That's a huge dose....I used injectable Trestolone for three weeks (50 mg a day) on top of my regular TRT 200 mg tat cyp (split into 2 3.5 day doses)I noticed a tremendous increase in libido, more muscle build up, and a small increase in strength. My libido was great on TRT but on trestolone it was through the roof, actually too much. With that, I got some overheating during the evening and some water retention. I doubled on arimidex to be safe. Now, the source was on line and probably not pharma grade. The cool thing is that trestolone is not illegal in the U.S. But also not available on prescription. Still technically a research chemical. I understand the risk of consuming something mot pharma grade but my symptoms positive and negative were spot on. I am doing some blood test tomorrow to see the results. I would do it again.
You need 30mg a week