Been on Trestolone for 2 weeks

MENT is interesting stuff "on paper." I wouldn't touch the stuff until there was far more human data and I knew the source came from a GMP and ISO lab. Personally, never had an interest in doing the human lab rat thing and i have seen some real ugly outcomes for those that have. My close friend DD, was the total opposite and poster child for human lab rats. I told him he was nuts, and he was.
At 25 mg a day, assuming you already take apsone anastrozol for your 200 mg TRT, I would not increase it. In my personal experience, I found that the 0.5 mg anastrozol I usually take twice a week with my 200 mg test cyp TRT was sufficient even at 50 mg trestolone. In my opinion, don't increase it until you feel you need it.
At 25 mg a day, assuming you already take apsone anastrozol for your 200 mg TRT, I would not increase it. In my personal experience, I found that the 0.5 mg anastrozol I usually take twice a week with my 200 mg test cyp TRT was sufficient even at 50 mg trestolone. In my opinion, don't increase it until you feel you need it.

Thanks, Periandros. When do you inject? Morning, noon, or night?
I'm finishing my second week of injecting eod, 50mg/ml bottle. I inject about 30mg at a time. The effects were same day, it honestly gives you a vascularity I've never experienced before. Appetite goes up, water retention is up too. Not sure about estrogen, will run labs next week. Libido is up a bit, not crazy high though. Mental focus is really strong as well. I'm injecting acetate, and I really feel ed is overkill, eod is just fine.
I'm finishing my second week of injecting eod, 50mg/ml bottle. I inject about 30mg at a time. The effects were same day, it honestly gives you a vascularity I've never experienced before. Appetite goes up, water retention is up too. Not sure about estrogen, will run labs next week. Libido is up a bit, not crazy high though. Mental focus is really strong as well. I'm injecting acetate, and I really feel ed is overkill, eod is just fine.

That's awesome. Please share your labs when you get them. I would love to see how things go. I just started today on 25mg. I'm thinking I may do like you and only do EOD. I'll have to see how my estrogen levels get, but I've got plenty of AI for that anyway.
ERO did you try this ? I tried oral MENT, but didnt feel anything again (hopefully it was some bunk) , now i have injectible on the way and cant wait to try it, otherwise all types of test feels like water to me as well, nothing has ever worked so far , i am a low SHBG guy:(
ERO did you try this ? I tried oral MENT, but didnt feel anything again (hopefully it was some bunk) , now i have injectible on the way and cant wait to try it, otherwise all types of test feels like water to me as well, nothing has ever worked so far , i am a low SHBG guy:(

I have been using RAD-140 from one of the well known (and supposedly reputable suppliers) for nearly a month and either what I got is simply bad-tasting water, or it doesn't do anything at all for me. I have been dosing at 30 mg/day on an empty stomach and...nothing. I have enough for 2 or 3 more weeks so I will finish it off, but I honestly don't have much hope that it will work at this point. I may need to try the injectable as I am still waiting to find out what TRT is supposed to feel like.

I have been using RAD-140 from one of the well known (and supposedly reputable suppliers) for nearly a month and either what I got is simply bad-tasting water, or it doesn't do anything at all for me. I have been dosing at 30 mg/day on an empty stomach and...nothing. I have enough for 2 or 3 more weeks so I will finish it off, but I honestly don't have much hope that it will work at this point. I may need to try the injectable as I am still waiting to find out what TRT is supposed to feel like.

Do not confuse RAD 140 (testolone) with Ment (trestolone). Rad 140 is a SARM, while Ment is a legitimate hormone. I did RAD 140, results so so. I did Ment 50 mg every day injectable and this very serious performance ehnacment drug. Btw, I inject every evening.
Ok, so I don't know if it's psychological or what, but I pinned 25mg shallow IM in delt with my normal 29g 1/2" - 50cc pins at lunch and my 5:30 PM workout was absolutely INSANE!!! I normally do 10 mins cardio to get the heart rate up, 30-45 mins of weight/resistance training, followed by 30 mins of cardio to burn the stubborn fat. After I got done with my post workout cardio, I still had a ton of energy/stamina and wanted to work out some more. I ended up doing another 15 mins of negative training before I made myself go home for the day.

I did notice my nut sack shrink already, so I'm assuming something's happening. I'm planning on continuing my daily 15mg TCyp, along with my 500iu HCG twice a week, .5mg Anastrozole twice per week, and now adding 25mg of Trest EOD.

