fair enough. I'm just becoming a bit "mid life crisis'ey" as i'm at the point where i think I can stop and eventually return to normalcy, but hold out hope that theres gain to be had by staying the course. I just dont want to spin my wheels for too long and cost myself the chance at the former if thats what it comes to.
still, you are right. Never has been a one-size fits all in this game. The darned hair loss I could totally get over, but the bph stuff man. Inconvenient at best, embarrassing at worst, and I cant imagine thats gonna be healthy long term.
The crazy part is the highest ive ever seen my DHT was high 500's and that was still in range. Yet boy oh boy did my prostate not like that. PSA doubled over a few years. I dont imagine having a libido is worth cancer down the road or peeing more than 15 times a day.
Though then you get into the philosophical about enjoying fewer years vs less enjoyment but more years.
Disappointing as there are guys that can blast 1000mg of testosterone a week and have no prostate issues. Me? 140mg and i'm dribbling.
No one said life is fair I guess.
As previously noted, finasteride at 1mg did arrest the BPH almost entirely within a couple of weeks, and its supposed to continue shrinking the gland for 6 months. Still it took my libido with it. Hoping this isnt tied to the drop in DHT and due to the fact I also dropped my testosterone dose from 140 to 100. Or is simply tied to the change and will rebound.
Starting to look like theres not many ways for me to have my cake and eat it too. Heres to hoping I can find a balance with the addition of hcg.
thank you for your time and help!