Blood test Results and Review- Sleep Apnea


New Member
hey guys.
I posted earlier of what was going on with me. In a different thread. It has been suggested that I post my blood work results here to get some feedback. I have been referred to an endo. So we will see what happens next. Hoping to find that he is not old school and praying he is a little more progressive and also willing to jump in. We will see.
Here are my blood work. Any help here would be great. Thanks
So a little background
48 yr Starting not sleeping well about 4 months ago. Really started to notice my drive and overall demeanor changing. My drive to get to the gym has diminished with in the last 4 months. At lot of the basic low t symptoms. Started to do my own research and started to get the the pieces of what could be going on. Sleep Dr. Next Week. All blood work done.

Estradiol 48 pg/ml reference range 0-56 pg/mL
DHEA-SO4 106 ug/dl 79-440 ug/dl
TSH 2.588 ulu/ml .550-4.780 ulu/ml
PSA .65 ng/ml <2.60 ng/ml
Hemocrit 44.9 35.9-47.1

Prolactin 5.6 ng/ml 2.1-17.7 ng/ml
LH 3.5 mlU/ml 1.4-9.4 mlU/ml
FSH 3.9 mlU/ml 1.3-18.2 mlU/ml

VitB12 502 pg/ml 211-911 pg/ml
Thyroxine, Free T4 1.09 ng/dl .69-1.51 ng/dl
SHBG 33.2 nmol/l 11-80 nmol/L

Any help would be good.
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What was your total T on the tests, and do you know is the E2 was the Ultra Sensitive test? (with your number, I'd bet it was the regular test, which is pretty much useless). We don't hear a lot of good reviews for endos here (in general - there are always exceptions, of course.
As ERO noted, you've been tested for estradiol (more than likely) with the "standard" as opposed to the "sensitive" test. In men, the standard test overestimates the level of estradiol in the blood; it's of little, actually of no, value to the patient or physician in managing your E2. Can you get a free T3, and reverse T3 to add to your other thyroid labs? Prior to your doctor's appointment, you should familiarize yourself with as much information as you can in regard to what makes a successful protocol when embarking on TRT. Certainly, if your physician suggests topical testosterone, you should approach it with an open mind. Many of us (I was one) find topicals to be of no use, and we switched to injections. But if they should produce healthy, therapeutic levels of testosterone, a topical is an "easy" method of replacement. Be wary if your doctor prescribes injections and they are scheduled less than once a week. The data is clear - smaller, frequent injections of testosterone produce excellent results. If he/she tells you that you should inject every 10 to 14 days, you'll know they haven't kept current in terms of androgen replacement.
When i moved it over missed copying over the Free Test side.
I also asked for the sensitive test. It actually states it on the test.

Free Testosterone 10.5 pg/ml reference range 4.3-30.4 pg/mL
Testosterone, Total 264 291-739 ng/dl
Ero I could not agree more about the Endo side. I have read many a posts out here,but I am hoping that we can change that. maybe he will be different and my fingers are crossed. I am hoping he is in the mode to research and read. I can only make guesses to him. I may go find his bio and read up on his background before I meet him. See what his passion was when he first started. May give me some insight to him.
Ok finished my research.... :( old school.
Did not take long... all can say yall were right.
I dont even want to make an appt now.

You aren't the first to find that your doctor isn't going to be of great help. It is a common story here on Do you live in the States? If so, you should consider Defy Medical (I am not a patient, though I have spoken with them). Their telemedicine model works for many members here. They are open to questions about treatment and associated costs.
This may have already been suggested in an earlier post, but if not, many of us here recommend and use Defy Medical and their telemedicine model. They have great prices, are easy to work with and most important, they know whet they are doing. They will take these blood tests you have now as well - no need to re-test. I am not affiliated with them, but I like to steer guys towards a great resource when I can.
Found out some news. Good and Bad
Had the appointment with the sleep doctor and had a take home test done. Shocking on the results.
So with a the pieces in place now this could be a major one. The balance of our systems is interesting and when it is off. Everything shifts. So the Low T results are possible of an obstructive sleep apnea. I have had multiple interruptions of sleep plus instances of no air flow at all. ( gasping that I did not know I was doing. meaning adrenaline was released to jolt me up) This is not good for the heart by the way for any one. In shape or not. I was under the premise that only obese people have these type problems. Eye opener. Once I get the sleep part under control some of the other problems my resolve themselves or was the Low T cause of the apnea. So next step is to get some good sleep with the help of cpap or mouth device. Then we can follow up blood draws with endo and verify if things are better or not. The plan and steps to resolving issues. 1. Get good sleep for the next two months. 2. Blood draw redone in January. 3. See Endo in April to review results and possible next steps.
Remember to discuss with your doctor the best mask for you.

types of CPAP masks.webp

CPAP mask types.webp
Thanks Nelson
I just don't see how I am going to get any sleep with these things on my face.:confused:
I am waiting for a call to get the appt to go get the rig.
:) Yes, it is an adjusting process. They say if you make it through the first few days, you are OK. You may want to ask your doctor to prescribe some Ambien so that you pass out and not think about it during the first week. If you toss and turn it will be harder for you! But most people who use a CPAP say it was a miracle for them.
I have been using an APAP which is an auto tirating machine which adjusts on the events for 10 years and you will get use to it once you feel refreshed in the morning.

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