Been on Trestolone for 2 weeks

I am using 30mg of RAD140 and 30mg of Ostarine daily for 8 weeks. I've noticed strength blow through the roof, I am also more hard and vascular. There is an interesting study on RAD140 that shows it has neuroprotective benefits and also protects the prostate against androgenic side effects.
That sounds fantastic! Its been a very long time since I was able to add any strength at all so making measurable gains in just 8 weeks is impressive.
I was making gains on TRT (although slow and steady) and when I added those two compounds it jumped through the roof. As long as you are dialed in with your TRT protocol its worth a try, they are kind of expensive though, around $80 for both (1 month supply) and you want to run it 2 months.
TRied the oral too. I don't think it is as effective. And you need to take it two to three times a day due to low half life. The injectable builds nicely. I would use the oral in the first week while the injectable kicks in a bit slowly. When I took the oral stand alone, I did not feel as strong which was kind of strange. . Maybe it is a psychological. Everyone is different.
I is completely ILLEGAL in the United States. It is covered by the Designer Anabolic Steroid Control Act (DASCA) of 2014 signed into law in Dec 2014 by Obama. That law (A) explicitly declared 24 compounds to be anabolic steroids and added them to the controlled substances list (the “List”) and (B) also made illegal compounds “similar” to testosterone or any other anabolic steroid on the List. And BTW – trestolone is more similar chemically to testosterone then many other listed anabolic steroids.
Also, the “research chemical” smoke screen the RC companies put up is a sham. They tell you that they are selling it for “research purposes only” and it’s “not for human consumption.” Wink, wink. Here is the problem with that defense. It is what an attorney would call a sham defense. What I mean is that if someone sells to humans for the purpose of human consumption, merely stating “this is for research purposes only and not for human consumption”, does not necessary get that person off the hook. Why? Because hey know damn well that they are selling it for human consumption. Everyone with more than one neuron firing knows that the people buying it are not feeding it to lab rats.
These companies selling this stuff are knowingly doing something (selling to people who are consuming it) that is illegal. That's called Mens Rea (i.e., they’re intent was to do the illegal thing). Stating to the contrary does not disestablish Mens Rea. In other words, imagine an abductor comes up to you on a dark street and holds a ****ed gun to your head and states “This is not a kidnapping. If you so desire, you can run away. However, I would appreciate it greatly if you would get into my car of your own free will. Once again, I would like to be clear. This is not a knapping.” Further imagine that despite the words the man just uttered, you get the feeling that this Mfer will pump a cap in your skull if you don’t get in the car. And so you do. You have just been kidnapped regardless of the fact that your kidnapper told you it’s not a kidnapping. Imagine that the kidnapper was arrested and he told the judge “but judge, I told him that him he could run away and in fact I stated that this was not a kidnapping.
If you don’t agree with my analogy, perhaps I should add that there has been cases of the owners of RC companies successfully prosecuted and imprisoned for selling research chemicals even when they declared "not for human consumption".

A quick update: I dropped my only vial of Trest 12 days ago, and couldn't inject til Friday night when I got the new batch. I felt like dog shit for the days I missed injections but as soon as I injected on Friday, I woke up Saturday with a big boner. I was going to get bloods in two weeks but I'm going to do bloods in 4 -5 weeks.

How do I say this? I feel great, libido and mood wise, something I haven't experienced for a while, but I'm scared. Scared that there will be something on my blood work that will end my Trestolone experiment because if that doesn't work I'm going to completely come off and restart my body. I'm an ex-roider so was never shut down due to genetics.

I finally have hope as far as Hormone replacement therapy goes. Low SHBG is a real issue and I can't believe there are no medications to fix that. Testosterone was just such a pain in the ass, chasing that sweet spot for 2 years, but never found it. Only felt it for a few days, then it was gone, no matter the dose, the numbers, injection frequency.

