Cessation of TRT a good idea for me?



So im going to try to make a long (~2 year) story as short and concise as possible. Since i believe its relevant.... I was a long term opiate addict. I finished that miserable journey with a few years of methadone treatment which is known to rock bottom testosterone.

Few years after getting clean I wasnt feeling up to snuff and most of the symptoms (bad sleep, trouble concentrating, low libido) were posters for low T so I went for blood. (as someone who avoids the dr like a plague, assume i had to feel pretty awful to make this step. It was my first blood draw in my life @ 35 lol)

Ultimately the blood draw returned a few things that took precedent. My ALP was triple OOR which led to tests determining I had kidney cancer. So went through surgery and knocked that off the list. Afterwards, the reasons for the elevated ALP had to be determined. Surprise, I had(have) pagets disease as well. Good times.

Anyways, the test showed my TT had recovered to 497. for 36 y/o this didnt seem to be good to me. Of course, turns out its quite average - but the prevailing idea that more test is better, coupled with my symptoms had me hell bent on TRT. Unfortunately, based on the TT number alone (its all he ran that time) I was declined.

I went on a mission to get as lean as possible. Again, misguided into thinking the leaner you are, the better as far as naturally inflating T numbers. I dieted hard at a deficit for about 6 months and got very lean. Too lean. Inlaws were voicing concern to my wife behind my back. I loved the 10 pack but evidently my face looked like skeletor ;p

In the end, i had expected my libido and energy to go up, but as informed minds know - this had the opposite effect. I felt worse than ever.

Went for more labs and as I now know, my hormones were bottomed out, helped along by dieting. TT was 197 on a 400-1080 and FT was 40 on a 49-212. The doc then started me on TRT.

Now fast forward. Ive gone through this entire time trying to dial in, and im close - at least by the numbers. Only partially by the way I feel. Ive been able to keep my TT at the tippy top of the range (little over/under depending) and my FT in between 150-200 on the same scale. E2 is between 20-30 with <1mg arimidex spread out during the week.

Im currently on SubQ as i really dont want to eviscerate my muscle over time and i lost 2 injection sites when i started routinely nailing nerves in my quads. very unpleasant. Anyways the subQ has me feeling worse, which is likely a result of the same dose resulting in lower TT/FT and higher E2. Perhaps due to the slower release resulting in a lower peak as well.


TRT has definitely provided me with a more even mood. Generally better. It hasnt done "magic" for my energy, but in general it is improved as well. Libido is usually better. So what is the problem you say? (and after the novel, the reason for my post ;p)

1) It has given me some BPH symptoms. I basically have to wring out my penis after urinating lest i dribble in my boxers. Undoubtedly due to the fact my prostate numbers (which while still good) have gone up by ~25%. As a flip side, its made orgasms basically like magic.

2) It has made my appetite insatiable. I used to be able to diet and cut fat very easily. Now i struggle. Struggle might be an understatement. I even wake in the middle of the night to eat now.

3) The biggest caveat. It gave me terrible ED. Terrible as in, I can barely get an erection good enough for penetration let alone maintain it. Viagra allows a return to form, but for gods sake I dont want to have to take more medication.

4) my DHT is 517 on a 106-719. Obviously in range, but high enough to literally annihilate my hairline. I always had some recession, but the amount of hair im losing now is very upsetting. had to change my hairstyle. It was always going to happen, it just would have been much later.

5) Systolic BP is up in the high 130's low 140's however Im not sure if this was present before, as it runs in my family and I am getting older. Also controllable with diet if i get to a low enough weight.

In the end, im really concerned about how things are effecting my health. After the cancer scare, im a bit of a hypochondriac i guess. Longevity doesnt run in the family, and heart disease does. Also the ED thing in and of itself is a HUGE problem for me, also can be caused by hardening of arteries or whatnot and Im beginning to wonder if TRT is having long term deterimental effects on my health.

Especially since we lack data from people who have used it for 30+ years like I will end up doing should i stay on it (and last that long).

In short, is it realistic to think that after a year or two I can come off with the proper protocol and restore myself to the ~500 range, or do you guys think staying on is my best bet? I dont know what part broke my erections but if nothing else, I cant live with that.

Would I simply request HCG and nolvadex from the doc and run them for a month or so and hope for the best?

totally torn.

