Botox for your sexual health.

Just wondering if anyone out there has tried the botox shots for ED yet, besides me? If you get them thru the P shot trained docs working with Dr. Runnels, they refer to them as "Bocox" shot. There are other plastic surgeons offering them for ED and "male enhancement". Supposedly according to some of the plastic surgeons you can get more girth and length from it too. I have not seen the data to support that claim. Basically, they inject 50-100 units of Botox injecting two 25 unit shots each, into each side of your cavernosum. It really wasn't any worse than ICI inecting, so not painful. Basically, the botox paralyzes certain nerves which lets the arteries stay more open and let more blood flow into your penis. It supposedly takes a few weeks for the botox to paralyze the smooth muscle in the arteries to allow them to stay open. However, my experience has been different. It has been less than a week since I was injected with Botox and I have already seen remarkably good results. Faster than expected and very positive results. I am wondering if the effect will last as long as the physician suggested in would (4 months or so). If anyone else has had a botox shot series please let me know how you have done. I have already found erections far easier to get, far easier to keep, and as I continue to see gradual improvement every day, I am nearly at a point where I might not need Tri mix at all. BTW IF you do get a botox injection and are using Tri Mix or others, cut your dosing back me. I didn't get into trouble, but you easily could. If the benefit holds, this is a game changer for a lot of men. Regarding cost. Many physician will likely charge in the range of $2000 for a shots totaling 100 units. However, I can honestly say, if you can give up injecting Trim mix, and save the cost of ICI meds, this might be worth it for you especially if you only need to be re injected every 4-6 months, and gain a good erection the way you did in your 20's, think about it, and watch it happen.
Can I ask, what dose of PT 141 do you use?
As an update. I gave myself a washout period from the Bremelanotide or PT 141, I took as branded Vyleesi. Extreme nausea, was the reason I quite taking the Vyleesi. It worked incredibly effectively otherwise. I also did get body aches, and sinus congestion. But the sexual response was nothing short of amazing the first three times I used it and didn't get such severe nausea. I was consequently prescribed a vial of compounded Bremelanotide from Empower. After the washout period of weeks, I took Zofran about 1 1/2 hours before injecting the Bremelanotide. I injected about 9 units, roughly half the dose of branded Vyleesi. With the zofran on board, NO nausea. Zofran is not expensive, generic is available. I did get some body aches, and sinus congestion both of which were easily managed with ibuprofen, and Allegra. I started to see a real jump in libido, about 1 hour post dosing. A desire as though I were 25 again! Not uncontrollable, but if I saw a beautiful woman, I thought about sex, and began to get an erection. By the third hour post dose, I did still get a spontaneous erection, or two, but mostly I wanted sex, and was able to get an erection easily and it held well, although in my case severe ED still required a little Tri mix. But a much lower dose was adequate. I did get a little bloating at the end of the day, but not severe and might not have been the Bremelanotide. It was still an excellent response sexually, and lasted at least two days plus. In my case at least, I would not need to re inject more often than every 3-4 days to have better erections. As try additional dosing, I will see if the zofran continues to work, and prevents the nausea. In my case since the sever nausea didn't happen the first three tries I am not sure I won't see a future event just yet, but this is very promising.
Hi, Ribeye. It's been a few months since you gave us an update on Botox. Have you gone back for a fourth shot? How's it going?
Hi, Ribeye. It's been a few months since you gave us an update on Botox. Have you gone back for a fourth shot? How's it going?
Hi Mark. After consulting my doc, we decided not to get another. I am likely, unfortunately one of the few who produce antibodies to botox. While it worked unbelievably well the first time, the effect degraded after significantly with each successive shot. The third time it only lasted a few week or two at most. I was really dejected about it, because the first time was so spectacular. You won't know if you produce antibodies to botox until you actually take it a few times. The overwhelming majority of people do not produce them. Just my bad luck. Fortunately, my doc doesn't give up on anyone. She has tweaked my meds and I am now taking 40mg of tadalafil a day and with each increase in dosing, the benefit has increased significantly. Some would freak out over that high a dose daily, but its a dose commonly prescribed for people who suffer from pulmonary hypertension and as my doc suggested, even little old ladies tolerate it and do well, you should do just fine. and so far its been a wonderful improvement. I am just a little unlucky, I suppose but fortunate for having found such a good doc to manage me. If you are interested in botox, I would try it. It's safe, it's very effective for most men and it will last about 3 months or so depending on how sever your ED. If you get a botox, ask your doc for the higher doses, as the cost isn't much higher, and the higher doses definitely last longer.
Thank you, Ribeye. I'm sorry Botox didn't work long-term for you but I appreciate the analysis and advice and the hope that I might get your initial results.

