION, IS TESTOSTERONE AVAILABLE TO HUMANS. The Testosterone powder, pills, patches, creams, and other Testosterone Precursors do Not contain Testosterone, and the Man-Made Precursors change Testosterone to Estrogen, in the Male Body, and are Cancer Causing. When Testosterone Enanthate is used, the Bone Marrow supplies the Natural Precursor cells Needed to assimilate Testosterone in The Body.

America is in a Low Testosterone Crisis, is what the Online Explains. Any Man or Woman that are suffering from ED symptoms under a doctor’s care Still, are Not getting any proper Help with Treating ED symptoms, from Anywhere, Or, ever Will.

The US Government is behind a Silent Genocide operation that they have organized in 1990, When Steroids were banned for sale without a prescription from doctors in The US. Since before then, The US Government and doctors have been Sexually Abusing Patients through Patient’s ED Symptoms, Other low Testosterone Symptoms, Disease, stemming from Low Testosterone, and low Sperm Counts, due to low Testosterone levels in their bodies, and Not getting Proper Treatment. I have discovered that the doctors are Telling the patients that their ED symptoms are due to Prostate Issues, which is Not True. All the Men Need, is Enough Testosterone Enanthate to Treat their ED Symptoms, and doctors are Not Prescribing it.

Low Testosterone levels in Humans causes Low Sperm Counts, also damaging Sperm Cells, causing Poor Egg Quality which causes Birth Defects, and No Babies. The Reproductive System in Humans Need to Work Properly, to avoid Disease to Human Reproductive System, Brain, Body, And Offspring. By doctors doing Nothing, The Men later suffer low Testosterone Prostate Cancer, in where doctors are Removing the Cancerous Prostates, taking the Testicles Too. Doctors would tell me my ED is caused by my Missing Testicles. But I Treat my ED with Enough Testosterone Enanthate on my own, when I can find something worth shooting. Since, No doctor will Help me. (Testosterone Enanthate does Treat my ED.)

I Know that my Prostate Cells Need to be Nourished with Enough Testosterone, to give me more Fluid and Pleasure in my Ejaculations. Me having Dry Ejaculations under a doctor’s Care is Sexual Abuse: The Woman doctor I told it To, did Not Care. When my T-levels are down, everything between my legs is Weaker. Men with Prostates should Never Have Dry Ejaculations, or ED. The Prostate is Nourished by Testosterone through the endocrine system in the blood, providing Testosterone to The Prostate, to make its fluid. Without Enough Testosterone in The Body and Blood, the Prostate can Not make its Fluid, as what happens in me, when my Blood and Body T- levels are low.

If and When doctors prescribe Testosterone, The Only Testosterone doctors Prescribe is the Toxic Hormone compound Testosterone Cypionate, that makes Cancer Spread. So, in doctor’s thinking is, that All Testosterone Compounds are Toxic to Humans, and Spread Cancer, which is Not True. The Men are plagued with low Testosterone Symptoms, after Prostate and Testicle removal Surgeries, and do Not last long, until they Die. The Online information shows that Men live Normal lives after their Testicles and Prostate glands are Removed without losing life expectancy. I Know from Experience, that the Men without Testicles do Not live a quality life, without using Enough Testosterone Enanthate. The low Testosterone Symptoms Plague the Men, after the Men’s Testicles are Removed. How the Body would live longer without Normal Cell processes happening inside of it, due to low Testosterone, is difficult for me to believe. Low Testosterone levels in people is Not Conducive to Good Health. The Men also suffer from Urinary issues after their Prostates are Removed. The doctors call this a normal life? Prostate Cancer, could possibly be Treated by Mega Dosing Preservative Free Testosterone Enanthate? I do Know that the way doctors have treated me, the Men Missing their Testicles and Prostates are being Abused Too, before and after their Testicles and Prostates Need to be Removed, because of low Testosterone conditions in their bodies. High Testosterone levels in the Body Reduce the Risks of Prostate Cancer. There is more Evidence showing that doctors are doing more harm through low T- levels to the Prostates in patients, than what the doctors should be Doing. Why are surgeons Removing 90,000 Prostate Glands a year, out of Men, in America?

The Testosterone Enanthate Dosages should be Adjusted to Maximum Obtainable Sperm Counts, and Maximum Horniness in People, which Takes All of The Abuse out of Using Testosterone. Low Sperm Counts, indicate that a Man Needs Testosterone Enanthate.

ALL of The People that Use Testosterone Enanthate and Testosterone Propionate, Must use an indoor/ outdoor wireless Thermometer to monitor their vial Temperatures, along with special care, to Not Temperature Damage the Compounds. The Testosterone Enanthate should be kept within 68 degrees F.- 77 degrees F Temperatures, without much fluctuations in Temperature. Otherwise, there is No Help. The compound will Not have any Potency to it. Only Wasting the Patient’s Time. (A picnic cooler, with 4 gallon jugs of water, can contain vials, to protect vials from Temperature fluctuations, and damage to the compound.) The Injectable Testosterone Enanthate is very Easily Light and Temperature Damaged. In Cold Weather, depots can Crystallize, inside of the person, also the Crystallizing in the veins that are in the back of hands, which are Exposed to Cold Temperatures below 69 Degrees Fahrenheit, which is very painful, and Destroys the Testosterone that is inside the person. So, keep those depots and hands warm in the Wintertime. I use Hot Hands hand warmers in the Winter. Doctors and Pharmacists do Not Assist Patients in the Area of Temperature Control of Vials, which is Priority when Using Injectable sex hormone compounds. Once Patients have ED, they will always have it, because doctors are Not prescribing Enough Testosterone Enanthate to Treat ED Symptoms, and what the doctors do Prescribe, is Too Temperature Damaged and is a Poisoned compound, that can Not Help Anybody. Since the Benzene compounds lower sperm counts.

What doctors prescribe in Testosterone, is the Toxic Testosterone Cypionate which limits what a person can inject, due to the Toxins in the compound, which can Not Treat ED symptoms in Any Male or Female Patients, Properly. Poison is Traded for Testosterone. The patient that injects 1 mL each week of Testosterone Cypionate will get 125 MG of Testosterone in 7 or 8 Days, (The Rated 200mg/mL Testosterone Cypionate only contains 125 MG of Actual Testosterone per ML.) The Patient that injects 1 mL Testosterone Enanthate every 4 days, as when properly Used: gets about 360 MG of Actual Testosterone inside of 8 Days. (The 250mg/mL Testosterone Enanthate contains 180 MG/mL of Actual Testosterone.)

The Testosterone Enanthate has always been Prescribed to inject every 4 days in the Past before The Toxic Sex Hormone scam was Created with the blood T-level Testing. The Testosterone Enanthate was always prescribed and available in 5 mL vials in Time’s Past, which was injected every 4 Days, so the 28 Day Use Up Rule on 5 mL vials of Testosterone Enanthate, would Not be Violated. But, In This Day and Age, doctors and the Medical Community have been, and are Violating me, by Violating The 28 Day use up Rule, when the 5 mL vials of Testosterone Enanthate were prescribed to me, for a 5 Week Supply; at 1 mL injected once per Week. Now doctors are violating me in Many ways by locking me out of them prescribing me ANY Testosterone Enanthate, because my Blood T-levels are Too High to satisfy doctor’s Toxic Sex Hormone Scam Standards. Medi-cal Doctors, Now are Denying me medical Treatment, All Together.

All the Patients that have their Reproductive Systems intact, Only Need Testosterone Enanthate for Treating their ED symptoms with, That is all, they Need. Beside a Zinc Supplement, a Natural DHT Blocker, and Natural Estrogen Blockers for the Men.

The Brain Link to The Human Reproductive System Needs to be Re-established through the Use of The Testosterone Enanthate. The People should only Need to think about sex for an Erection to Happen to them. The People should have Erections, when Not even thinking about it, 2- 3 Times a Day. Morning Wood, Every Morning is The Target when Using Testosterone Enanthate.

No doctor will help me because my blood T levels are Too High, locking me out of their system of doctors prescribing me ANY Testosterone Enanthate. Doctors only want to drag my Blood T-levels down, Witch they done, leaving me in Severe Unbearable Suicidal Bone Loss Pain. The Low Testosterone Levels that doctors keep patients at, which is around 400 ng/dL Total Testosterone Levels, can Not Treat low Testosterone ED and low Testosterone symptoms. Minimum T- Levels for Men is 300 ng/dL Total Testosterone. Doctors know that the Testosterone Cypionate is very Toxic, so doctors keep patient’s T-levels as low as they can. Low Testosterone levels in the Blood Can Not Treat Low Testosterone Symptoms in the Body and Brain, through The Blood.

I remember when before my low Testosterone Bone loss Pain started, I had 3 Periods of disabling weakness come out of Nowhere, completely disabling me for 45 minutes. Where all I could do, is lay there. 2 Weeks later, the Extreme bone pain started. I found that the bone pain was moving around between my fingers, hands, and fore arms, how strange? I thought to myself. The bone pain was unbearable, so I went and seen a Medi-cal provider that Never did anything for me in 8 Months, even after she seen my 8.5 ng/dL Total Testosterone levels on my Lab Reports, She Never did Prescribed me a Testosterone Compound. And, I went to her for Testosterone, but she took my medical care away from Testosterone. I should have gotten away from her, after realizing she would Not Help me with Pain after the 1st of 6 Encounters, but I was totally out of it at that Time. My low Testosterone Symptoms and pain, keeping me in a fog. When she finally ordered the T-level labs that I demanded she ordered. When the lab Reports came back, she Blamed me for my low Testosterone levels, throwing the lab Results down on the table, Telling me I have Zero Testosterone. Her escorting me out of the Clinic. I did Not Know what Testosterone Was about at that Time. Since I Never had Used the Testosterone Enanthate. And, the Horror Story with doctors, had just begun. A Few Times, I went to the ER for pain, as a Medi-cal patient, they did Not Help me. The last Time at the ER, the doctor Prescribed me 1#- 5mg Norco tablet, which I was supposed to take, on the way out of The Hospital to my car. I went back and argued with the doctor for 2#- 5mg Norco Tablets, for to go home with, which he Refused me. I told the doctor that he was Crazy. (The scans the ER doctor took, due to Needed Major past surgeries, showed that I had Pain. Often Times, meals do Not Agree with me, along with vomiting, and Pain in my Damaged GI Tract.) I asked the Nurse on the way out, if I could take the 1 Norco Tablet home. She told me, that I would have to take the 1 tablet in front of her, before I left the hospital and got into my car, or she would throw the medication away. I Refused the medication, as I told her and the doctor, that 1#- 5 mg Norco would Not Reach my Pain Threshold, and the 1 Tablet was worthless to me. I had to leave the hospital without any Help for Pain. One ER doctor prescribed me a Worse than Opiate Medication, at another Time, that I could Not drive with for 8 hours. I did not use the Medication, since I have had Bad Reactions with Non-Opioid Pain Relievers, in the Past. Doctors do Not Help me with Pain. Pain Stresses the Body Physically, Mentally, Electrically, and Chemically. Pain also shortens The People’s Life Expectancy. The Government and Insurance companies do Not want to pay for Opiate and Opioid medications, so Now Taxpayers pay more for the pain management specialists to prescribe the opiates and opioids. The Medi-cal System does Not have any Emergency Pain Management Services. The New Opiate laws were passed by the Government, Against All Doctor’s Recommendations. I knew a Patient Advocate in Orange County, Ca. that was on the front line, when the New Opiate Laws were passed. He told me, about him Not being able to Protect Patient’s Rights, for Pain Management. All People that use pain relievers or Pain Blockers, for Chronic Pain are addicted to those medications, because Nobody likes being in Pain. The Addiction issues with Opiate Pain blockers is a Scam.