Sorry for the book.
To answer you main question - maybe. It seems that most guys we hear from on this board that have stopped TRT do return to wherever they would have been without it.

IIRC in your post, your last natural TT reading was not at 500.

To touch on Vince's post above, which I totally agree with, it may be worth sharing more details about the protocols you've had and the lab results of those protocols.
Sorry for the short answer. My thought is, have you ever tried trt without an AI?

I have not. When i started TRT i immediately retained a ton of water. Scary amount. Ankles blew up and all kinda gnarly stuff. I started on an AI immediately thereafter, the water went away, and I havent looked back.

I usually take .25mg every other day, or every third day. Trying to keep it to a minimum and would love to go without, but even with it at e3d my e2 on dose day is at 30. I have to imagine it would be substantially higher without.

Do you think its worth trying? Each time ive tried to change before Id end up lethargic and losing morning wood etc. Unsure if it was related to elevated/elevating E2 directly, or simply things being changed and my body re-doing its thing.

Like other "common" ideas surrounding trt - the idea you need to be around 22 has become so pervasive, any time ive found myself higher i'd try to modulate my dosing to get it down some.

Here are my last 3 labs/protocols. I keep a sort of diary but each time my doctor ends up drawing something different no matter what I tell him so if its barren, its cause he didnt pull those labs for that session.

8/27/19 (50mg E3D/.25E3D) SUBQ
Total Testosterone 895
Free Testosterone 152
E2 30
E2 Serum -
Estrone -
Total Estrogens -
Hematocrit 49.2
PSA .88
DHT - 517
Cholesterol 121
HDL 50
LDL 60

5/11/19 (50mg E3D/.25E3D) IM
Total Testosterone 1192
Free Testosterone 179
E2 27
E2 Serum 28.2
Estrone 26.3
Total Estrogens 54.5
Hematocrit 50.9
PSA .74
DHT 480

2/22/19 (60mg E3D/.25EoD) IM
Total Testosterone 1280
Free Testosterone 192
E2 <25
E2 Serum 14.9
Hematocrit 51.2
PSA .9
DHT 660
Cholesterol 119
HDL 46
LDL 60

I have more going back further if necessary.
To answer you main question - maybe. It seems that most guys we hear from on this board that have stopped TRT do return to wherever they would have been without it.

IIRC in your post, your last natural TT reading was not at 500.

To touch on Vince's post above, which I totally agree with, it may be worth sharing more details about the protocols you've had and the lab results of those protocols.

TT was 497 before I had labs drawn while in a calorie deficit at a very low bf% which skewed my hormones under the range with readings of 305 and 197 or some such. Of course with a 400-1080 range, my TT wasnt the best even at 497 I guess.

I certainly wouldnt be against giving it a more robust attempt at going without an AI but seeing as even limited E3D/.25mg usage puts me at 30, im not sure if thats the right call? I dont know how much that dose of arimidex impacts overall estrogen level(s) but the lab range calls for <39 which puts my 30 not too far from the top as it is.

Hopefully you guys know better than I.




thats what i have under the thyroid section.
hmm.... these levels are hard to interpret very well, especially without rT3 and IGF-1 on here, but IMHO there's some potential of a lazy thyroid, and your BUN/creatine levels indicate your liver and kidneys could use a break. I'd love to hear KSman chime in here, but if it were me, I'd reduce protein intake and take a liver supplement (milk thistle is good) while increasing veggie intake, add in HCG to help backfill all the other pathways it can, and get a full thyroid analysis done by an endocrinologist.
Anecdotally, regarding your AI, I over responded for months when I started TRT and had to take a ton of anastrozole as well as DIM. When I stopped DIM, my high E symptoms returned, even with the anastrozole. Weird, but true. Started DIM again and the E symptoms went away.
yea the kidneys I figured was likely from heavy protein intake and/or the fact I had part of one lopped off due to the cancer. The doctor has yet to say anything so I kinda just filed it away. Now you have me wondering again. I only eat 1g/lb which comes out to ~180g a day. While the foolish part of me wants to say there are guys who eat WAY more, i know that has 0 to do with me. I wonder if that is having an effect, or if its something else all together. Wonder if i just read high in that area. Or maybe creatine is straining them. Still, came to talk about the feasability of ceasing trt, and if so what avenue to take OR what could possibly having almost entirely killed my ability to get erections.

