I am going through a Mens Clinic that (SUPPOSEDLY) specializes in this type if thing. Now I'm wondering what to do. I'm not sure about the E2, is that my Estradiol level?
Most clinics like that aren't on the cutting edge of TRT, they're more likely than not, in it for money.
I personally wouldn't take AI at all right now. You're low, chances of you having an issue with E2 is less, plus if you take an AI with your first shot, the testosterone hasn't even been absorbed yet, and an AI will absolutely crash your E2 to nothing. You will feel like complete crap.
E2 is another name for estradiol.
Also is my super low E2 level because of my super low testosterone level? I thought Estradiol levels being low was a good thing in men but maybe only to a certain point and then it's too low?
Yes. E2 is made from testosterone, if there's little testosterone, then there's little E2.
You want balance with E2, not too high, and not too low. I imagine it depends on the person, but with low E2 there are some really really harsh effects, and some long term problems too, bone loss(also explains why older women have more problems with osteoporosis) and possible increase in chance of mortality.
High has it's problems too, like gyno, and again risk of mortality is shown to increase.
You will know when it's at a good level, you'll wake up with morning wood, feel good most of the time, have a good libido and such. Of course, this all depends on your health. If you have a physical problem preventing erections, the correct E2 level for you, will not fix that.