Just another update from my experience within the first 24 hrs. I've been checking my BP and it's been normal so far. I've heard it could cause BP to increase, but in my case it has not so far. I also slept like a baby last night. First time in a while that I've slept like that. Morning and night wood was better than just on normal TRT regimen. But this morning I have a ton of energy! To me it feels like one of the two times I found my "sweet spot" with TRT. If I can keep feeling like this all the time, that would be amazing! I've never looked forward to going to the gym after work (especially on a Friday), but I'm REALLY looking forward to it today.
One more note, vascularity is INSANE! I'm looking at and feeling veins on me that I hadn't seen since high school! Even starting to feel one going up my bicep now, which I never in my life had that happen. I don't know if this is just psychological, but holy crap I really think this stuff is working. I'll be sticking to the 25mg EOD, though, along with my normal TRT regimen. I'll start a new thread to keep my updates going.