I will bring up the kidney markers to the doc next time i go in. I see my urologist for my annual cancer scan in february too so he'd likely know more.

as for HCG, id have to switch doctors as mine told me he cant prescribe it, only a fertility type doc (or presumably endo) can.

I did try to go to an endo initially but apart from barely speaking the language, she rubbed me the wrong way when she said "i dont understand why he's trying to hand you off to me when he already started you on treatment" after my GP's referral.

the GP is pretty understanding but as you can imagine he's not well versed in the intricacies of secondary hormones etc.

Not sure how to interpret your experience regarding AI. Are you tossing another chip in the bag for me ceasing it? Even if it puts me OOR high?

Or are you saying that my initial response like yours could have been exaggerated and apart from what i imagine would be some rebound (if i stopped AI) it might actually settle in favorable territory?
Not sure how to interpret your experience regarding AI. Are you tossing another chip in the bag for me ceasing it? Even if it puts me OOR high?

Or are you saying that my initial response like yours could have been exaggerated and apart from what i imagine would be some rebound (if i stopped AI) it might actually settle in favorable territory?

I'm not personally going to encourage you to cease TRT, no. I'm just saying for me, it took DIM *and* AI to feel right. The two work really differently- the AI helps to stop the conversion of T to E, the DIM helps get the E you still make out of your system. Apparently, that's what I needed. I think you can settle into good levels and in all likelihood, the roller coaster you'd ride coming off TRT would be rougher than making adjustments to where you are now.

And I know you've probably read this a zillion times already, but seriously consider Defy if you're in the US. They can do the full thyroid panel and help you with those levels, and they'll definitely be ok with the HCG. They're super knowledgable on ALL things related to male hormones.
Ah, no i didnt mean cessation of trt necessarily. I meant ceasing the AI. Sounds like youre more championing the opposite. Or adding something in addition to.

I certainly felt better on the IM than subQ, but when levels are similar I dont understand why the difference? Is it truly the peaks from IM that would be the only explanation? Also never had ED to the degree I do now, before. Unsure if it was the change to SubQ, or the gradual thickening of the blood over time. But at some point it just turned off entirely.

Does defy take insurance? Might be a silly question, not sure how TRT clinics operate after all.

Assuming they do, would current/prior blood work be submissible to fast track things, or would it require fresh labs aka me coming off trt anyways?

I appreciate your time, thanks again.
Just touching on your ED problems for a moment, having higher BP in the 140's plus can be causing issues to your arteries and endothelial lining. I eventually had to go on low dose BP meds to get mine back down below 120. Eventually that helped with ED, along with properly managed TRT. Don't ignore those BP numbers.
I'm definitely NOT recommending going off the AI. Not now at least. I'd try adding the DIM (it's natural, not gonna hurt a damn thing) and see if that helps you as it did me. As to your question regarding the IM vs the subq, it could be that your body prefers those higher levels, and the quick spike it got from IM worked for you. I'm also not used to those free T ranges you posted; the LabCorp tests I do range from 6.8-21.5 pg/ml, and I stay above 20, my total T is around ~1060. This is just such an intricate thing and varies so much from person to person, I get worried about giving advice, but I'd do daily, low dose subq if getting a full thyroid panel is out of the question for right now. rT3 and IGF-1 levels would go a LONG way in giving you some additional ideas, though. Hell, you could be pre-diabetic. In your situation, right now you're trying to solve a puzzle with 75% of the pieces.

Defy does not bill insurance directly, but there's success stories out there with people who have gotten the paperwork from Defy and filled it with their insurance company. I'm OOP with an HSA personally. They'd need a recent physical, and while they do accept recent enough blood work (I don't know the time frame) of existing TRT patients to get them started at Defy, you don't have a full thyroid panel anyway so there's not really an advantage in doing partial blood work. They will NOT require you to come off TRT to get fresh bloodwork to then start again. If you make a wrong turn on a road trip, you course correct- you don't go home and start over.
Just touching on your ED problems for a moment, having higher BP in the 140's plus can be causing issues to your arteries and endothelial lining. I eventually had to go on low dose BP meds to get mine back down below 120. Eventually that helped with ED, along with properly managed TRT. Don't ignore those BP numbers.

you are correct, and I do realize this. Oddly enough I kept telling myself theres plenty of guys with hypertension that get along just fine - but as we all know, thats not how this works :P

Its good to hear that it had an impact with your ED. Hopefully it will help with mine. Like i noted, the ED wasnt an issue with my first ~1/2 a year on TRT, but its miserable now. Viagra works a treat but id prefer to get to the root cause. Nevermind the fact that if it is arterial related - that has other ramifications.