If you're low or high SHBG person and are not happy with TRT give Trest a shot !!! It's actually not a illegal compound. It's a research compound.
I is completely ILLEGAL in the United States. It is covered by the Designer Anabolic Steroid Control Act (DASCA) of 2014 signed into law in Dec 2014 by Obama. That law (A) explicitly declared 24 compounds to be anabolic steroids and added them to the controlled substances list (the “List”) and (B) also made illegal compounds “similar” to testosterone or any other anabolic steroid on the List. And BTW – trestolone is more similar chemically to testosterone then many other listed anabolic steroids.
Also, the “research chemical” smoke screen the RC companies put up is a sham. They tell you that they are selling it for “research purposes only” and it's “not for human consumption.” Wink, wink. Here is the problem with that defense. It is what an attorney would call a sham defense. What I mean is that if someone sells to humans for the purpose of human consumption, merely stating “this is for research purposes only and not for human consumption”, does not necessary get that person off the hook. Why? Because hey know damn well that they are selling it for human consumption. Everyone with more than one neuron firing knows that the people buying it are not feeding it to lab rats.
These companies selling this stuff are knowingly doing something (selling to people who are consuming it) that is illegal. That's called Mens Rea (i.e., they're intent was to do the illegal thing). Stating to the contrary does not disestablish Mens Rea. In other words, imagine an abductor comes up to you on a dark street and holds a ****ed gun to your head and states “This is not a kidnapping. If you so desire, you can run away. However, I would appreciate it greatly if you would get into my car of your own free will. Once again, I would like to be clear. This is not a knapping.” Further imagine that despite the words the man just uttered, you get the feeling that this Mfer will pump a cap in your skull if you don't get in the car. And so you do. You have just been kidnapped regardless of the fact that your kidnapper told you it's not a kidnapping. Imagine that the kidnapper was arrested and he told the judge “but judge, I told him that him he could run away and in fact I stated that this was not a kidnapping.
If you don't agree with my analogy, perhaps I should add that there has been cases of the owners of RC companies successfully prosecuted and imprisoned for selling research chemicals even when they declared "not for human consumption".

I don't want to argue here but Trestolone (INN), also known as 7α-methyl-19-nortestosterone (MENT) not in the list. Perhaps it wasn't known well enough in 2004 but I could. It find it there.
It is note on the 2004 list. It was not explicitly added by DASCA in 2014 either. But it is implicitly added by DASCA 2014. However, as I noted in my post it is implicitly added by the legal language that makes any compounds that are similar to testosterone to be considered anabolic steroids

I don't want to argue here but Trestolone (INN), also known as 7α-methyl-19-nortestosterone (MENT) not in the list. Perhaps it wasn't known well enough in 2004 but I could. It find it there.
Agreed. But I see nothing in this thread that would not make it into a PG movie. Was it my used of capitals? The kidnapping analogy?

I think that exposing the truth i.e., that this compound is illegal was per the DASCA 2014 is pretty valuable information for people considering purchasing this compound from a RC site.

If I have done something wrong, please let me know, and I will adjust my post.

Let's keep this thread, Peace Full.
Agreed. But I see nothing in this thread that would not make it into a PG movie. Was it my used of capitals? The kidnapping analogy?

I think that exposing the truth i.e., that this compound is illegal was per the DASCA 2014 is pretty valuable information for people considering purchasing this compound from a RC site.

If I have done something wrong, please let me know, and I will adjust my post.

You're good.

Vince was, I'm sure, being proactive. His remarks weren't directed at anyone's post - just a reminder for future posts to remain calm. Nothing, and I mean nothing, can start fireworks like discussions of legal issues. Those conversations belong here, but they can get out of hand.
I understand. Thank you.

You're good.

Vince was, I'm sure, being proactive. His remarks weren't directed at anyone's post - just a reminder for future posts to remain calm. Nothing, and I mean nothing, can start fireworks like discussions of legal issues. Those conversations belong here, but they can get out of hand.
You're good.

Vince was, I'm sure, being proactive. His remarks weren't directed at anyone's post - just a reminder for future posts to remain calm. Nothing, and I mean nothing, can start fireworks like discussions of legal issues. Those conversations belong here, but they can get out of hand.

CW, thanks. I wasn't pointing at any one. We need to keep this thread and all threads peaceful. It's to easy, to delete a post or thread.
Thing is no one needs you getting in here with legalities as it's none of your business what people use or do in that regard which creates the fireworks that CW refers too. There are any number of instances of people doing this and people doing that on this forum if one were to start preaching legalese you'd be very busy.
How long does it take for trestolone to kick in, if i am taking oral MENT, does anyone know how much time would it take for me to feel something ?
For those running MENT, when exactly are you injecting? I've heard it's good before workouts. I've also heard it helps for better sleep, but then there are also people having issues with overheating at night.

I actually just purchased someone myself and plan on starting it this coming week. I was planning to run my normal 200mg TCyp and HCG along with MENT at 25mg/day. From the sounds of it, I'll have to increase my Anastrozole, as well.

Any labs from anyone running it? I'm sure many of us would love to see what's it's doing.

Thanks everyone!

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