I have been shooting Testosterone Enanthate in only the last 4- 3/4 years. I had to move away from doctors for the last 4- 3/4 years, buying my own Testosterone Enanthate. Had I not moved away from doctors, 4-3/4 years ago, I would be Crippled Now, without the use of my fingers, hands, and arms. Or, I would be Dead, escaping the Suicidal Bone Pain.

At First, I was shooting the Testosterone Cypionate which did help my bone pain a little, as I injected more of the toxic compound, I was being poisoned, using the Testosterone Cypionate at 350 mg (1-3/4 mL) per Week, which side effects made driving hazardous, also the use of the compound in 5 months was turning my Elbows to mush, destroying them, making my elbows very tender. I did the online Research and Switched to Using The Testosterone Enanthate. I Now can easily inject 1500- 2000 mg of Testosterone Enanthate per Week, when the compound is Right. Doctors tell me that my bone Pain is Not Testosterone Related, and yet 10- 20 minutes, after I administer an injection, my bone pain is Dissolving. The Reason doctors are Not familiar with Low Testosterone bone loss pain, is because, doctors do Not Treat Low Testosterone Symptoms Properly, or at All. My low Testosterone Symptoms are still Full Blown. I hate being called a liar by doctors, about my Bone Pain Not being Testosterone Related. My Bone Pain is Totally Testosterone Related. I do The Shots. It is my body. I Know. Other People that have low Testosterone bone loss pain- osteoporosis and Rheumatoid Arthritis would Never Know the Reason why, or Know how To Treat the low Testosterone bone loss pain condition. Since, doctors defend their low Testosterone Toxic hormone Scam, and will Not Treat Patient’s Symptoms properly with Enough Benzene Free Testosterone Enanthate.

Testosterone Enanthate and Testosterone Cypionate are Not Similar compounds, to each other in Any Way. The Testosterone Enanthate is 3 Days, by 1 less Carbon Atom, Closer to Nature than the Testosterone Cypionate Is. There are more differences between the 2 compounds, compared with each other, than there are similarities. These are 2 Totally different compounds of Testosterone.

Doctors are very defensive about their blood T-level Testing. They will Lie and tell you anything to satisfy your curiosity. Do Not believe them. I Trusted doctors at first Too. Then, I did the Research and switched to using The Testosterone Enanthate. Since, low doses of the compound did not Treat my low Testosterone Osteoporosis, which turns into Rheumatoid Arthritis. I increased the doses to get Help. I will Never Trust Any doctor with Testosterone Again, they Hurt me bad, and they Knew they were Hurting me, and they are still Hurting me. With abandoning me, as always. The Government does Not want The People to Know that Help is in The Testosterone Enanthate. Which the government is trying to phase out the compound Altogether. Many Pharmacies can Not even order The Testosterone Enanthate. People, if you have low Testosterone ED, You will want to Treat your Low T symptoms as quickly as Possible. Administering The Testosterone Enanthate injections at least every 4 Days.

Men Require Both Testicles, for their bodies to maintain themselves in proper Testosterone levels and amounts. A Man having 2 Testicles does Not define that the Man has a spare Testicle. It takes both Testicles to Maintain the body and brain in what it Needs in Testosterone. The Toxic Hormone Scam with the blood T-level Testing, with doctors Prescribing the Testosterone Cypionate, does not consider or Accommodate Men with both Testicles Missing. My Body Needs more than Double the amount of Testosterone, compared to Men, Missing One Testicle. Because the one Testicle, the Men do have, produces Some Testosterone. But, I am left with Nothing. That is why my T-levels Crash. Leaving me in Unbearable Bone Loss Pain. The Testosterone Cypionate prescribed to Men is Supposed to replace over half the Testosterone, that Men Missing one Testicle Need, since the Men are Missing 1 Testicle, including Replacing the Testosterone the body Needs from what the Testicle that is working, in what it is lacking. Many of the Big Lumber Jack Men Need at least 2 mL (400mg- 500mL) Testosterone Enanthate to begin with. But, the Toxic Benzene hormone prescribing system, With the blood T-level Testing during Treatment, that doctors prescribe Testosterone With, will Not Allow any Patient to Shoot 2 mL or more of Testosterone Cypionate, because the compound is Too Toxic to prescribe in higher doses than 1 mL (Which actually is only 125 MG of Testosterone per Week), which also limits, what Patients can be prescribed in the non-toxic Testosterone Enanthate. Seeing here, that The Way doctors Prescribe Testosterone, as what doctors prescribe Men that are missing only one Testicle, that they can Not Help Large Men, and Men Missing Both Testicles, by their low Standards. The doctors, Medical Community, and Government has been Ripping me off on Half the Testosterone, that should be prescribed to me, according to the System doctors Use: doctors only prescribe me 200 mg a week, Instead of the doctors prescribing me 400 mg of Testosterone per Week, Which is Discrimination, by their American Standards. But, These low Standards of prescribing Testosterone Cypionate To The People, needing to use blood T-level Testing, during treatment, to limit dosages, so The Body is Not Destroyed from The 2 Benzene Compounds that the Testosterone Cypionate is made from, Never did Work properly, to begin with, in Treating Men’s or Women’s low Testosterone Symptoms. Which is Discrimination by doctors and The US Government Against All Men and Women that Need Enough Testosterone, through Using The Benzene Free Testosterone Enanthate.

Initial blood Testosterone Level Testing, before Testosterone treatment begins, Establishes low Testosterone Prognosis. My blood showed 8.5 ng/dL Total Testosterone Levels seven years ago, which shows that my body Only produces 8.5 Total Testosterone Levels. Most doctors have Never Seen such low Testosterone levels on Blood T-level Testing Results in Men. Yet, I am Treated as other Men Are, due to The Toxic Hormone Scam. The Lower the Initial Blood T-levels are below Natural Limits, the Higher THAN Natural Limits, the Testosterone Levels Need to be, for Treating low T-Symptoms, through the blood, in the body and brain. However, the Testosterone Cypionate is Too Toxic to Use in High doses. Even, These Minimum Natural T-levels of below 300ng/dL Total Testosterone for determining that a Patient is low Testosterone, is No Good, Either. A Man I Met Recently told me he was suffering from Low Testosterone Symptoms, and I could Know Too, by the Man’s slow reactions, weakness, looking beat down, with him living in a fog, with ED Issues; And, his Total Testosterone Levels were 695ng/dL Total Testosterone. The doctor would Not Prescribe him Testosterone, until his blood T-levels were below 300ng/dL Total Testosterone. Men showing even 800ng/dL- 900ng/dL Total Testosterone, may be experiencing low Testosterone Symptoms. The 68 year Aged Man told me that he is a Christian, so he was Not Sure if he had ED. Obviously, the Man Never Experiences “Morning Wood.” Holiness VS Horniness and Good Health?

I have discovered Recently, that The T-levels to Age Chart, doctors use to keep patients T-levels at, are Natural Limits, which shows how Natural T-levels progress through a Man’s life Naturally. Mostly All Men suffer Low Testosterone Symptoms and ED, after age 40. So, the Standards that doctors use, show that Men’s T- levels drop with age, as Low Testosterone Symptoms Worsen. When the T-levels should be Elevated. In other Words: doctors are Mimicking Untreated, Diseased T-levels standards in Patients. Because Naturally, with Age, All Men Suffer Low Testosterone Symptoms and ED, As their T levels drop passing age 40. Doctors can Not Identify mild or Acute low Testosterone Symptoms in Patients, because doctors only set their Dosage Standards to The Natural T levels to Age Chart, in patients, which includes the low T Symptoms. Initial T level Lab Reports before Treatment starts, means Nothing to doctors, in where they Set their Dosage and T Level Standards. All doctors Do, is Follow their T Levels to Age Chart. No matter how bad the Patient’s low Testosterone Symptoms Are. The Older, the Men get, the less Testosterone the Men get prescribed to them by doctors, Witch Can Not Be Correct. Online information shows that the Best T-levels for Men is 400ng/dL Total Testosterone, Which from my Experience, is a Lie.

Online information shows that how doctors prescribe TRT using the Testosterone Cypionate, Kills Sperm Counts. Sperm Cells are indicator Cells, that indicate disease, and the General Health in Men. The Testosterone Cypionate is prescribed by doctors to mostly all of the Patients, showing why doctor’s TRT causes lower sperm counts in patients. If The Testosterone Enanthate is prescribed by doctors to patients, the tiny amounts of Testosterone Enanthate, that doctors prescribe to patients, can Not Treat any Low Testosterone Symptoms, or Elevate sperm counts in Any Way. The Benzene compounds that the Testosterone Cypionate is made from, are so toxic that it Lowers Sperm cell Counts in the body. Lowered sperm counts during TRT, indicates that the body is being poisoned, by the Testosterone Cypionate.