40mg daily of Tadalafil is very interesting. When this adventure began for me, about 5 years ago, 25-50mg of Sildenafil worked quite well. My doc said there was no reason not to take the max, especially since the generic prices were coming way down, so I began taking 100mg. But now, the effect has become less certain. I began daily 5mg Tadalafil which had no benefit - my doc conceded that 5mg was intended more for just its placebo effect and took me to 10mg daily. He likes the combination of daily Tadalafil plus as-needed Sildenafil so he recommended 50mg Sildenafil. But I've recently upped it to 100mg with early positive results. At 40mg, your Tadalafil is pretty powerful on its own, but have you ever tried the combination?

How about sensitivity? I also suffer from delayed ejaculation to the level of anorgasmia (with both ED and DE, is hard for me to know what is actually failing me when I get hard enough for penetration but it doesn't last long enough for ejaculation). You reported that Botox had favorable effects on your ejaculation - does the super dose of Tadalafil do anything in that regard? Any other tips if Botox doesn't do it for me?

Thanks for passing on all your learnings!
Thank you, Ribeye. I'm sorry Botox didn't work long-term for you but I appreciate the analysis and advice and the hope that I might get your initial results.

40mg daily of Tadalafil is very interesting. When this adventure began for me, about 5 years ago, 25-50mg of Sildenafil worked quite well. My doc said there was no reason not to take the max, especially since the generic prices were coming way down, so I began taking 100mg. But now, the effect has become less certain. I began daily 5mg Tadalafil which had no benefit - my doc conceded that 5mg was intended more for just its placebo effect and took me to 10mg daily. He likes the combination of daily Tadalafil plus as-needed Sildenafil so he recommended 50mg Sildenafil. But I've recently upped it to 100mg with early positive results. At 40mg, your Tadalafil is pretty powerful on its own, but have you ever tried the combination?

How about sensitivity? I also suffer from delayed ejaculation to the level of anorgasmia (with both ED and DE, is hard for me to know what is actually failing me when I get hard enough for penetration but it doesn't last long enough for ejaculation). You reported that Botox had favorable effects on your ejaculation - does the super dose of Tadalafil do anything in that regard? Any other tips if Botox doesn't do it for me?

