Blood test results / starting on clomid


I've had my blood test, and my consultation with Defy, I've been prescribed clomid and seen a lot of negative posts. Has anyone had good results with this, I trust they know their stuff but interested in some feedback. hemacrit 51.9
total T 230 ng/dl
free T 4.8 pg/ml
LH .8 miu/ml
estradiol sensitive 13.3pg/ml
I've had my blood test, and my consultation with Defy, I've been prescribed clomid and seen a lot of negative posts. Has anyone had good results with this, I trust they know their stuff but interested in some feedback. hemacrit 51.9
total T 230 ng/dl
free T 4.8 pg/ml
LH .8 miu/ml
estradiol sensitive 13.3pg/ml

What was Dr. Saya's/Dr. Crisler's reasoning behind prescribing Clomid? Did you express your anxiety about the entire TRT process?
Yes I did express that, He said he's had good results with increasing T levels with clomid alone and we should try it before moving on to TRT.
I'm also interested for opinions and to see how it goes with you DLK.

I've also been prescribed Clomid and waiting for it to arrive. I have some Low T symptoms but my test numbers are right in the middle of normal. My Estradiol, Sensitive are in the high normal range (in the 32s).

It sounded good until I started some research. But I'll give it a try.

I think it is standard policy that good Dr will try and restart T through other methods. I was put on HCG for one month before Dr decided that I needed T

Hows it going? I've been on Clomid 15mg / Dim 200mg everyday for just 6 days. I know it's very early, but so far the only change I can detect is that my testicles seem to be a bit larger. Possibly producing more test? Otherwise, I feel the exact same. I get my BW in 2 weeks.
I've actually been on 15mg for 8 days and just started to feel an increase in sex drive and more energy, had a good work out and felt strong. It may take another week or more to really know. What is the Dim 200mg you are taking
My Doc had the pharmacy mix in 200mg of Diindolylmethane with each pill. So it's one pill that contains 15mg Clomid and 200mg DIM.
When are you having labs done? It will be interesting to see any changes. I am doing my next blood work a little early because I am going on a long vacation. I should have results by the end of next week.
never heard of that what is it for? I'm having labs done after a month on the clomid, I don't expect to feel as good as I would on some test cyp. but after reading about all the troubles trying to manage levels I'm not as thrilled about TRT as I was at first. Hoping the clomid does the trick without the common ED issues.
Some people say that it drops your E2 a bit. I was at the higher end of normal. Here is my BW before any Clomid & DIM

Total Test: 596 (240-871)
Free Test was in normal range
Estradiol, sensitive: 32.8 (8.0-35.0)

It will be interesting to see my results next week. I hit the Lab on Monday, so I should have results by Friday at the latest.
that's not a bad T level, the clomid should put you in the 1000 range pretty easy. My levels got messed up from some test enanthate I had done a few months before hand which made me feel great but it was street stuff and it started to concern me so I just stopped it. then I came across this site and thought wow I can actually do this with a doctors care, so here we are. What is the DIM for ?
DIM is a natural E2 reducer. Not nearly as strong as Anastrozole, but often just enough for guys that do not convert a lot to E2.

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