The online article; Using Testosterone Enanthate for Birth Control, explains that the Men in The Research, all had High T-levels to begin with. That Sending the T-levels up with Testosterone Enanthate, Reduced sperm counts. None of the Men in the Research experienced low Testosterone Symptoms, so the Men’s Sperm counts were already High to begin with, before the Research was started. As Too, with Body Builders, if they inject Too Much Testosterone Enanthate, they Too suffer ED symptoms, and lowered sperm counts, is what Online Information Shows. Many of The Body Builders shoot 2000mg- 3000mg of Testosterone Enanthate in a Week, To Build Muscles. But, their bodies do Not Need that Much Testosterone. They are Not Treating Low T Symptoms.

The Testosterone Cypionate has a Pungent strong Sour stench to it, coming from the arm pits, without having to inject much of it. The Testosterone Enanthate has a Refined Manly machinery smell to it, that to me, smells pleasant on my Hands at Times, in the Mornings. I should be smelling Testosterone Enanthate on my hands, all of the Time.

Since Now, doctors by this Document, can See that their System of Prescribing Testosterone can Not Work in Treating low T- Symptoms, Because the System doctors prescribe Testosterone With, Discriminates Men with both Testicles Missing and Large Men. Also, doctors Not being able to Identify low Testosterone Symptoms, and what doctors are doing to patients, with their Toxic Hormone scam is in Error. Doctors will probably refuse prescribing any Testosterone to anybody. Doctors Never could Treat low Testosterone Symptoms in patients, which shows that doctors Never were qualified to treat low Testosterone Symptoms with their low T-level scam practice. Which also proves that doctor are unqualified to Prescribe Testosterone to Anybody. With the Years of Sexual, Mental, and Physical Abuse to patients by Prescribing Testosterone Cypionate in Error, And Not Warning the Patients about The injectable hormone compounds being Temperature Damaged very Easily, doctors should Never be allowed to be in the position of Prescribing Testosterone again to any Patient. Seeing that some doctors will not prescribe Testosterone, after Seeing that they are prescribing Testosterone Cypionate in Error, that the Information came from me, I Need to point out the urgency of getting This matter Resolved, in a Federal Court Room, as fast as Possible, so The People can get help. Doctors Never Treated low Testosterone Symptoms with Higher blood T-levels, so they are Not familiar with how the processes work, when low Testosterone Symptoms are actually being Treated with the Higher Blood T- levels. Which concerns me, since the information came from me: I do Not want to See patients being abused over what doctors do Not Know about Treating low testosterone Symptoms, with High blood T-levels, turning their patients into Experiments. Since This Area of Prescribing Testosterone Enanthate is Not Familiar to doctors, Doctors will still want to use blood T- level Testing to set themselves up Standards, in prescribing The Testosterone Enanthate, to keep them busy, so they can be involved with the Patient’s Testosterone treatment, and can make money on Blood T-level Testing, which system, would Also be in Error. All of The People, Will Need to have differing High T-levels in their blood, for Treating their low Testosterone Symptoms in their bodies and Brains, which depends on how severe the patient’s Low Testosterone Symptoms are. The Worse the low Testosterone Symptoms are in patients, is what determines how high the T-levels should be, and how much Testosterone Enanthate the patient will Need to use. Which No doctor can understand. Only the patient can understand his or her’s low Testosterone Symptoms being Treated, since the patient is treating their Symptoms, and the Symptoms are happening inside of the Patient. So, the Testosterone Enanthate Needs to be Available at All Pharmacies without Limits, and without a Prescription, to All of The People that Need to have their low Testosterone Symptoms Treated, Since doctors do Not Treat low Testosterone Symptoms properly in Men and Women.

Doctors will Never Prescribe me Enough Testosterone Enanthate for Treating my Low Testosterone Bone Loss Symptoms. For by doctors Helping me in Prescribing me Enough Testosterone Enanthate, would prove doctor’s way of Prescribing Testosterone, does Not Help Patients. Also, proving bone loss damages in me. Doctors will Not Help me, because Helping me would Prove them Wrong About Testosterone, and expose their Toxic Sex Hormone Scam. My Elbows being destroyed, when I was poisoning my body with the Testosterone Cypionate’s higher T-levels, at 350mg injected Once a week, for 5 months’ Time, with dramatic toxic side Effects, Never showed up on Lab Results. My Initial Blood T-level Lab Results of 8.5ng/dL Total Testosterone, Already indicates Bone Loss Damage, Which doctors Ignore.

As I have Emailed THIS document in it’s Evolution, to The Medical Community that advertises and posts their Testosterone Information Online; Seeing that all of their Medical Research dealing with Testosterone is No Good, The Medical Community is Trying to Destroy any Hope, that The People Have, in Treating their Low Testosterone Symptoms, through their Testosterone Enanthate information Online. The Medical Community wants to Continue Ripping The People Off, of the Testosterone Enanthate that The People’s Bodies Need. Poisoning and wasting the Patient’s Time and Tax payer’s money, Instead. The Medical Community does Not like being Wrong. They will Never admit that all the money that was wasted on treating patients, and doing Testosterone Cypionate Research, was Wasted Money. The doctors still want to continue with the blood T-level Testing with their Bogus Standards of them making money, being involved with patients, in dealing with Toxic Testosterone. The Medical Community of America is being Defiant towards the information I am Presenting in THIS Document.

When The Testosterone Enanthate is of Good Quality, and Benzene Free, I can Mega Dose, Injecting 500mg Testosterone every 2-3 Days, with sometimes, shooting 500mg, 2 Days, in a row. I only Weigh 113 lbs. So, as you can See, what I am showing The Public in Dosages from 200mg starting, to 500mg injected every 4 Days, is very Safe to Use.

Doctors Only Prescribe the Men, at The Most- 125 MG Testosterone per Week. Witch Helps No Man. The Warlock and Witch Doctors Need to do a bloody T-level Testing Dance with Patients, that the doctors get paid for, when doctors prescribe The poisoned Testosterone Cypionate to Men and Women. The Warlock and Witch Doctors are confused in prescribing patients Poison, instead of Prescribing The Love Potions. Doctors surely live in Testosterone Fantasyland.

How doctors can Not Identify Acute low Testosterone Symptoms in People, must be a scam game. The Acute low Testosterone Symptoms in me, are Easy to Identify. What other Medical Symptoms can doctors Not Identify and Treat in patients? If I was Abusing Testosterone Enanthate I would have massive Muscles. But, I have No Muscles. I have Never gotten High Using Testosterone Enanthate. Online Misinformation, also shows people that use of Testosterone will make them people delusional, and aggressive. Low Testosterone Symptoms frustrate people, making them aggressive. Doctors will say that any patient using more than 200mg Testosterone a week, is Abusing Testosterone. The Patient always gets blamed for doctor’s Mess Ups, with Internal Medicine.

The Technic I have developed in Administering painless injections, is safer, than the way the Medical Community Administrates the IM injections. By blindly Jabbing the needle into the muscle fast, can cause pain and nerve damage, with a bad experience. Do your own injections. By doing the Injections as I instruct. You Too, will Never Trust Nurses and doctors Again, Either. Clean off the vial stopper, after seal is broken with alcohol, dabbing dry. Make sure to screw a new Sharp Needle on the Syringe barrel AFTER drawing compound from the vial. The vial stoppers dull the Needles. Then, after cleaning skin with alcohol and a clean napkin, poke around on the skin for a less sensitive area, to start the injection. Take your Time- Bobbing the Syringe Needle into the leg muscle, slowly, if pain is felt, back the needle out a little, angle the needle at a different direction, continuing into the muscle with the Needle. This ensures that IM Injections are painless. There is No way a person can hurt themselves! Make sure to pull back syringe plunger, when Needle is set in the Muscle, to ensure a vein is not being injected into. I Use a 23-gauge needle. After, the syringe needle is pulled out, of the injection site, I pull the top layer of skin away from the injection puncture hole, holding the skin there for 2- 3 minutes, to keep the hormone compound from Oozing out.

This Government Generated Genocide may be one of the Largest Class Action Lawsuits in History. Internal Medicine damages are Near to impossible to Prove in Courtrooms with doctors. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. The Lawsuits that would be pending, would be Directed at The Food and Drug Administration, for Allowing the Approval of the Benzene containing compounds of Testosterone for Medical Use, with The T-level Testing and low Standards of Prescribing Testosterone Cypionate. Also, Violations- including approving the longer Half Life Benzene containing compounds of Testosterone. Once a person Needs Testosterone, they will Need to continue using the Benzene Free Compound, until they Die. Hormone Replacement Replaces the Sex Hormones, that the body can No longer produce Enough of, to maintain Proper Cell Function in The Body and Brain. Stop the Hormone Treatment, and the Low Testosterone Symptoms Return. How could Anybody Know that Hormone Treatment is a life Time commitment, since Nobody Gets Help? Benzene containing Testosterone Compounds are Not made for long Term Use. The FDA’s Warning about the Use of Hormone compounds Explains that The Sex Hormone compounds should only be used Short Term: at the least dosage Possible, for the Least amount of Time Possible. The FDA Knows that the Benzene containing Sex Hormone compounds are Not good for The People’s Health. Especially, when used Long Term. So, why did FDA Approve the Benzene containing Sex Hormone compounds for Medical Use? Long Term Use of the Benzene Free compounds are a Must, for Treating Low Testosterone and low Estrogen Symptoms and Diseases in Humans. Low Testosterone and low Estrogen Symptoms can only be Held in Remission by the use of the Benzene Free Sex Hormone compounds, used Continuously, Long Term. The Natural Testosterone that is manufactured in the body is continuously made by the Body, by the Brain controlling levels. The Natural Testosterone Produced in Human’s body only has a Half Life of 45 minutes, so the body must continuously manufacture Testosterone. Testosterone levels are Highest in Men during morning hours, and Peak To the 4 Stages of REM Sleep. The FDA’s Warning about the No Long Term Hormone Use of the Benzene laced Sex Hormone compounds, only Supports the Toxic Sex Hormone Scam. If the Estradiol and Testosterone Compounds were Benzene Free, The FDA’s Warning would Not Exist. So, the FDA Knew they were Approving Toxic Compounds for Medical Use, which they did Not have, To Do. But, the Toxic Sex Hormone Scam, has to be protected from Liabilities, and is Done by The FDA’s Warning on Toxic Hormone compounds. The Only Way a Human Body can Assimilate Testosterone, is Though an injection. T-levels and Sperm Counts Never get Higher in Humans as they Age, without Proper Sex Hormone Treatment. The Testosterone Propionate is the most Bio Identical Depot Hormone Compound in Existence, with a Half Life of only 20 hours. As anybody can See that injection Depots in a human must always be Active so the Body, that can Not produce Enough Testosterone, is Supplied with what the body and Brain Needs. The Benzene Compounds in the Testosterone Compounds, cause Depots to Last Too Long in Time, so the person can Not Administer Enough Testosterone into the Body, since it takes 1- 3 Weeks until the Depot infections are dissolved. However, with The Benzene Free Testosterone Enanthate, I can shoot another depot Easily, inside of 2- 4 Days, without any depot injections taking place. The Benzene compounds in Testosterone Compounds lower Sperm Counts. So, there are Not Positive aspects of Manufacturing and using the Testosterone with Benzene Compounds, or adding the Benzene Compounds to the Testosterone Enanthate or Testosterone Propionate for a preservative, for extending half-life of the injections. Benzene compounds in Testosterone Injectables should be Banned. The government and insurance companies do Not Want to Pay for Testosterone. And they don’t pay for it. Because patients stop doing the shots, since the Benzene Compounds of Testosterone get in the way of the Human getting Enough Testosterone, and Help. The Testosterone Cypionate Never gave me injection Reactions, because the Reactions take place inside of the blood and body, Not at the injection sites. Either, way the body is poisoned by the Benzene. And, the Benzene in the Compound limits the Amount of Testosterone that can be injected. My depots should be disappearing Quickly, so I am able to shoot more Testosterone, sooner. Remember, the Half Life of Natural Testosterone the body makes is only 45 Minutes. So, the Body must Always have Active Depots, at all Times, to supply the Brain and Body with Enough Testosterone.

