On first quick read: Study by a small practice in Santa Monica. Seems the author has an in depth comprehensive understanding of TRT.
54 patients included in the study,
All put on Daily subcutaneous T cyp or cyp+enanthate, plus HCG, plus anastrazole
Data based on two labs, beginning and ending, and "The time range between testing dates was 3 to 13 months with an average of 6.7 months" This does not indicate the longer haul.
Ending labs Total T range and rise from hypogonadal starting point were significant
Re: HCT: Page 6 of the PDF, 339 of the copied document:
"The DST therapy method used was not associated with increase in hemoglobin. Higher changes in hemoglobin and hematocrit occur more frequently with IM vs. topical or pellet administration, a trend not observed in our sample (7). Testosterone replacement inhibits hepcidin activity, thereby leading to increased iron absorption and increased erythropoiesis. It is plausible that smaller daily testosterone injections, resembling physiologic secretion, do not affect hepcidin activity to the same degree that is seen with supra-physiologic testosterone level from weekly IM injections. "
This is exactly what I was wondering about, however with long half life of T cyp, "resembling physiologic secretion" seems very unlikely.
Potentially useful info, and encouraging, but not necessarily conclusive based on study size; no control or other comparison to other dosing frequencies. Higher peaks and troughs discussed, but not specifically compared in terms of HCT other than reference to other studies data, not direct comparison but apparently some supposition involved.
Edit: additional quote; "The testosterone was administered via subcutaneous injection using a 30 gauge, 1/2-inch hypodermic needle into the outer thigh, biceps, or gluteal muscles"
Um. I don't think that IM vs SubQ is the most important aspect, more that daily administration is, but LOL, if you're going to call it a study in SubQ admin, should not contradict yourself stating subcutaneous and "into" "muscles" in the same sentence.