Companies still marketing administration of testosterone shots once every 2-3 weeks


Why are companies still packaging testosterone with administration guidelines of once every 2-3 weeks? With all the latest data on that protocol being fairly ineffective, surely they could change their recommended administration so even doctors who are not up with the research could follow along. Also, Im sure they could probably make more money buy charging more per 100mg or something?
The package inserts that accompany prescription drugs require the approval of the FDA in the United States and Health Canada here in Canada. It takes time and costs money.

Where changes are slowly (far too slowly) starting to take place is at the educational level. "The Merck Manual" (the diagnostic Bible for physicians in the English speaking world) called for testosterone to be injected on a more frequent basis two years ago. Referencing the online version with a doctor may change his/her mind.

Doctors who know nothing, however, about androgen replacement can avoid any malpractice issues if they stick to the insert. They can always claim they are simply following the standard of care.
I also think that it's in the interest of big pharma to sell their products. Nobody particularly enjoys receiving injections, especially if they can't/won't self administer. If you want to sell a medication, it's going to be be more attractive to people if you sell it as a fortnightly/three-weekly injection, rather than something far more frequent.
Occasionally we get a guy who's on once every two weeks and they feel good. I also know a couple of guys at work that are on this protocol and they have no complaints. I think for some people it just works. Maybe not optimally, but it's fine for them. Everytime I tell a run of the mill doctor that I feel worse on TRT, they look surprised. Sometimes I wonder if guys on here more of an exception when it comes to TRT.

Are there any statistics on how many guys discontinue testosterone injections and stop refilling their prescriptions?
The package inserts that accompany prescription drugs require the approval of the FDA in the United States and Health Canada here in Canada. It takes time and costs money.

Where changes are slowly (far too slowly) starting to take place is at the educational level. "The Merck Manual" (the diagnostic Bible for physicians in the English speaking world) called for testosterone to be injected on a more frequent basis two years ago. Referencing the online version with a doctor may change his/her mind.

Doctors who know nothing, however, about androgen replacement can avoid any malpractice issues if they stick to the insert. They can always claim they are simply following the standard of care.
Thats good information...something to take into an office when need be...
Those package inserts will never change for generics unless there is a new side effect that the FDA deems important enough to put it in a "black box warning".

The FDA added two (Cardiovascular and blood clotting risks) in the past 4 years even though large studies proved those fear-based claims untrue. But the FDA does not edit mode of administration and companies selling generics have no incentive to do so.

You know a doctor is not educated about TRT if they only follow information that is listed in the package insert.

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