Blood Tests 8 Months In


New Member
Hey all, just got my blood results in. I have been on TRT (100mg/week) since July 2022, I am 54. I told my doc in November that I didn’t like the testicular atrophy, so he gave me a script of HCG, 500iu, twice per week. Starting in November, I also switched from daily to twice per week of testosterone injections. These adjustments really worked for me, my gym motivation and performance increased. I was able to do a diet to drop 18 lbs while increasing muscle mass. Totally changed my body composition. Sex drive has been good, with great orgasms. My anxiety and depression have not improved but they haven’t gotten worse either.

I also started Ritalin in December which worked great for about month but seemed to peter out, I will speak with my doc about increasing the dose or trying something different. Also, I started a microdose of topical finasteride at about half the prescribed dose. This has not seemed to affect erections, orgasms or anything really.

Here some of the bloods, these were taken on a Wednesday, my last 50mg shot was on Sunday morning:

Testosterone 33.0 nmol/l Range 8.4-28.8
Free Testosterone 797 pmol/l Range 115-577 pmol/L
Testosterone Bioavailable 18.7 nmol/L Range 2.7-13.5 nmol/L
Estradiol (Non-Sensitive) 207 pmol/L Range <162
SHGB 32.3 nmol/L Range 19-76 nmol/L

Some of the non-hormone out of ranges:
Total Biliburin 20 umol/L Range <17 umol/L
Aspartate AminoTransferase 41 U/L Range <36 U/L
Creatine Kinase 363 U/L Range <165 U/L

My hematocrit is good (.47)

Not sure why the top range for total testosterone is so low at this lab (Lifelabs Canada). It converts to 831ng/dl. My doc is probably going to say my T is too high even though I feel great and it is only at 952 ng/dl converted.

My estradiol seems high but I do not see any effects from that. Lately the sex and orgasms have been outstanding which I assume would not be happening if my E was too high.

Not sure what to think about those liver related markers being out of range. I have never had issue with any of those markers before. Could they be related to TRT?

One more thing which may be related, Canada had a test cyp shortage so I got switched to Delastryl (Test Enanthate) in January. I was wary at first but if anything it made things better.
I also started Ritalin in December which worked great for about month but seemed to peter out, I will speak with my doc about increasing the dose or trying something different.
A word of caution, Ritalin can cause hyperthyroid like symptoms. I lost 31 pounds in 30 days playing video games 20 hours a day. My brain was unnaturally high functioning 20 hours a day. My strength was super human.

I read that long term use can lead to psychosis.
Total Biliburin 20 umol/L Range <17 umol/L
Either you have Gilbert’s Syndrome, you have low functioning thyroid or your TRT dosage is excessive. TRT lead to my Gilbert’s diagnosis, abnormally high bilirubin. The doctor thought I had a thyroid problem.

The bilirubin is when your liver can’t remove dead red blood cells from the body, so it builds up in your bloodstream.
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Either you have Gilbert’s Syndrome, you have low functioning thyroid or your TRT dosage is excessive. TRT lead to my Gilbert’s diagnosis, abnormally high bilirubin. The doctor thought I had a thyroid problem.

The bilirubin is when your liver can’t remove dead red blood cells from the body, so it builds up in your bloodstream.
Interesting, well maybe I may have to reduce my dosage. I guess I will see what the doc says. I hate to reduce when I'm feeling all the benefits and my hematocrit going lower.

The only thyroid test I got was TSH and it has not changed since I started TRT.
Hey all, just got my blood results in. I have been on TRT (100mg/week) since July 2022, I am 54. I told my doc in November that I didn’t like the testicular atrophy, so he gave me a script of HCG, 500iu, twice per week. Starting in November, I also switched from daily to twice per week of testosterone injections. These adjustments really worked for me, my gym motivation and performance increased. I was able to do a diet to drop 18 lbs while increasing muscle mass. Totally changed my body composition. Sex drive has been good, with great orgasms. My anxiety and depression have not improved but they haven’t gotten worse either.