Thanks for passing on all your learnings!
Mark7, in case you did not know, sildenafil or Viagra is not absorbed as well with food too. Especially a meal with a little fat in it, like a good juicy steak. That could be part of why it doesn't work as well. Also I don't know how the doses of tadalafil compare to that of sildenafil, but the dose of tadalafil I am on is very high, typically given for pulmonary hypertension. My doc felt if little old ladies with Pulm hypertension can tolorate it, I should be able to as well. It does give me some sinus congestion at times, but Allegra usually is very helpful. I do also get a little flushing sometimes, but that has faded with repeated dosing. As to the effects, clearly as I went up in dose each 5 mg of tadalafil, the benefit was significant for erection quality, ease to get and keep erections, along with sensitivity improvements that are very nice as well. I have to tried both sildenafil and tadalafil together but I don't know or understand what the upside would be over what I take now. I also suffer from delayed ejaculation. It can be very frustrating, and in my case it seems to be related to the quality of the erection. It is also more difficult to reach orgasm if I inject Tri Mix in a large enough dose to really keep an erection for at least a good hour. The docs generally like you to have a "worry free" erection for an hour so there can be lots of foreplay first and then the main event! LOL. I have pretty significant or severe ED, from prostate cancer treatment, and an idiot urologist who put me on finasteride for far too long. Finasteride is bad news. There are other drugs to help, including the tadalafil is indicated to treat BPH, that will help without having to take a penis killer for BPH. So, I take a combination of tadalafil, and Tri mix, most of the time. Sometimes I use a ring and no Tri Mix and orgasm definitely comes easier but the erections are not as good. Tri Mix definitely helps if you have had a beer or two. I have also used Vyleesi, and it works incredibly well and Empower's version of PT141 which also works. I don't recall if you still have to mix PT 141 or bremelanotide from Empower, but when reconstituted, about 17-18 units is very close to equal to a Vyleesi dose. Both of these worked for me, but, smaller doses of Empower PT 141 didn't work as well, I needed the full dose. My problem with both of them at the full dose, were the side effects. The first three or four times I used Vyleesi, it worked incredibly well, and I got a few body aches but not severe and nothing else....then the next time I took it, it nearly blew me up. I got nausea so bad I was hugging the toiled for nearly a day. After that, even with Zofran, (for nausea) ibuprofen, for aches, and Allegra for the sinus congestion I still felt like crap from about 5-6 hours post dose for a 24 hour stretch. It was great for the 5-6 hours and after that I was miserable with body aches, sinus congestion, and a sour stomach. Like I said for me, it produced incredible erections, lots of sensitivity, amazing orgasms, but I felt sick as a dog for the next 24 hours. That is not to say everyone will get this. It seems most do not get quite this severe a reaction but it can happen even if you don't the first few times, it could still rear its ugly head. So, keep some Zofran from your doc around just in case. For me the Tadalafil at 40 mg qd is working great. It's really been a big plus for me. With the tadalafil and a little Tri Mix I can go for an hour or more, and still have an orgasm usually in 20-3- minutes, and after a little rest, go on for another half hour or more depending on my mood. I have two girlfriends who can't believe I can go this long with losing the erection, but they don't know about everything I take either. I am very fortunate to have a really good sexual medicine doc who is willing to try things and willing to let me, being careful try combinations of meds. the key to increasing the tadalafil dose is to take the dose up no more than 5 mg at a time gradually. Don't just go from 5 mg to 40mg overnight. I went from 5 to 10 in a three week period or longer, and then from 10 to 15 in another month, and so on.
Ribeye, thanks for your comprehensive results. I just re-read your information and came up with a question. I originally thought the 40mg Tadalafil must have been in an as-needed basis, but you said "q.d." so do you really take it daily? Any downside?

P.S. I'm continuing to use both Empower PT-141 and Vyleesi with good results, i.e. minimal nausea or other discomfort. It's just that I never know the timing of when a rock-hard erection will result (usually 2 to 8 hours).

P.P.S. I definitely see the difference when taking Sildenafil on an empty vs. full stomach.
Ribeye, thanks for your comprehensive results. I just re-read your information and came up with a question. I originally thought the 40mg Tadalafil must have been in an as-needed basis, but you said "q.d." so do you really take it daily? Any downside?

P.S. I'm continuing to use both Empower PT-141 and Vyleesi with good results, i.e. minimal nausea or other discomfort. It's just that I never know the timing of when a rock-hard erection will result (usually 2 to 8 hours).

