Clomid Testimonial


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Clomid testimonial; Daily I take 50 mg clomid, plus 300mg Dim supplement, 300 mg DHEA, and 300 mg horny goat weed. The combination works well together. I am no chemist, but I think the clomid produces testosterone, Dim helps block estriadol, DHEA is a energy booster and horny goat weed makes a guy feel youthful in a sexual sense.
Welcome to Excelmale. It's always good news to hear from someone who's found success on a protocol, particlularly a Clomid protocol. Can you discuss your dose, and tell us how long you've been on it? And, if you don't mind, why you and your doctor chose Clomid to treat your androgen deficiency?
As a health and fitness regimen, I had taken alot of DHEA and it may have caused a buildup of estriadol. So am still taking DHEA it is coupled with clomid to produce androgen and Dim to block estriadol. My doctor recommended it as he thought I was on the area of the spectrum with moderately low but not drasticly low androgen. So far no side effects, except slightly darker and slightly orangish urine at times.
Is 50 mg part of a restart protocol? If not, that is a high daily dose & some (not all) report visual issues at high doses, e.g. "floaters"
50mg a day is very high, you can more than likely expect your estrogen to skyrocket, the DIM isn't very helpful. I started TRT with clomid therapy and yes it increased my test but more so my estrogen. It was a constant yoyo effect, you may have bettter results.

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