I also started Ritalin in December which worked great for about month but seemed to peter out, I will speak with my doc about increasing the dose or trying something different. Also, I started a microdose of topical finasteride at about half the prescribed dose. This has not seemed to affect erections, orgasms or anything really.

Here some of the bloods, these were taken on a Wednesday, my last 50mg shot was on Sunday morning:

Testosterone 33.0 nmol/l Range 8.4-28.8
Free Testosterone 797 pmol/l Range 115-577 pmol/L

Testosterone Bioavailable 18.7 nmol/L Range 2.7-13.5 nmol/L
Estradiol (Non-Sensitive) 207 pmol/L Range <162
SHGB 32.3 nmol/L Range 19-76 nmol/L

Some of the non-hormone out of ranges:
Total Biliburin 20 umol/L Range <17 umol/L
Aspartate AminoTransferase 41 U/L Range <36 U/L
Creatine Kinase 363 U/L Range <165 U/L

My hematocrit is good (.47)

Not sure why the top range for total testosterone is so low at this lab (Lifelabs Canada). It converts to 831ng/dl. My doc is probably going to say my T is too high even though I feel great and it is only at 952 ng/dl converted.

My estradiol seems high but I do not see any effects from that.
Lately the sex and orgasms have been outstanding which I assume would not be happening if my E was too high.

Not sure what to think about those liver related markers being out of range. I have never had issue with any of those markers before. Could they be related to TRT?

One more thing which may be related, Canada had a test cyp shortage so I got switched to Delastryl (Test Enanthate) in January. I was wary at first but if anything it made things better

The top end for Lifelabs is 28.8 nmol/L (831 ng/dL), top end for Dynacare is 31.4 nmol/L (905 ng/dL).

Not too drastic of a difference.

Going to be a given that your estradiol will be high when running a high FT.

Need to rethink that My doc is probably going to say my T is too high even though I feel great and it is only at 952 ng/dl converted.

This is pretty much your level at trough (lowest point) and you are not too far off from hitting 1000 ng/dL with a normal SHBG 32 nmol/L your trough FT would be very high.

The shit kicker here is your peak TT, FT, and estradiol will be much higher!

A trough TT 900+ ng/dL is very high for someone with normal SHBG as your trough FT level would be very high.

Would not waste your time testing BAT.

Keep in mind that the addition of hCG will have an impact on driving up your TT, FT, and estradiol.

Injectable esterified T is not going to have a negative impact on liver health.

Even then if you feel great overall and are not battling any sides let alone overall blood markers are healthy then I would not change a thing.
As usual, thanks for your insight madman.
Need to rethink that My doc is probably going to say my T is too high even though I feel great and it is only at 952 ng/dl converted.
This made me lol when I read it. I am still new to reading blood biomarkers so I still don't have a clear understanding of the relative values, especially when it comes to troughs etc. I also tend to watch and listen to a lot of guys who are doing higher dosages and pushing their levels which maybe skews what I think of as 'high'. You are right, 952 at a trough is quite high. Also, for some reason, I thought the upper range for TT in USA labs is 1000 ng/dl.

I'll see what the doc says when I see him. He probably has a responsibility to keep me within range even though I don't seem to be having any issues, apart from the new liver markers being out of range.

I would prefer to keep things as they are because I am feeling great and actually on the road to getting real gains in the gym after having mediocre results for most of my life. All the markers I was concerned about when I started TRT have actually improved (Hematocrit, PSA, LDL). BP has held steady even after adding Ritalin.

The only slight disappointment was that I was hoping I would have better improvement with anxiety. I have considered an SSRI but have decided to try ketamine and psychedelics for a few months first.
As usual, thanks for your insight madman.

This made me lol when I read it. I am still new to reading blood biomarkers so I still don't have a clear understanding of the relative values, especially when it comes to troughs etc. I also tend to watch and listen to a lot of guys who are doing higher dosages and pushing their levels which maybe skews what I think of as 'high'. You are right, 952 at a trough is quite high. Also, for some reason, I thought the upper range for TT in USA labs is 1000 ng/dl.