As you can See, that after my first Testicle was Removed, doctors should have made sure that my body had enough Testosterone, by prescribing me the Testosterone Enanthate, to inject every 4 Days. Since, the Testosterone Abuse by doctors as starved my body of Testosterone through the Years. And Now, me missing both Testicles, I need to Keep at least 2 active depots in me, to Treat my Low Testosterone Symptoms, even part way. Depots must remain active in people that Need Testosterone, without the Benzene compounds being in the Way of The Testosterone. The Great Thing about Benzene Free Testosterone Enanthate, the Compound can be Mega Dosed to make up for Lost Time and Compound. And, the Symptoms of Abuse through the Years can be Treated. A property that other Man-Made from Nature, Compounds, can Not be compare with. IF, I ever get proper Help, my Body will start Building Muscle and then, Building Bone Density, Too. After my Bone Loss and ED Symptoms are Treated, my body may Not Require as much Testosterone. My Long Term, Acute Low Testosterone Symptoms Abuse, by doctors, has Not been Treated Properly, Yet. At Present: I can ONLY inject less than 500mg per week Testosterone, using the Testosterone Enanthate with the Benzene Preservatives. My Body would be doing Much Better with a 1000 mg per week, which my body, only can get through the Benzene Free Testosterone Compounds. I can only inject, 1000 mg of Testosterone Total, every 2-3 weeks. The Benzene compound infections get in the way of me shooting Enough Testosterone to treat my ED, Bone loss and Pain.

More than 40 percent of the Men, 40 years of age, suffer from low Testosterone ED. 70 percent of Men that are 70 years of age suffer from ED symptoms, due to low Testosterone levels in their bodies. This Document convicts doctors and the Medical Standards used for Prescribing Testosterone. But, without The People behind This Document, The People will Never get the proper Help that The People Need with The Use of The Benzene Free Testosterone Propionate and The Testosterone Enanthate, for Treating their low Testosterone Symptoms. PEOPLE- THIS IS YOUR BATTLE. And, Mine Too.

Not All Testosterone Enanthate Compounds are the Same. The Benzene Free Testosterone Enanthate is a Feat of Chemical Engineering. Any Substance that can Increase Sperm counts and improves Human Egg Quality, is a Miracle Compound! Which potentials are Unknown to US, at This Time. If The “Fountain of Youth” would Exist, would Not such a compound Raise Sperm Counts in Men? The Fountain of Youth, is a syringe? I Do Know from Experience, by comparing Using the Testosterone Cypionate, to Using The Testosterone Enanthate, That The Difference between the 2 Compounds is, as The Differences are between Night or Day. We Are living in The Dark Ages of Testosterone.

The Testosterone Enanthate compounds should have a 4.5 Day Half Life, with Depots disappearing in 2- 4 Days. For Men: The Testosterone Enanthate should be properly used at 200mg- 500mg, injected Every 4 Days. Starting at 200 mg injected every 4 Days. The Half Life of The Testosterone Enanthate and Testosterone Propionate must be kept Active for The Compounds to Treat low Testosterone Symptoms. Most of the Compound I buy online gives me 2-week Infections, until they clear. Limiting what I can shoot, I suspect the Benzene Preservatives that are added to the compound, are to limit what a person can shoot, by extending the half-life, of the compound which Is giving me the issues NOW. However, Some of the Boot Leg Testosterone Enanthate has given me Good Results. Do Not buy the Glass Ampoules. Always buy the Vials, Never order, mail order Testosterone in the Winter Months, the compound will be severely temperature damaged due to the cold climate on the shipping routes to the USA. Mostly all of the Compounds of Testosterone Enanthate sold online is Benzene laced Garbage. We Need to Get Benzene Compounds out of our Injectables, Food and Drinks. What compound I am shooting now, is giving me continuous infections in both legs, which is driving up my White Blood Cell Count. Which will hospitalize me in the near Future, unless I can get Real Help, due to my body being run down continuously with the infections from this Benzene garbage Compound, I have No Choice, but to buy and use.

The West Ward Brand Testosterone Enanthate prescribed by doctors, from the Rite Aid Pharmacy Has given me Good Results, with No Infections for Depots. But some of the vials are No Good, Due to Temperature damage in shipping. The West Ward Brand Testosterone Enanthate has mild side effect in the Head to let the person using it, Know, about Where their T-levels Are. You will Need to be into the Side Effects of this compound somewhat, to Treat low Testosterone Symptoms. I NEED HELP NOW!

As we see this Graveyard Scene Quietly Happening in Front of US, We Need to Act Quickly so People can Get Help. Marriages Destroyed, Relationships Ruined. People’s Lives Ruined over the Toxic Hormone Scam, that Fuels the Silent Genocide. Gathering the Low Testosterone Men and Women Together would be like visiting a Graveyard, when they are Gathered. These People are Helpless, Without Proper Direction, and getting Old Fast. Most Men only Need 10 mL Testosterone Enanthate for a 30-day Supply. Men Missing both Testicles, Need at least 20 mL of Testosterone Enanthate per Month. But, Insurance Companies and the US Government do Not, and Will Not Ever Pay for Enough of The Testosterone Enanthate for Men and Women to Treat their low T Symptoms with, because the Compound Works, when Used Properly. And the Patients will use it. Mostly All Men that are prescribed Testosterone Cypionate by doctors, stop doing the Shots, due to the enslavement of blood T levels Testing Hassles and the compound Not working Well for the Patients, in Treating Anything. Some of the Patients think they are getting Help through Using the Testosterone Cypionate, but until the Men Use The Benzene Free Testosterone Enanthate properly, they will Not Experience Good Help. I did Not Know Either, Until I Switched to using The Testosterone Enanthate, using Higher Doses.

The Women will have it easy, unless they have Been Post-Menopausal for a few decades, in which they will Need to Mega Dose Testosterone Enanthate with The IM injections. To Treat their mild Symptoms, aches, pains, and the Weakness and symptoms in the brain: The Women can do the Subcutaneous injections of Testosterone Enanthate. The Testosterone Enanthate is a perfect match for Menopausal Women. Much of The Testosterone in the Testosterone Enanthate is converted to Estrogen in The Woman’s body when Used Properly. Just what the Woman Needs after Menopause: More Testosterone and a little Estrogen. The Woman’s body might be selective in what is Converted from The Testosterone Enanthate, into Estrogen, when Used Properly. Nobody would Know. Since Proper Testosterone Enanthate Treatment Does Not Exist, even dealing with Treating Women’s Breast Cancer with Testosterone. Women’s Bodies Produce Testosterone for 10- 20 years after she Reaches Menopause. If She is Experiencing ED symptoms, she will Need Testosterone Enanthate. The Women can Start their dosages, with what dosages doctors prescribe, doing the injections every 4 Days, needing to Double, and Triple the amounts of dosage after using, to treat their symptoms. The People should shoot Enough Testosterone Enanthate to feel the effects of the Compound Treating their Symptoms.

I wonder how many People are using Fertility Drugs under a doctor’s care, to Conceive a Child, that have low Testosterone Symptoms? Many of The Fertility drugs will Not work Under low Testosterone conditions in the Body.

The Testosterone Enanthate is a Semi- Synthetic compound, which is derived from Nature, through Plant Matter. Doctors Never Prescribe The Testosterone Enanthate Properly. That is why everything doctors Do, Do with Testosterone does Not give them or the Patients Good Results. All of the Research dealing with using The Testosterone Cypionate is No Good. So, All of The Testosterone Research is No Good. The Testosterone Cypionate can Not Deliver Enough Testosterone to the Body to Treat Symptoms properly, so how can the Garbage even be used for Research? The Testosterone Cypionate can Not deliver Enough Testosterone to give The Testosterone Research Good Results.