P.P.S. I definitely see the difference when taking Sildenafil on an empty vs. full stomach.
Hi Mark, I do take tadalafil 40 mg daily. I started at 5 mg and worked up from there. My doc is one of the few boarded urologists who is specially trained in sexual medicine. She was comfortable increasing the dose, because the side effects were minimal and the benefit kept getting better. This drug really works well for me. It has given me much easier to get erections and really good improvements in ability to get and keep erecitons. I have severe ED from prostate cancer treatments. So, I need a lot of help. I have not done any more Botox because unfortunately I produced antibodies that stop the botox from working. The benefit only lasted a few days the last couple times I got it. I will say again, if that had NOT happened, I will still be taking it and be a happy camper. it was fantastic in the first two time. I gave up on the Vyleesi, because of the side effects. It worked pretty well, but I had headaches and body aches for a full day after it. Even when I took ibuprofen I still hurt. But it did work very well. But I also agree, when exactly it would kick in was not predictable. I am now also taking addyi. I will say, I think it is helping, and there are NO side effects. More subtle than vyleesi, but definitely a libido boost, and definitely additional help with erections. I am pleased with it. As to the Tadalafil, it is much less effected by food than sildenafil. And because it lasts longer, with a ring, I don't even have to inject Tri Mix at all to perform. Tri Mix adds an enough to get me a very high quality ereciton.....and LOL I can make it last for a couple hours predictably. So, all in all I am a very happy camper. I look at an attractive girl/woman now, and think wow. And soon after Mr Happy starts to get happy all on his own....the way it should be.
Don't give up! I am 65 and still going. I won't quite trying things until I have no other choices. I saw good results with shockwave too. And, they told me with shockwave and P shot's that it won't last forever, at some point you have to repeat them. it's called aging. I think they have all benefitted me, in slightly different ways. P shot restored a lot of sensitivity, and perhaps made it a little easier to get an erection. P shot also improved the girth considerably and there is no other explanation for that happening if it isn't helping blood flow and supply. shockwave also improved sensitivity greatly and made it even easier to get erections, but didn't help with girth. Tri Mix is a remarkable good drug and still works for me really well. But, for me, Botox was the game changer. Cut the Tri Mix by more than half. incredible sensitivity gains especially when erect. Go for it. You will only regret not having tried when you are older. I don't know of any many who died, whose epitaph read "regrets spending too much time having sex". LOL.
Ribeye, it's now been over a year since you posted. How's it been going? Could you please provide a detailed update?
Don't give up! I am 65 and still going. I won't quite trying things until I have no other choices. I saw good results with shockwave too. And, they told me with shockwave and P shot's that it won't last forever, at some point you have to repeat them. it's called aging. I think they have all benefitted me, in slightly different ways. P shot restored a lot of sensitivity, and perhaps made it a little easier to get an erection. P shot also improved the girth considerably and there is no other explanation for that happening if it isn't helping blood flow and supply. shockwave also improved sensitivity greatly and made it even easier to get erections, but didn't help with girth. Tri Mix is a remarkable good drug and still works for me really well. But, for me, Botox was the game changer. Cut the Tri Mix by more than half. incredible sensitivity gains especially when erect. Go for it. You will only regret not having tried when you are older. I don't know of any many who died, whose epitaph read "regrets spending too much time having sex". LOL.
Hi Ribeye, are you still using the Bocox injections?
Yea for me it wasn't enough to not use PE5s in addition. So like it helped but didnt fix. Usually i'll take 20mg Cialis and 100mg Viagra together. With the bocox I can get away with one or the other.

Ive had P shots and tried the Phoenix (which is athome shockwave). P shots add sensitivity for a few weeks. Shockwave I thought was inneffective.

all the other things you listed I have not done.
Brookseth, do you continue to take the Bocox shot? If so, what is the dosage and how often? Also, is there a specific type of Botox that is used? Thanks!
I actually might try self-injecting the botox soon as a way to majorly cut the costs. It's $1k to get it done where I live.
I can get botox from korea 1/10th of that.
Brookseth, are you sourcing and injecting your own Botox? If so, what is the dosage, how often and what are the results? Thanks in advance for any info you'd care to share. Steve

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