This isn’t a common occurrence, it’s questionable whether clomid will do anything while on TRT, because TRT has a strong suppressive effect on your HPTA.
Your protocol is terrible with regards to the aromatase inhibitor, 1 mg AI per week when you had low estrogen pre-treatment, is a recipe for disaster. A lot of men run higher on the estrogen on TRT and not everyone is going to have a problem.
So prescribing an AI right away before they are problems is just plain wrong.
The clomid has synthetic estrogen that competes for the same receptor as estrogen, even particularly blocking the effects of estrogen. Clomid has a bad side effects profile and may prevent you from experiencing symptom relief on TRT.
Normally when guys on TRT want kids, TRT is stopped and clomid is started, or hCG and FSH are added to the TRT protocol. This is how it’s been done for decades.
This TRT clinic is just trying to increase profits by prescribing these drugs alongside TRT.