Since the Medical Community in America could Not See The Toxic Hormone Scam, or that some of them did, See the Scam, acting with it, to satisfy Insurance Companies, and Government. Seeing also that the Testosterone Research is made a Mess of, that The US Government should Pay me to Conduct ALL Testosterone Research in our Future. Since doctors could Not See, or did See, the Toxic Hormone Scam that was invented by doctors, so everybody involved could make money except the Patient, at the Expense of the Patient’s Health. I should be totally involved with The Testosterone Research in our Future, so The People can get Real Help. Doctors spend many years in Education, they should have been smart enough to See, that what they do for Low Testosterone patient’s Symptoms, simply does Not Work, to begin with. I do Better Research than researchers, professors, and doctors do, because I have the Experience Too, in Treating my Acute Low Testosterone Symptoms. My Bone loss Pain does Not Lie about Testosterone. If my Bone Pain was Not Testosterone Related, I would Not Know, that when The Testosterone Enanthate Crystallizes, from getting Too Cold, the Compound is Rendered No Good. Too, cold or Too, warm of Temperatures break the Molecular Bonds of The Testosterone Enanthate, that hold the Compound together. If my Bone loss Pain was Not Related to the Amount of compound I inject, I would Not Know how easily The Testosterone Enanthate is Temperature Damaged.

Seeing Too, that the way doctors prescribe Testosterone to Adults, it is easy to assume and understand why The male Infants and Children Missing Testicles, are also being Abused by Lack of Testosterone, by depending on doctors for Testosterone. In where the Children’s brains, bones, penises and bodies would Not develop Properly, to give the Children a Good Life. Having medical Issues, related to low Testosterone Symptoms. I Discovered online information that shows that doctors prescribe children Testosterone Enanthate Every 10 days- 3 Times each month. I believe that nature will Not allow Testosterone Cypionate to be used in infants. Infants that are born with none functioning Testicles Need Non-Temperature Damaged, Preservative Free Testosterone Enanthate, soon after they are born. The boys during Puberty Need to have “Morning Wood”. Even the infants should have occasional erections. The Injections for all People using the Testosterone Enanthate Must be Done at least every 4 days, to keep the Half Life on the Compound Active. Otherwise, there is No Help through using the Compound. Doctors always check blood T levels at their Peaking, inside of the Human. In which case, that the blood T levels are drawn the second day after the injection Took Place, with The Testosterone Enanthate. (With the Testosterone Cypionate the blood T levels Peak and are checked by doctors, about the 3rd or 4th Day after the injection.) When doctors order administering injections for the 12-year-old Children, to do the Testosterone Enanthate Injections, about every 10 days, if this Happens, the Children are doing better for the 2- 4.5 days, after their injections. After that, the Blood and Body T levels begin to Crash. (Doctors Never check Blood T-levels, before injections, which would show that after 2- 4 Days the Child’s T levels are Crashing, as Mine do.) The Children’s bodies do well for about 2- 4 Days, and Then everything Crashes, The boys bodies and Brains suffering for 6 days until the Next Injection is given, again. The Children become Moody over the High and Low Testosterone Swings, 3 Times each month. Also Messing with the Child’s DNA. If the Online information is Correct, Then America’s Children are Being Sexually Abused Too. And, the results of the Sexual Abuse lasts with the Children for their Life Times. The doctors have found out that injecting Testosterone 3 Times a MONTH, treats micro penis conditions. But, I suspect that those boys still have small Penises, due to the Testosterone Enanthate Not being Prescribed properly to Infants and Children every 4 days. The doctors probably prescribe Antidepressants for the Low Testosterone Children, for treating the low Testosterone Depression. Without Enough Testosterone Enanthate, the Children’s Brains and Bones can Not develop Properly. If dosages of Testosterone become Too High, the Children’s bones will be growing Too Fast, Giving the Child bone pain. But, is easily cured by killing T-levels with the Flax Seed, or other Testosterone Rinsing Herbs that are available. Then decreasing the dosages. However, it is most likely that some of the Children may be suffering from Low Testosterone Bone Loss Pain, due to doctors always under prescribing Testosterone to patients. I don’t Know anything about The Subcutaneous injections being done with infants. The online Information dealing with Infants and Testosterone is Not Clear. I could imagine if doctors do Not know that Low Testosterone causes bone pain, that doctors may dissect some of the Patients to find the cause of the bone pain, as one doctor tried to do to me, ordering me a useless Bone Biopsy. Doctors can Not get it through their Heads That Long Term No or Low Testosterone causes Bone loss, and Bone loss Pain, leading to Osteoporosis and Arthritis, along with the other low Testosterone symptoms that patients suffer by, causing them medical issues, for the Rest of their Lives.

As I looked at online information with what doctors are doing with Children Missing Both Testicles, I can Easily Assume that All of the Children’s bodies that Need Testosterone, are being Testosterone Starved, as I am. Being prescribed precursors instead of Testosterone, Too. Since, doctors have Never honored my body’s Needs for Testosterone Enanthate in my Life Time, the Children Too, must Suffer. Seeing Online, that the Earliest age Children are being prescribed Testosterone, is 12 years of age. But, Puberty should have already gotten under way at age 9 to age 14 for boys, (and ages 8 to 13 for girls). Infants with Undescended and missing both Testicles, soon have Zero T levels, after they are born. The Children with both undescended and Missing Testicles, will Need to Inject Benzene Free Testosterone Enanthate for the Rest of their lives, Too. Seeing how these doctors have Treated me, I can, (and We Can?) easily Assume that the Low Testosterone Children are being Treated the Same; Being Abused in many Ways, over The Toxic Sex Hormone Scam, Too. Online shows that The Children with undescended Testicles, using or Not using, the Testosterone or Precursors, soon develop other issues, including Cancer with Mental Impairments and low life expectancies. 1 out of every 25 Men, have undescended Testicles at birth. Since the Toxic Sex Hormone Scam does not allow Testosterone Research being done on Infants, and Children to take Place, The Children will Never get the Help that they Need. As The slow poisoning and lack of Testosterone, Abuse in the Children’s bodies is Hidden from the Public, and there are No doctors that are Qualified to Help these Children. Many of the male Children, I presume, will Need to Mega Dose Testosterone Enanthate for Treating their Acute Long-Term low Testosterone symptoms, even, at age 12. Which will Never Happen, if No Interest is gained by the Public, in This Document. When the Testosterone Prescribing Standards are Incorrect, there is No Reference to anything that works. However, I am a reference point, since I do inject Enough Testosterone, having The Experience in Treating my Acute low Testosterone Symptoms. In where Nobody Else, has experience in Treating Acute low Testosterone Symptoms, that includes Bone loss pain, that develops into painful Crippling Arthritis, with all of the other Acute low Testosterone Symptom Miseries. The Children’s and Adult’s low Testosterone Physical and Sexual Abuse seems Not to Matter to Any of you People, in this Day and Age. I can Understand why you might Not Care about Me. Nobody wants to See The Ugly Trueth. But, the Children Need our Help. The Children do Not Know what is Happening to Them, by their low Testosterone Symptoms, and why they lack Focus, and Memory Loss, causing Learning Disabilities. Because the Children have Never Experienced Help with their low Testosterone Symptoms, as the Public Too, is Not aware of their Symptoms, Never getting Help. You Churches, and The Public Need to be involved Too, in the This pursue for Free Access to Testosterone Enanthate that The People will Need as their Time passes into old age, as well as, what the Infants and Children Need in Testosterone Enanthate. Which would give Americans Freedom from being enslaved by doctors and their Low Testosterone Symptoms. Also Stimulating Economic Growth. Our Lazy Country is Low Testosterone. I live among you Brutal People. Are These Not God Jesus’s Children, Too? Why won’t you Help me, Help the Adults/ and male Children 12 years of Age and older, that are Missing Testicles, due to Testicles being Undescended at Birth that Need 1/2- 3/4 of a mL Testosterone Enanthate, injected every 3 or 4 Days? What about the Infants that have zero Testosterone Levels, that Need Treated before age 12? I need to talk to These Children, and their Mothers, because I am Qualified to Treat These Children. I Know of the Torment these Children go through, having their bodies starved of Testosterone. The Children probably Hate the doctors Too. Since the Children need to go through the blood work of the T level Testing hassles, with very little Help from the Testosterone Cypionate, or Precursors, that the Children are being prescribed. The Male and Female Children Need to be taught to do their own West Ward Testosterone Enanthate injections, with the Mothers having Free access to Testosterone Enanthate, for their Children. The Kids probably don’t like being hit with Dull Needles either, at the medical facility. The Kids probably don’t even Know what Testosterone is about, in Treating their low T Symptoms. No Mother or Child missing Testicles, should have to beg a doctor for Testosterone Enanthate. Nobody should have to Beg doctors for Testosterone Enanthate, especially, if Testicles are Missing. The Kid is probably dragged into the doctor’s office, for the T level hassles and the shots, creating needless disputes with parents, if doctors suggest that the Child Must do the Benzene compound of Testosterone, Injections (of Testosterone Cypionate). But the Scenario may be the Same. Nobody likes the T-level hassles with doctors and doing the Shots because they do Not Work Properly, with the Benzene compounds poisoning the Testosterone. So the shots are Not Done by the Children, Either. Remember Too, that the Testosterone Cypionate the patients use, is Temperature Damaged, due to the willful ignorance, of the Medical Community. As I Imagined the Children being Properly Treated. The older Male and Female Children Too, may Need to Mega Dose Testosterone Enanthate, every 2-3 days, to get their growth Rates up to where they Need to be During Puberty, and before then. Some of the Older Children, may soon Require injecting 1 mL or more every 2-3 Days. Also, the Infants and Children that are Testosterone Starved, might need to Mega Dose, due to the 4.5-day Half Life, only lasting 2 Days, since the Children are so Testosterone Starved. The male Toddlers, I imagine, will React Quickly with the Use of The Testosterone Enanthate, and most likely run out of Energy before the Next Injection is due. The Children may even Know when they Need another injection and ask for it. Since, my body has been Testosterone Starved for over 30 Years, the 4.5 Day Half Life of the Testosterone Enanthate, only has a half life of 2 Days in my Body, which Requires me to do injections every 2-3 Days. The Children’s hearts should be continuously Monitored, and any Heart Stress, due to high dosages of the compound, during Peaking should be avoided, when the injections are done every 2-3 Days. Testosterone Enanthate is a Growth Hormone. I wish I Knew More about how Children’s Bodies React, when the Compound is Used Properly in Children. Since, Nobody Else Could Know. The Effects of Mega Dosing Testosterone Enanthate on the Children’s Hearts, should be Studied more Closely, when Children are Properly Treated with Testosterone Enanthate, for Treating low Testosterone Symptoms.

