This is a very stupid approach. Why are you doing this? You have already received the message that your doc is out to lunch and you should seek better care.
I think you've already heard it, but dosing every 2 weeks is just utterly stupid. Your T blood level will go very high, then decrease to a low level. This commonly puts a man on a roller coaster of symptoms. There is nothing about this that mimics anything natural in a man's testosterone metabolism. After 2 weeks, the lab test means little because it is so long after the last dose. This is not a functional protocol.
You should have a reason for any protocol change... what is your reason here? It seems like you are just randomly throwing darts and hoping for one to stick.
If you feel symptomatic ups and downs twice weekly, more frequent dosing could even that out. It just depends on your personal case
It is extraodinarily rare for a man to do well on every other week. Some do OK on 1/week, More it seems do well on 2 or more/week. Some of us have even gone to daily (Which works bets for me. I started at every 3 days, then went to every other day, then went to a T cyp/prop blend daily. (I am in no way saying what works for me will for you))
It is also common that when we increase frequency we also decrease dosage slightly. More frequent doses means the trough level comes up a bit, so in effect running higher all the time.
I am concerned about your hematocrit at 53. That is not something to ignore or screw around with. A sensible approach would be phlebotomy and to reduce your dose of T. To me, if 50mg x 2/week put you there, a significant decrease is warranted. I personally would drop to 70 or 75mg/week divided into 2 or more doses. For me more frequent dosing works better, but it might not for you.
Finding out TAKES TIME. Changing protocol repeatedly without giving ample TIME between changes IS FOLLY. After you get out from under
high hematocrit, you can find your true balance, but that isn't going to resolve quickly. Changes to dosage and frequency take 6-8 weeks to stabilize in terms of blood levels AND LONGER for the body to actually adapt. For me, 2-3 months after every change. If you keep changing things frequently, you will never learn what actually works.