Brand New! 200 mg Test Cypionate as a starting dose.

If I may ask. You said my labs looked similar to yours, how were you feeling before treatment started for you?

In 2000 I had chemotherapy for cancer. Before that my sex drive was very good and I generally felt "normal". After the chemo I experienced serious anxiety and loss of sex drive as the years went on. I treated the anxiety with natural products with great success. I also began to have what many people describe as brain fog (cancer survivors call it chemo brain) I figured that this was something I was going to have to live with as a by product of the chemo. Anyway, not to write a book here. In recent years I have experienced frequent hot flashes (thought I was getting a fever), joint and muscle pain, dizziness, headaches, brain fog, lack of concentration, forgetfulness (this has gotten really bad the past year - I thought for sure I was getting dementia), reduced energy, trouble making decisions (where to eat, what to wear, second guessing everything I did), lack of everyday drive to accomplish things in life and last year I began to experience sexual problems. At first it was the occasional erection issue during sex. Then I began to lose sensation in my penis. Then the ED got worse and would be an issue even before sex started. When I could get it up, it took me forever to climax (and they felt weak, very weak) and often times we finished without me being able to climax. Also, It's hard to describe but looking at the opposite sex it was like I was looking at a potted plant. Nothing, zero interest, no arousal, no wow she is hot even if she was. The sexual issues aside, I felt like I was walking around like a zombie. I told my wife and kids that I thought that I was dying.

Incidentally, I took my first shot 60mg on Monday of this week (you can see my various threads on trying other solutions before I came to this point) Last night I finally actually felt pretty good during sex. Feelings down there are returning I am certain of this. My wife and I had sex the night I took my first shot and I felt no different then I did a week ago. But last night it was different an I am hoping and praying that this continues.

One more thing I forgot to mention above. In recent years my eye floaters have been getting worse and worse. To the point now where they affect my vision in one fashion or another. I find myself focusing on them since some float into my line of sight when I try to focus on something in front of me. I have read online that eye floaters are a definite sign of hormone deficiencies. The jury is still out though on whether this will improve if androgen levels are improved. This would be icing on the cake if other issues are resolved!
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Wow. Sounds like you have really been through it. I have just felt so tired all the time. Brain fog? Absolutely! It's terrible! My memory is terrible! I'm always double and triple checking myself when at work performing tasks. Only recently has my sex drive diminished though. Usually its high or has been up until a couple of weeks ago. That's when I decided to take action. My sleep is not good , and I wake up a lot during the night. When the alarm goes off to get up for work I'm already exhausted and dreading the day. The eye is interesting that you mention this. I also have them and sometimes pretty bad. I have not heard that mentioned anywhere else as a possible symptom of low T, so that is very interesting. My treatment with Test and hcg starts next week and I am so hopeful I will have a positive experience!!!
I plan on keeping a thorough journal of everything once treatment starts so that I can monitor everything and hopefully be able to share some insight with others!
By the way.....Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I know some are not here in the states so maybe they don't celebrate that but we do around here!
I would like to mention one thing, eye floaters are not from TRT.
About 20 years ago I started getting eye floaters, I did have my eyes checked. It was only age related, I no longer get them. 8-)

Yeah, I was talking about the lack of hormones causing the issue perhaps. I sure hope that on T that this diminishes. Because they are terrible something fierce. And I have had my eyes checked for retinal tears etc. This is something entirely different.

Happy Thanksgiving to you too!
I have heard similar things from my eye Doctor but not sure. Interestingly, my Mom has terrible eye floaters too and has for a very long time. However, she had a hysterectomy some years ago and has never had HRT or did at first, didn't like it and just has lived without a significant amount of estrogen. I am trying to get her to see my Doctor since she does have symptoms of poor hormonal balance.
I have heard similar things from my eye Doctor but not sure. Interestingly, my Mom has terrible eye floaters too and has for a very long time. However, she had a hysterectomy some years ago and has never had HRT or did at first, didn't like it and just has lived without a significant amount of estrogen. I am trying to get her to see my Doctor since she does have symptoms of poor hormonal balance.

In post six of this thread Dr. Saya discusses how Clomid can cause floaters and how to deal with it.
I was going to mention something like Clomid affects the eyes. When I tried it within 10 days I had pretty bad eye pain and had to stop it. So, either directly or indirectly (through hormonal changes?) it has an affect.

My doctor has said she sees floaters and scotoma issues in few patients but should they occur Clomid is discontinued at once. We have other members who have posted about other visual challenges and their TRT protocol. Worth using the search function.

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