[Our Future with Testosterone Enanthate and Estradiol Enanthate may treat Premature Children, inside the Womb, through the Mother, in controlled doses, using the Preservative Free Compounds, Helping Mature the Child inside the Womb. Mothers that have premature babies inside of Them, usually suffer from Nausea, Anxiety, Postpartum Depression and Post-traumatic stress disorder. The Compounds could possibly Treat these Symptoms, Too. I am sure that a Mother Using the preservative Free Testosterone Enanthate, and/or The Estradiol Enanthate with progesterone, could improve the quality of the Child’s Organs, Bones, and Mental State, inside the Mother. Since the Mother is treating her low Testosterone/ low Estradiol/ low Progesterone Symptoms, Too. Much Research Needs to be done in This Area, of Treating Premature Babies inside the Womb, through the Mother, using Hormone Compounds. The Toxic Sex Hormone Scam does Not give People Access to The Estradiol Enanthate for Women’s Estrogen Replacement Therapy. Instead, the Benzene laced compounds of Estradiol Cypionate and Estradiol Valerate are used. (An online article explains: that the Estrogen that is available in Food is Not Available to the Human Body. Injected Estrogen is Different than Estrogen found in Food. Phytoestrogens are Not Estrogen.)]

3 Weeks without Testosterone Enanthate throws me into Bone Fire Pain in my fore arms, hands and fingers, which only gets worse, leaving me No options but suicide, for escaping the low Testosterone unbearable bone loss Pain. Since, No doctor will Help me with Any, or Enough Testosterone Enanthate. The Toxic Sex Hormone Scam has Ruined my life, Since my first Testicle was Removed.

I Discovered that the online information shows that Men Missing One Testicle do Not Need Testosterone. Which is a Lie, and part of the Toxic Sex Hormone Scam. Because, I did Suffer Badly from Low Testosterone Depression, living in a fog, Helpless due to No Motivation and Weakness, with very low T levels, after my First Testicle was Removed. And, Ever Since. The Online information Also shows That MEN MISSING BOTH TESTICLES, DO REQUIRE TESTOSTERONE for Their Bodies. So, By The Laws of Nature and Medicine, Medi-cal doctors can Not Deny me Testosterone, which they have been doing illegally, for 4 years. Even, the Laws of the Land allow me to possess Testosterone, for Medical Use. Which also, makes it Against the Law for doctors to Deny me Testosterone Enanthate.

The Testosterone Enanthate Only, Needs to be Available as an Over The Counter Medication, without Limits. So that The People that Need Testosterone will have Access to the Best Compound of Testosterone, Available. Which is an All-Purpose Source of Testosterone, That Contains and Delivers More Testosterone to The Human Body, than any other Depot Form of Testosterone that is in Existence Can. Since, doctors Help Nobody with Low Testosterone Symptoms, The Insurance Companies with The US Medical Community take a lot more Money from The People, than what they give back to Our Community in Proper Services. Hospitals and Medical Clinics have little Mercy on The People. Everything costs more Money with these Medical People. The Medical Community Gives Nothing Back to the Community. No Free Services, Money, Nothing. Keeping Hormone Balance in People, is probably the Most Important Aspect of Everybody’s Medical Care, Mental Health, and Physical Care. The Human Circulatory System that carries blood throughout the body has 4 important functions: Delivering Oxygen, Nutrients, and Hormones to all the cells that make up the Human Body, also carrying away waste products from cells. Proper Sex Hormone Balance insures that all of the Cells in The Body are Functioning Properly.

Hospital ER doctors do Not prescribe Testosterone. The Medical Clinics, Hospitals, with The Medical Community, all support The Toxic Hormone Scam. Benzene Free Testosterone Enanthate should be available in All Hospital Pharmacies, over the Counter. So, the Patients in hospitals can Treat their low Testosterone Symptoms, also promoting Faster Healing and Recovery. Sick People have Low Testosterone levels in their bodies. Sick People are Not Horny. Was it, and is it Not, the Elder People that had, and have low Testosterone complications, who were, and are, affected the Most by Coronavirus, and other Viruses? Who in Their Right Minds, would Support such a Scam, that has been Hurting People for over 33 years? This Document Exposes The Testosterone Side Only, of the Toxic Sex Hormone Compounds Scam. The Estradiol Cypionate and The Estradiol Valerate are also Toxic Benzene Compounds, that should Not be used by Humans, Too.

Does This Nation Really Care about their Children and their Children’s, Children? How about caring about US Old People?

Buy Stock in Testosterone Enanthate Today!

At This Time, Treating Low Testosterone Symptoms Is Illegal in This Country. Due to the way doctors prescribe Testosterone, Following government Regulations on Dosage. The Testosterone Enanthate Laws in our Country are very Cruel and Inhumane. So, are the doctors and specialists. Me being without Testosterone Enanthate for more than 3 Weeks, Becomes Life Threatening Situation to Me. And, it seems that Nobody Cares. Doctors do Not Identify and do Not treat Acute low Testosterone Bone Loss Pain, ED, or other Acute low Testosterone Symptoms. That is why doctors tell patients that their low Testosterone bone pain is caused by some other Medical Issue. Doctors have No Ideas in Treating low Testosterone Bone Loss Pain with Mega Dosing Testosterone Enanthate. Mega Dosing Testosterone Enanthate has Kept me out of Bone Loss, Bone Pain, and ED, Completely, when I have had Access to Enough of The Benzene Free Compound.

The Testosterone Propionate starting in 1936, which is injected every 1- 2 days, and The Testosterone Enanthate, which is injected at least every 4 days, Reaching The markets in 1954, Were Gifts from God Jesus, at the Time When Human Life Expectancies increased due to Hot water plumbing. God Jesus Gave Mankind a Gift to Keep Men and Women Healthy in their Old Age, also giving the Human Sexual Drive Again, which, is lost after Child Bearing years. Sex Drive is the Force that drives Life on Earth. God Jesus gave Mankind Great Gifts. However, Man polluted them, and the Use of them, and The Spiritual Gifts, that were given to US, by God.

What doctors are doing to patients with their Toxic Low T levels, are Sexual Violations, Too. The People do Not Know that they are being Sexually abused by doctors and low Testosterone ED. And, The People do Not Care, because they have No Interests in Sex. However, if People could Treat their ED symptoms with Enough Testosterone Enanthate used properly, They would Care More about their Sex Lives, Their Lives, the Lives of their Loved Ones, and The Sexual Abuse that was Happening to them, by doctors and a System of Prescribing Testosterone, that Can Not Work.


Love is The Answer! By England Dan and Ford Coley. Most Religions agree that Sex will Not Exist in Heaven. But, there will be Greater Pleasures. 1 Corinthians 2: 9 KJV.

< My low Testosterone Bone Loss Pain is isolated to only my fore arms, down from my elbows, my hands, and fingers. When I inject the Testosterone Enanthate, my bone pain starts dissolving. The Pain, in both of my upper limbs is equal in pain, as the pain leaves, and which comes back, due to Not having Good compound available to me. Which is Turning my hands and fingers into arthritis, in my hands and finger joints. I Imagine that people that are dealing with the Same Needless Low Testosterone Bone Loss pain as I am, would be using morphine to Block most of the Pain. These People also, could be suffering as I am, without doctors Helping them with Opiates. Please, if you Know any Man or Woman that is in bone pain due to non-injury, with low Testosterone Symptoms, Please call me. Since, No Man or Woman can get Help from doctors for their low Testosterone Bone loss Pain. I am Trying to Target Men that have had their Prostates and Testicles Removed, and The Women that have been, or are receiving Treatment for Breast Cancer, which has left them in Bone loss Pain. I want to Know more about Low Testosterone Bone loss Pain conditions in People. Maybe, some of the Men and Women are suffering low Testosterone Bone loss in their lower limbs? I would like to Hear about it. If it is Needless Low Testosterone Bone Loss Pain, I want to Coach these people, even giving them some pointers in changing their Diets, as to best accommodate their bone loss pain, besides doing the Injections. Please feel free to Call me. Please leave me a message with my voice mail, should I Not answer the phone. Maybe, we can Help each other?

Needless Low Testosterone Bone loss Pain is a Chronic Condition that only gets Worse with Time. Thank you for Posting This Document online, So The People that Need Help can Possibly Get the Help they Need. Maybe, I Can Help. Thank You!

The Reason that doctors are Defiant Towards the information in This Document, is Because, Patients do Not Need doctors, when doing their own Injections, and Testosterone Breast Cancer Injections TreatmentS, when The Benzene Free Testosterone Compounds are being Used. Remember None of The Medical community’s Testosterone Research is any Good, due to the Benzene compounds of Testosterone being used for the Testosterone Research. Doctors Defend their System of prescribing Testosterone, because when the Non-Toxic Sex hormones are used, a doctor’s services are Not Needed for T-level Testing Services, or Anything. Sperm counts for the patients would have to be done by doctors, by the patients request, with The Men. The Men and Women can do their own TRT, at home. And The Women can do Their own Testosterone Cancer Treatments at home as Well. (I have more information on This subject of Treating Women’s Breast Cancer with Testosterone Enanthate.) See, doctors are only involved with prescribing the Benzene compounds of Testosterone, at the Expense of the Patient’s Health, So doctors can be involved with the patient’s Testosterone Treatments, to make Money.

< The Public should be concerned about the Medical people giving them IM injections, since the Nurses use dull Needles to inject the patients With. Also, the Medical Community skipping the step of Aspirating the injections, once the syringe Needle is set in the muscle, to ensure a vain is Not injected into, is Not being Practiced. As, you can see online, the difference between a dull and sharp syringe Needles: the dull Needles tear tissue during injections, making the injections Painful, and more of a wound. The Elder Men and Women with the plastic appearance skin, and delicate tissue, get Bruised by the dull syringe Needles. Am I Not Proving damages Here, in how this Medical Community Treats People with their injections? Piercing vial stoppers, dulls syringe Needles. However, if the Nurses did Change the syringe Needles after drawing the medications from vials, sanitary issues, in keeping everything sterile, would be a concern for the Nurse and the Patient. The syringe Needles should be changed after solutions are drawn from Vials. Doctors Never have prescribed me extra Needles when they prescribe me Syringes, unless I ask for them. Usually doctors forget to prescribe syringes, with injectables, which has caused me Needless Hassles in the past. So, Remember when People get IM injections from Nurses, It’s going to Needlessly Hurt.