I'll see what the doc says when I see him. He probably has a responsibility to keep me within range even though I don't seem to be having any issues, apart from the new liver markers being out of range.

I would prefer to keep things as they are because I am feeling great and actually on the road to getting real gains in the gym after having mediocre results for most of my life. All the markers I was concerned about when I started TRT have actually improved (Hematocrit, PSA, LDL). BP has held steady even after adding Ritalin.

The only slight disappointment was that I was hoping I would have better improvement with anxiety. I have considered an SSRI but have decided to try ketamine and psychedelics for a few months first.

Glad to hear you are doing well!

Depends on which lab is used as the top end for Quest is 1100 ng/dL and LabCorp used to be 1197 ng/dL but was lowered to 916 ng/dL.

Even then very rare any natty is running around with those high-end T levels unless they have high SHBG.

Top it off when using exogenous testosterone for most we are forcing levels well beyond what our body could or would produce and this is at a steady state (24/7).

The shit kicker is most are running trough levels at the top-end or well beyond!

Caught up on that more T is better mentality spewed on the internet.

Look over the 24 hr circadian rhythm of a healthy young male.

Peak T levels are short-lived!

Hey all, just got my blood results in. I have been on TRT (100mg/week) since July 2022, I am 54. I told my doc in November that I didn’t like the testicular atrophy, so he gave me a script of HCG, 500iu, twice per week. Starting in November, I also switched from daily to twice per week of testosterone injections. These adjustments really worked for me, my gym motivation and performance increased. I was able to do a diet to drop 18 lbs while increasing muscle mass. Totally changed my body composition. Sex drive has been good, with great orgasms. My anxiety and depression have not improved but they haven’t gotten worse either.

I also started Ritalin in December which worked great for about month but seemed to peter out, I will speak with my doc about increasing the dose or trying something different. Also, I started a microdose of topical finasteride at about half the prescribed dose. This has not seemed to affect erections, orgasms or anything really.

Here some of the bloods, these were taken on a Wednesday, my last 50mg shot was on Sunday morning:

Testosterone 33.0 nmol/l Range 8.4-28.8
Free Testosterone 797 pmol/l Range 115-577 pmol/L
Testosterone Bioavailable 18.7 nmol/L Range 2.7-13.5 nmol/L
Estradiol (Non-Sensitive) 207 pmol/L Range <162
SHGB 32.3 nmol/L Range 19-76 nmol/L

Some of the non-hormone out of ranges:
Total Biliburin 20 umol/L Range <17 umol/L
Aspartate AminoTransferase 41 U/L Range <36 U/L
Creatine Kinase 363 U/L Range <165 U/L

My hematocrit is good (.47)

Not sure why the top range for total testosterone is so low at this lab (Lifelabs Canada). It converts to 831ng/dl. My doc is probably going to say my T is too high even though I feel great and it is only at 952 ng/dl converted.

My estradiol seems high but I do not see any effects from that. Lately the sex and orgasms have been outstanding which I assume would not be happening if my E was too high.

Not sure what to think about those liver related markers being out of range. I have never had issue with any of those markers before. Could they be related to TRT?

One more thing which may be related, Canada had a test cyp shortage so I got switched to Delastryl (Test Enanthate) in January. I was wary at first but if anything it made things better.
I am not sure why you would have been given finasteride, but it has come under a lot of fire from those in the know in the last few years. Basically, it's a penis killer. If you are having urinary urgency symptoms from BPH, there are other options I would explore first. talk to your doc, he or she should know about finasteride problems and alternatives.
you need to keep amphetamine like stimulants use to a minimum, i would recommend every other day at best. otherwise you are on a certain path to misery long term
What causes naturally high SHBG levels in young men that aren’t on TRT? I haven’t been able to dig up and good info on this.


Some men have high or low SHBG due to polymorphisms in the SHBG gene.