I dont know enough about how erections function to analyze it too far, but i know viagra works by not letting blood leave. I do notice that when I can get an erection, i lose it super fast. So it seems that the "leaving" is certainly the issue. Beyond that, no idea if that points to arterial issues or elsewhere. Even on the rare case (lately) that i get morning erections, I recall when I was young, they'd hang around for quite some time. Now I have enough time to open my eyes, realize I have one, and by the time i climb out of bed - gone!

No idea how abnormal this is at my age, as I dont delve into such things very often. However its become enough of an issue, that i not only have to look at trt in general, but am forced to talk about it ;p
I'm definitely NOT recommending going off the AI. Not now at least. I'd try adding the DIM (it's natural, not gonna hurt a damn thing) and see if that helps you as it did me. As to your question regarding the IM vs the subq, it could be that your body prefers those higher levels, and the quick spike it got from IM worked for you. I'm also not used to those free T ranges you posted; the LabCorp tests I do range from 6.8-21.5 pg/ml, and I stay above 20, my total T is around ~1060. This is just such an intricate thing and varies so much from person to person, I get worried about giving advice, but I'd do daily, low dose subq if getting a full thyroid panel is out of the question for right now. rT3 and IGF-1 levels would go a LONG way in giving you some additional ideas, though. Hell, you could be pre-diabetic. In your situation, right now you're trying to solve a puzzle with 75% of the pieces.

Defy does not bill insurance directly, but there's success stories out there with people who have gotten the paperwork from Defy and filled it with their insurance company. I'm OOP with an HSA personally. They'd need a recent physical, and while they do accept recent enough blood work (I don't know the time frame) of existing TRT patients to get them started at Defy, you don't have a full thyroid panel anyway so there's not really an advantage in doing partial blood work. They will NOT require you to come off TRT to get fresh bloodwork to then start again. If you make a wrong turn on a road trip, you course correct- you don't go home and start over.

what would I look for as far as pre-diabetic goes? anything that would be present in a CBC/lab? I have a ton of stuff, much I have no clue what it pertains to.

Thanks for the defy info, ill definitely look into whether or not I can get it past my insurance. its very good insurance (blue cross blue shield messa) but the good insurances can also be sticklers on specifics.

I was really hoping to get by with less frequent injections. Especially considering my moderate-high shbg. Isnt that against the usual recommendation? Not that I wouldnt change it up if it meant resolving grievances with TRT of course.

Out of curiosity why is that your suggestion?
IGF-1 and diabetes: Diabetes and Insulin-Like Growth Factor (IGF): Is There a Link?
IGF-1 also gives some input on how your pituitary and thyroid are... "communicating", I suppose?

Higher SHBG just means you have the potential to tolerate larger doses spread further apart than someone with low SHBG, IF everything else were equal. And if everything were working great for ya, I'd say if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Consider though, a healthy, all-natural male (not on trt) releases testosterone daily, not every three or 5 days, so it just seems to make sense to try and mimic that. But again, anecdotally, there's far more success stories from guys who went to daily shots than there are failures.

It's also important to remember that endocrinologists learn new stuff about how our hormones work ALL the time, and not everyone is as sensitive as others to different levels. Without HCG and being on TRT, you aren't producing much pregnenolone, as well as a couple other hormones from the testes. That could be causing you issues, too. Hormones are just weird, you fix two or three and three more seem to fall in line afterwords. Check this out on HCG and why I'm such a believer: The Benefits of Using HCG with TRT | The Men's Health Clinic
You are pretty young for all of this to be happening, but could be related to some of the issues from your life you mentioned. For diabetes, you should getting a fasting glucose number (preferably below 99) and your A1C, which should be below 5.8. Your cholesterol numbers looked excellent

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