< I use Maga Strength Beta Sitosterol for my BPH, and High Cholesterol. BPA, in Recent Research is showing a relationship to low Testosterone Levels, in Men. Men Usually Experience BPH after age 50. And, 90% percent of the Men age 80, and older Experience BPA. Low Testosterone levels, Create a lot of Medical Issues in Humans. An Endocrinologist Clinic Recently told me that they do Not Prescribe more Testosterone than 200 mg per Week to Anybody. The Whole Medical system with doctors and Testosterone, is Stark Crazy. With No Help for Anybody that Needs their low Testosterone Symptoms Treated. Serpents are Guarding the Proper Use of The Fountain of Youth.

MRSA infections are rampant in Hospitals and Nursing Homes. 20% of infections treated in hospitals are MRSA. People that stay in hospitals for extended Times usually have MRSA. MRSA can Kill a person within 24 hours. I have developed an Award Winning procedure for Treating MRSA Infections, since I Experienced MRSA Infections, and came up with a solution in Treating The Nasty MRSA Wounds. Clindamycin Works Well for my MRSA Infections, internally. The infections are treated Best with using Comet Cleanser on Hot Washcloths, that have been Rinsed in very Hot Water, (as hot of water that could be stood, when Wringing out wash Clothes). Sprinkling the Comet Cleanser on the washcloths Liberally. Then placing the Hot washcloths with Comet Cleanser on the MRSA Wound. As the Washcloths cool, the infection is pulled out of the wound onto the Washcloths. In where the Washcloths are Rinsed with hot Water, Wrung out and more comet is sprinkled onto washcloths, Repeating the procedure for 2-3 weeks. Or, until the MRSA infection Heals. No Worries, the infections are so painful, that during the Night the person doing the Treatment will be reminded to continue the procedure, having their infection pain Soothed by the Treatment. Comet Cleanser, can be used for any infection, or any Open Wound, according to what the Comet Cleanser company told me. The Calcium Carbonate pulls the yellow green junk of the infection, into it, and the Washcloths. The Bleach in the Comet Cleanser, Keeps the Wound Sterile, allowing Healing to commence. The MRSA infection wound re-infect themselves. The Procedure I have developed for Treating MRSA infections, should be Used by all People that deal with MRSA, in Hospitals, and at Home. Untreated, the MRSA infection Wound, festers, once the wound is lanced, oozing with the yellow green in color, yucky substance. If the MRSA Wound is Draining this procedure can be started, probably without lancing. The patients touching the untreated wounds, with their fingers, trying to squeeze the junk out that is draining, using napkins and such to catch the oozing Junk, that drains out of these MRSA wounds in such large amounts, The person is dehydrated very easily. If you got MRSA, drink lots of Distilled water. Doctors do Not Treat MRSA Wounds properly. Doctors depend on the Antibiotic that they prescribe alone, to Treat the MRSA bacterial infections. The Wound is left to Fester, and drain after lancing, without drawing the Infection out of the Wound. Which could be seen as another Medical Scam. If creams and ointments are applied to the outside of the infection, This will Not Draw the infection out of the Wound. The Wounds are left unattended, without proper Treatment, causing the Infection to become Antibiotic Resistant. Which gives doctors repeated visits by patients that Need the MRSA infections lanced, and drained as the infections in the Wound Gets worse spreading the infections to other parts of the Body. This MRSA wounds procedure I have developed ensures that the infection is not spread through somebody touching anything or anybody that can put them in contact with a MRSA Infection. Also, this procedure I have developed, pulls the Infections out of the MRSA wounds. This is The Best Procedure to use in Treating MRSA infection Wounds. An Antibiotic will also be Needed in Treating These Nasty MRSA infections that Kill The People, when Not Treated Properly. MRSA Infections that are Near Major Veins and Arteries are very Dangerous. MRSA Infections can Eat Through bone Too.

Many other Countries deal with MRSA infections, This information can Save lives There, Too. Church Members visiting in hospitals seeing Patients could Bring their Comet Cleanser with Them, in Starting to Treat those patients in Hospitals, NOW! 80,000 MRSA infections each year. 11,000 People Die from MRSA Infections every year in the US.

Also, Churches, do any of you have Time to search online for me, for a Benzene Free Testosterone Enanthate online Source of Testosterone for me? My Brain is Too Disabled to deal with searching the mess out. I have enough money to pay for the order. I only Need to find an online source of Benzene Free Testosterone Enanthate for my Body and Brain. (The Benzene Free compound, will most likely, contain Chlorobutanol and Sesame oil.) The Medical People may refer to the Benzene infections, as Injection Reactions. When I use the West Ward Testosterone Enanthate, that can only be obtained through a doctor and pharmacy, there are No Injection Reactions, and the Depots disappear Quickly. It is imperative that the Public has an online source of Testosterone Enanthate and Testosterone Propionate that is Benzene Free, so their bodies are Not Fighting the Benzene infections. I have to use more Testosterone Enanthate than what other People do, so I Know the Benzene compound Reactions, are Infections. Other Brand compounds of Testosterone Enanthate, that doctors prescribe from the Pharmacies, also contain Benzene compounds. The Benzene in The Testosterone Compounds, always gets in The Way of The Human getting Enough Testosterone.

I Need Benzene Free Testosterone for my Brain and Driving, so I can be more Alert while Driving. The low Testosterone Bone loss Pain Symptoms have been a Distraction to my Driving, Lately, Too. The Toxic Sex Hormone Scam, would Kill me, or Cripple me permanently soon.

July 19, 2024: 5 Days ago I got a Taste of The Fire Bone Pain, me waiting as long as I could to do the Next 2 injections, so my body had more Time to clear its self of the Benzene and Benzene infections. Since, at Times my legs feel, as if they will give out from under me. Me also getting tired easily, when walking due to my body fighting the Benzene Infections. These symptoms lessened as I waited in doing the injections. But, My arms and hands were in so much pain, I was shaking, finally forcing myself to do the Injections. Who likes shooting Benzene compounds, as the Benzene causes infections? As The laws of The Land Dictate, that Men without Testicles are Totally Dependent on doctors for Testosterone. Endocrinologists that See this Information, as I have sent this document to UCSD, where a Borrego Healthcare in Escondido provider referred me to, to abandon me. They have 8 Endocrinologists there. They told me that they could Not See me, giving me the Run Around and Waiting. Surely, a Man without Testicles, would have priority, in Doctors Treating Him? One of them Needs to Prescribe me The 20 mL of West Ward Testosterone Enanthate per month, over the Phone, for my body’s Long Term needs of Testosterone, without the Benzene compounds in it. For the Trip to San Diego, would put other people at risk in the getting to the Trip Destination, maybe even going there for No Help. By These Endocrinologists Seeing this Document, These Endocrinologists, Know that they are in Violation. Benzene is the Method of Choice used to induce leukemia in Rats. These Endocrinologists Know that I do Not get the Benzene Free Testosterone Enanthate online, and that Leukemia will happen to me, giving their hospital more Business, if their lock out, of me getting Help from them does Not Cease. I will soon end up with a Blood Issue that may make my existence impossible, confining me to a hospital Needlessly, and the doctors still Not Helping me, somehow them sending me to my Death from there. Maybe, The Endocrinologists there want to Kill me? The UCSD Endocrinology department has seen This Document in its Evolution. The Only Endocrinologist I seen, Which was in Orange County, almost Did Kill me, with his prescribing 200mg per Week Testosterone Cypionate, him Lying to me, Telling me that the Testosterone Cypionate would take care of my Bone loss Pain, because he did Not want to Prescribe me opioids for Pain. I got No Help, from the Endocrinologist that I Seen. The Endocrinologists can use This Document as a Reason for Prescribing me, a Man without Testicles, the Testosterone Enanthate that my body Needs. This document should satisfy The US Government Too, For me to be Prescribed what my body Needs, by doctors. The Longer this issue with doctors Not prescribing me Testosterone, drags out, without me getting Help, the More of a Criminal Matter, these doctors locking me out of prescribing me any Testosterone, at All, becomes. As you Too, are Witnesses in what is happening to me, by doctors, I appreciate any Help, any of you could give me, in finding me a Benzene Free Testosterone Compound for sale online. My Attempt to find anything online, that was Benzene Free, Failed. The only place that Benzene Free Testosterone Enanthate, may be Available, may be through doctors and specialists? Doctors Know that Men without Testicles are Totally dependent on Them, for Testosterone. And, Nobody gets Help.

I have No Choice or other Options for Helping myself and the other People that Need Testosterone Enanthate. People do Not like the Idea of having to do the Testosterone Enanthate injections every 4 Days, for keeping their Symptoms Dissolved. Most people think, it Too Extreme that they would Need to do the injections. But, until The People do the shots, they will Not understand how Extreme their low Testosterone Symptoms are, when finally, they can find The Help they Need. (Mosquitoes make more of a Mess of a person’s blood than any Sterile Syringe Needle could. Mosquitoes use 6 Needles, to satisfy their Needs for Human blood, for their babies.)