Screenshot (22053).png

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Screenshot (22055).png

Testosterone levels.

Screenshot (22056).webp

you need to keep amphetamine like stimulants use to a minimum, i would recommend every other day at best. otherwise you are on a certain path to misery long term
The Ritalin stopped working after about a month of amazing results. I have been off for over a week because I am doing a few weeks of Ketamine infusions. I doubt I will go back on it. I think you may be right about the constant use of these stims. I am considering trying dexedrine as long as I can keep it to an as-needed basis, but I am not sure it's worth the risk of messing up my dopamine production. I have started regular cold water immersion and Wim Hof breathing in the mornings to try and get some similar effects to the stims.
The Ritalin stopped working after about a month of amazing results. I have been off for over a week because I am doing a few weeks of Ketamine infusions. I doubt I will go back on it. I think you may be right about the constant use of these stims. I am considering trying dexedrine as long as I can keep it to an as-needed basis, but I am not sure it's worth the risk of messing up my dopamine production. I have started regular cold water immersion and Wim Hof breathing in the mornings to try and get some similar effects to the stims.
i tried a bunch of stimulants in the past. modafinil, vyvanse, ritalin, dexedrine.
i do think they are OK - when used 3x week on a EOD basis.
TBH i think pure dexedrine is absolutely the best. it doesn't last very long, but this is a benefit as it will keep tolerance low. you can always redose once.
also reading that supplementing dopamine precursors like DLPA+acetyl l tyrosine can keep your tolerance to a minimum, on a side with magnesium+NAC
i tried a bunch of stimulants in the past. modafinil, vyvanse, ritalin, dexedrine.
i do think they are OK - when used 3x week on a EOD basis.
TBH i think pure dexedrine is absolutely the best. it doesn't last very long, but this is a benefit as it will keep tolerance low. you can always redose once.
also reading that supplementing dopamine precursors like DLPA+acetyl l tyrosine can keep your tolerance to a minimum, on a side with magnesium+NAC
I gave Tyrosine a shot but it seems to upset my gut at higher doses. It didn't make the Ritalin start working again but it did seem to give a little lift. A lot of people say they need to cycle Tyrosine or else it loses effectiveness. I'm going to try running it again to see what happens. I have been looking at DLPA/PEA for a while, it looks interesting. I've also been considering Semax. I wish I could take NAC but I get random icepick headaches on it when taking it for longer periods of time.

Yes Dexedrine looks great because it's out of the system so fast. That's what I liked about Ritalin IR, no interference with sleep and complete dosing control. The first month on Ritalin was amazing. My Todo list turned into a work of art, and I am still using all of the productivity systems I developed during that time. But Ritalin just crapped out and now I don't feel any different when I stop it than when I am taking it.
I gave Tyrosine a shot but it seems to upset my gut at higher doses. It didn't make the Ritalin start working again but it did seem to give a little lift. A lot of people say they need to cycle Tyrosine or else it loses effectiveness. I'm going to try running it again to see what happens. I have been looking at DLPA/PEA for a while, it looks interesting. I've also been considering Semax. I wish I could take NAC but I get random icepick headaches on it when taking it for longer periods of time.

Yes Dexedrine looks great because it's out of the system so fast. That's what I liked about Ritalin IR, no interference with sleep and complete dosing control. The first month on Ritalin was amazing. My Todo list turned into a work of art, and I am still using all of the productivity systems I developed during that time. But Ritalin just crapped out and now I don't feel any different when I stop it than when I am taking it.
yeah...tolerance and dopamine downregulation. this will happen to any brain altering pharma pill. you will reset. take a break. I feel really good on dexedrine. but knowing that tolerance sets in I limit it to 2x a week. i know this is controversial as well, but low dose nicotine can do wonders too. don't do it everyday either lol.
but TBH. nothing helps me except 200mg T cyp a week. i feel constantly 'charged' a bit, but in a positive way. if I go below 150mg i feel garbage.

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