I'll keep everyone updated on how things go.
Do not confuse RAD 140 (testolone) with Ment (trestolone). Rad 140 is a SARM, while Ment is a legitimate hormone. I did RAD 140, results so so. I did Ment 50 mg every day injectable and this very serious performance ehnacment drug. Btw, I inject every evening.

I knew what I got was just a SARM...I figured to try it first and see if it helped, or did anything at all, even. Its hard to know if what I got is totally fake, or if is indeed real and I am a non-responder. I need to give the real deal a try, especially since it seems to help low SHBG guys and there is positive feedback right here on this thread.
I had MENT on my radar but tried a SARM instead, Ostarine (MK-2866) and 3 weeks in @ 30mg/D I'm not seeing anything, I think i got 10lbs on my bench, and I've lost ~5lbs with no other changes. I'll finish this bottle but I won't continue with it. MENT when I looked I got some sticker shock with that one IIRC.
Just another update from my experience within the first 24 hrs. I've been checking my BP and it's been normal so far. I've heard it could cause BP to increase, but in my case it has not so far. I also slept like a baby last night. First time in a while that I've slept like that. Morning and night wood was better than just on normal TRT regimen. But this morning I have a ton of energy! To me it feels like one of the two times I found my "sweet spot" with TRT. If I can keep feeling like this all the time, that would be amazing! I've never looked forward to going to the gym after work (especially on a Friday), but I'm REALLY looking forward to it today.

One more note, vascularity is INSANE! I'm looking at and feeling veins on me that I hadn't seen since high school! Even starting to feel one going up my bicep now, which I never in my life had that happen. I don't know if this is just psychological, but holy crap I really think this stuff is working. I'll be sticking to the 25mg EOD, though, along with my normal TRT regimen. I'll start a new thread to keep my updates going.
Just another update from my experience within the first 24 hrs. I've been checking my BP and it's been normal so far. I've heard it could cause BP to increase, but in my case it has not so far. I also slept like a baby last night. First time in a while that I've slept like that. Morning and night wood was better than just on normal TRT regimen. But this morning I have a ton of energy! To me it feels like one of the two times I found my "sweet spot" with TRT. If I can keep feeling like this all the time, that would be amazing! I've never looked forward to going to the gym after work (especially on a Friday), but I'm REALLY looking forward to it today.

One more note, vascularity is INSANE! I'm looking at and feeling veins on me that I hadn't seen since high school! Even starting to feel one going up my bicep now, which I never in my life had that happen. I don't know if this is just psychological, but holy crap I really think this stuff is working. I'll be sticking to the 25mg EOD, though, along with my normal TRT regimen. I'll start a new thread to keep my updates going.

Your results sound awesome! Congratulations and please do keep us updated as you go forward.
Finished off my RAD140 (6 weeks) currently on ostraine (8 weeks) . I do 120mg bi weekly as well as 350 IU twice weekly and .25 mcg Adex day after injection . I got my labs back and everything looks good except my Free T is really high and my TT isn't low but may be considered a "low peak" as the lab was drawn about 36 hours after injection which should be consider a peak for test cyp.
These numbers are from my regular protocol and 30mg of Ostarine daily.
Hemoglobin: 16.7 (13.0- 18.0)
Hematocrit : 51.7 (40.0- 53.0)
TSH 1.40 (.45-4.50)
T4 1.5 (.08- 1.7)
T3 3.8 (2.0- 4.8)
DHEA 523 (120-520)
Vit D 53.4 (30.1-100)

Free T 232.8 (35.0-155)
TT 810 (250-1100)

Estrogen sensitive 22 (< OR = 29)

I was pretty sure I got SHBG done but it wasn't in the report which bugged me. The evidence is showing that the ostarine is probably lowering my SHBG which is leading to a mediocre peak of TT and high free T. Other than that, my numbers don't look bad. I am about a year and a half into TRT. I may switch to injecting 40mg 3x a week until I'm off the Ostarine .
I'm at 8 weeks on 150mg Cyp, RAD and Desoxy t. I'm going to 12 weeks but will stay on cyp. I've had no sides, no estrogen issues. I feel harder and have gained 20lb. Main lifts went up by 50lbs. I'm 37 6ft5 and 225lbs. I'm very lean with minimal BF. I'm about to add in trest for 5 weeks then cruise on just my trt until next time.

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