As I pondered what Benzene Free Testosterone Enanthate compound is, in my Opinion, it is Best Described, as Time, Light, Energy in a Vial- (Time, by Light, Energy in a Vial). The Benzene Free Testosterone Enanthate Seems to be an Interdimensional Compound, due to Its ability to Heal the Body of The Acute Low Testosterone Symptoms, Caused by Long Term Low Testosterone Levels in Human Bodies, Rooted in Time. Time Spent in Low Testosterone Symptoms is an Interdimensional Feature and Measurement, along the Space Time Continuum. Since, the Low Testosterone Symptoms are Rooted in Time, Only an Interdimensional compound could give the Cells in The Body The Time Energy that they Need, for Re-aligning the DNA in Cells. (As T-levels elevate, different Genes in the Chromosomes, turn on and off having an effect on Gene Expression in Chromosomes.) Testosterone Enanthate Repairs DNA. With mega dosing The Benzene Free Testosterone Enanthate, by Overlapping dosage Half Lives, shooting every 2-3 Days, I have discovered, More Testosterone Level Peaking occurs, Reinforcing the Peaking for the Time Frame, Also, causing what I call: Echo Peaking, which follows afterwards, which amplifies the Time Energy Effects of The Testosterone, treating my DNA, and low Testosterone Symptoms. Benzene Free Testosterone Enanthate injections could be seen as Time Vectors that Manipulate the 4th Dimension of the Human Body, causing Time to Warp, which reduces Aging in The Body, causing Time to Move in a Different Direction. (Re-living the past in Reverse would Not Treat Symptoms.) The injection Time Vectors uphold energy levels of each other, corresponding with the DNA, as long as the Testosterone Compound’s Half Life Remains Active. These Time Vectors could be seen as angles, used in Building a 4-Dimensional Mass inside the Human Body, with The Injections creating Angles in which Time can Flow. The Injection Vectors might be seen as Angles that move Time in a Different direction creating a 3-Dimensional Time dimension, giving Time depth, width, and length of It’s own, inside of Time. As describing Time Not only as a one-dimensional element that moves straight in one direction across one plane. Time includes our 3-dimensional world we live in, as US being Matter with Mass Moving through Time, containing dimension, showing that The Time Space Continuum is made up of Matter. Some, people may have the argument that Injections are Scalers, which Well, they could be scalers, with the Vectors Too, when moving back in Time. However, moving Back in Time to Correct Medical Issues inside of the body, is Not Known of. So, theories would Change. If and when this Time Warping, or Time Bending inside of the Human could be proven out, which happens inside the Body When Benzene Free Testosterone Enanthate is used, might give us Technology to build On. Explaining Testosterone Half Life Time effects on The Time, Space continuum inside the body, I may Not be able to prove out. Since explaining how Testosterone Enanthate works in the body, would Require explaining how Time Works with Matter. As Too, that I could Not prove what happens, that is Unknown by the Time, Energy, and Matter Theories that we believe and live by Now. Time is as The Wind, we can feel and See the Effect of the Wind, but we can Not see Moving Air. I can sure feel the Time in Pain, effects in my Bones and body. I find it Amazing that Benzene Free Testosterone can Treat Long Term Low Testosterone symptoms in Time, as a Miracle, by What The Fountain of Youth, Would Do for me, and other People. I explained, what Benzene Free Testosterone Enanthate is, and how it Works, the Best way that I could, so my audience would get an Idea of What Testosterone is About. From my Point of View of what I Know About Testosterone Enanthate. Which I Know, much will Change for the Better in my Future, if I can find Benzene Free compound to Use. I would have to Bend more Time to find out more about the Subject of Warping and Bending Time, or Anything. Time includes everything that is within it. Everything and everybody we See and/or Touch, and Breath. Or, what we Do, in it’s Space. Testosterone Enanthate sets up its Own Dimensions of Time, inside the body, when Used Properly. I would love to see Testosterone Enanthate in Solution, under an Electron Microscope. Maybe, the West Ward Testosterone Manufacturer could supply a Preservative Free, which is Not Temperature or light damaged, Sample to These Electron Microscopic Services. We can easily see the Crystals when the compound is Crystallized, comparing the Testosterone Crystals to each other, with what compound of Testosterone they come from. (Please send me pictures of what the Crystals look like to my Text, comparing The Testosterone Cypionate Crystals to the Testosterone Enanthate Crystals, properly labeled, Please?) I am not sure if you can get resolution of The Testosterone Enanthate in Solution, without the Compound Supersaturating under the Electron Microscope? Seeing Preservative Free Testosterone Enanthate, Not supersaturated, under an Electron Microscope, may show Properties of Energy, or unusual properties, that may be Seen, that indicate Energy. I would Love to see those scans. The Compound should show to be unusual, compared to other Testosterone Compounds, and other compounds. I imagine the Heat and the Electrons would damage the Compound while being Scanned. So, maybe a large volume of sample would be required? I have No Idea, of how The Testosterone Enanthate acts in a vacuum. As anybody Knowledgeable can See, that I am Not a Quantum Theory Expert. Math as always been my worst subject. Any phone calls are appreciated.

{When Mach Speeds were obtained, completely different Theories came into Play. Sonic Boom proves This.}


The Half Life, is the Driving Edge of Testosterone Compounds. The Benzene Free Testosterone Propionate can be injected Every 18 Hours, or Every Day. The Benzene Free Testosterone Enanthate should be injected at least every 4 Days. The Benzene Containing compounds, of Testosterone Can Not Warp Time. Lowered sperm counts proves This.

Testosterone Cypionate can Not be Mega dosed, since The Benzene compounds that it is made from, render the compound Too Toxic to inject enough of, to supply Enough Testosterone, for Treating Acute low Testosterone Symptoms. I injected benzene free Testosterone Propionate at 3.5 mL, which surprised me, dissolving most of the bone pain overnight. So I know the Testosterone Propionate does All of it’s Work in the body in 20 hours. (I had to do another injection, the next day.) I would love to try Mega dosing The Benzene Free Testosterone Propionate for Treating my Bone loss Pain, Again. The Testosterone Propionate, I Recently purchased was loaded with Benzyl Alcohol and Benzyl Benzoate, as The Testosterone Enanthate, is Too. If you want to get a Taste of Testosterone Treating your Symptoms, short Term, Since, you Men are Not as Bad off as I am, the Benzene containing Testosterone Enanthate would help some of you, short Term. You can order Testosterone Enanthate online. But, order it in the Summer Months. The industry is adding the Same amount of Benzene compounds for preservatives to both compounds, because when I used the Testosterone Propionate, the Benzene Infections I injected, still took 2-3 weeks at least, to Clear, as The Testosterone Enanthate does. Since The Testosterone Propionate only contains 100MG/mL Testosterone. Buying the Testosterone Enanthate is a Better Deal, Since the 250mg/mL Testosterone Enanthate delivers about 180 MG of Testosterone. You might only be able to shoot 1 ml every week, since the half life is extended with the Benzene infections. But, the compound may Help you, so you can feel Better, and be Better, short Term. However, if you suspect, or have dealt with Reproductive system Cancers, Benzene containing Compounds of Testosterone should be Avoided. Because Benzene is a Carcinogen.

Amazingly, Benzene Free Testosterone Enanthate increases Healing Time, 3+ Fold, when administered properly, in Treating Acute low T Symptoms. Also, Healing skin blemishes, and causing Better Eyesight, because more Neurotransmitters are involved in the brain’s functions in processing visual images of the Environment, in the Brain. All of the Brain Functions, with the 5 Senses, become more Active and improved when Maintaining Highest Sperm Counts, by Testosterone Enanthate Dosage Adjustments, in Men. Benzene Free Testosterone Enanthate Can Bring a Human to the Point of Being the Best they can Be, Spiritually, Mentally and Physically. Feeling Too Frail, Delicate, or Fragile to do an injection, is a low Testosterone Symptom. But, No Worries, injection needle puncture Wounds, Heal up 3+ Times faster, when the Benzene Free Testosterone Enanthate is Used Properly.

As I look back in my memory, which is Not Much. Now still Experiencing low Testosterone Dementia, Being at the Keyboard for Many years, in hand and finger Pain, Figuring that the More I Educated myself About Testosterone, and The Toxic Sex Hormone Scam, the more probability there would be for me getting Help from doctors. However, if Reality can Not make Sense to doctors, it’s a wonder that anybody is Healed, Since doctors are unteachable about Their Toxic Sex Hormone Scam. Maybe, these pervert doctors do Not want The elder People Horny, Happy, and in Good Health. People that are in Good Health do Not give doctors and Hospitals visits. My Chain Smoking of Cigarettes has taken the edge off of my bone pain for over 7 years. Cigarettes have Saved my life. Even, if they do end up Killing me. I Woke in much Needless Pain This morning of July 24th, Not being able to inject more compound due to the Benzene reaction infections being in the way. UCSD, obviously is Not Helping anybody with Testosterone Enanthate, or any Testosterone. Why do The People Fund Teaching Hospitals? The Teaching Hospitals, Regular Hospitals, and Clinics Only Teach and practice their Toxic Hormone Scam, Never learning from their Mistakes, in what works in Testosterone and what Can’t work with Testosterone. (Never use Precursors or DHEA when Injecting Testosterone Enanthate. Never use Precursors or DHEA.) The Reason why the schooling hospital will Not Communicate with me is because Any Further Testosterone Research on their part, Would Expose their Toxic Sex Hormone scam. The Criminals Know what is going on with their Toxic Sex Hormone Scam, Seeing it Here, and they Still will Not Help Me, in Any Way with Testosterone, or Anything.

God Jesus through Modern Technology, Saved The Day In 1936, and in 1954, saved more Time in a Bottle. SONG: Time in a Bottle, by Jim Croce. Low Testosterone Memory loss also deals with Time. Can Old Men Dream Dreams? SONG: Talk to Time by Tim Hicks. Don’t Talk to Time. Shoot It! Testosterone Enanthate causes the brain to be more active Day and Night. My Discovery makes Time, a Tangible Matter in Reality. As holding a Vial of Time in our Hands.
God Jesus and/or The devil, can only Work through People. Why has God Jesus Forsaken US, Or, have we Forsaken ourselves, since Proper Testosterone Treatment Requires doing the Injections in our modern World, every 4 Days, to Keep the Half Life Active, to Warp Time in The Body, for Treating low Testosterone Symptoms in the body and Brain?
Benzene Free Testosterone Enanthate is The King of Testosterone. Lord God Jesus is The King of Kings! God Jesus wanted Man to populate the Earth, Since most of The People will be going to Hell, More People being Born, gives more People a Chance at Salvation. I Too, as Most Americans Do, have a Box Full of Wishes and Dreams that could come True.

My Name is Tom, my phone Number has Changed. My New phone number is [removed by moderator]. Please if you Call, the Information should be Medically Related. Thank You!
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I always seemed to do well on westward enanthate. Was on it for a couple years. Was using it up until around the beginning of the year when I switched to prop
Used the Hilma TE and Empower's product. I have a thread on meso about the excipients. I'll find it. Tread carefully with the chlorobutanol if you use a lot of Hikma TE.

See this thread (don't want to break the rules here):




All props to @FunkOdyssey on his hard hitting research on excipient concentrations. I should have cited him in that thread. My apology.
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