Burning sensation in head of penis


I just started full on defy protocol and have noticed that I am getting a burning sensation in the head of the penile area..not sure if it's a side effect of hcg or anastrozole/ dim. I had hardly any side effects with just test cyp 200mg once weekly.this is my 2nd week with my new protocol with defy. I have blood work in 2 weeks to check everything
You write that the discomfort is "in the head" of the penis. To be a bit more specific, this is NOT the urethra, you don't notice this urinating. Or do you?
Nope. Pretty much when I'm sitting down. For a long period of time. And with intercourse. My protocol is 100mg twice weekly 500 in hcg 2 weekly and .25 anastrozole/ dim twice weekly
My suggestion is to go to your physician, have them run an exam, culture, labs ... Don't really see any correlation with those meds and what you're describing. If it were the testicles, then that could make sense, but can't see it with the helmet.
Ya it's odd. Just thought ide throw it out there incase it was something someone has had or heard of. It's also good incase someone sees this post and has had an issue like this..I'll check with my docs on it. Thanks again guys
Rlb112. I too have just recently started having the same feeling you described. I run 210 mg of test e every week and just started hcg about 10 days ago. After about the first week I started feeling this burning pressure feeling only in the tip of my penis. It's not red or irritated looking and seems to only burn when sitting also. I've searched the web high and low and cannot find anything conclusive. Have you found out anything yet? Thanks
Nope. Pretty much when I'm sitting down. For a long period of time. And with intercourse. My protocol is 100mg twice weekly 500 in hcg 2 weekly and .25 anastrozole/ dim twice weekly

That's not a Defy protocol. So you want to come off with what's really going on? Most all of us are Defy patients and/or know Defy Dr's that's not a protocol that they prescribe.
Yes it's weird..I'm wondering if it's a side effect of hcg or anti est? I never had it until I started those two. I did 200mg test for 8 months or so with out the other and had no side effect
Listen Vince don't tell me what I got going on. That what the Dr and I are doing..don't sit on here calling me a liar. Why would I lie? I wouldn't so before you flap your jaw tying to make me look stupid pm me.with your stupid comments
And if you want I can show you a copy of the email to shut you up..not everyone is the same and you for sure haven't seen any of my labs
Sorry for the way I acted towards your post Vince. I at times fly off the handle with things and I should not have..a simple pm to you from me could have cleared things up.
I can say that both Dr Crisler and myself have patients on just about any and every combination of regimens imaginable. This is a testament to the "everyone is different/unique" reality in addition to the volume of patients we see/treat and the fact that every regimen is individualized.
Thanks for taking the time to chime in Dr.

RLB112 - by the way, sorry I was distracted from your original question lol. Your specific symptoms are not likely to have any direct link to your TRT regimen, but certainly may relate to your urological health. In my opinion, a urine sample with culture would be the first step to determine if any infectious process may be at play.
RLB112 - not my intent to be a ****, but when I read your original post, the 1st thing I thought of was when I was 21 years old, I had those symptoms. I went to the doc and found I had chlamydia. Meds took care of it fairly quickly. As both Vettester Chris and Dr. Saya suggest, a urine sample and culture would be a smart idea.

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