Barely supra-physiological Total T on > 200mg TestP/week


New Member
I've recently begun taking about 200mg of Testosterone Propionate divided into 3-4 weekly IM injections.
Three weeks after first injection I did bloodwork again, mostly to find out if the stuff I got was legit.

A friend is taking the exact same amount as I do, same stuff, and we did bloodwork on the same day. These are the results:

Me: Total Testosterone 1020 ng/dl
Him: Total Testosterone 1730 ng/dl

Maybe he has unusual high levels, but that is quite a big difference.

Q: Am I a hyper-excreter, or might my levels still go up?

Kind regards,
No you're not.

Just shows that we are all different.

Looks like your self medicating...hope you know what your doing...very risky indeed.
Consider what you wrote: you are taking "about" 200mg of testosterone 3-4 times a week, with the drug acquired from a source that you wondered about. This lack of certainty and clarity could well have a bad end. You do realize you are shutting down your body's own natural production of testosterone, don't you? That will have certain, sure consequences. Your testicles will shrink, and you will be putting your fertility at risk. Your estrogen may well swing out of balance, and there are potential problems with clotting, as well. Have you steps in place to monitor these issues?
I've recently begun taking about 200mg of Testosterone Propionate divided into 3-4 weekly IM injections.
Three weeks after first injection I did bloodwork again, mostly to find out if the stuff I got was legit.

A friend is taking the exact same amount as I do, same stuff, and we did bloodwork on the same day. These are the results:

Me: Total Testosterone 1020 ng/dl
Him: Total Testosterone 1730 ng/dl

Maybe he has unusual high levels, but that is quite a big difference.

Q: Am I a hyper-excreter, or might my levels still go up?

Kind regards,

You know you're committing a felony, right?
Thank you guys for the replies. I am aware of the legal and possible medical consequences and I think I have educated myself as thoroughly as possible on the topic. I appreciate your concerns.

@Gene Divine - Yes, that seems more apparent to me now. Hence the reason for this post. There is a lot of solid information online, but the one thing that seems to be super individual is the the correlation between dose and blood levels.

@CoastWatcher - I am aware that my natural production of testosterone will shut down. I will probably help keeping the cholesterol - pregnenolone - etc. pathway active by adding a low dose of HCG twice per week. I monitor my estrogen. Pre TRT on the non-sensitive test my E2 came out to 41.2 pg/ml (slightly high) and has now gone up post to 55.1 pg/ml. I haven't noticed any problems. Regarding these values, as far as I know there is no consensus if levels like this call for an AI. Still, I have both Anastrozole and Exemestane at hand. I keep track of morning wood, sexual function, mood etc. to look for high e2 effects but so far all seems fine. The reason I chose Propionate over Cypionate or Enanthate with less frequent injections is lowered aromatization.
I also check my hematocrit and donate blood.

@VinceCarter - Which information is missing. I weigh roughly 90kg / 198 lbs, sub 10% bf, this shouldn't really matter though, should it?
Regarding legal status, I live in a european country, it's not really a big deal here. Definitely not a felony. And anyway, I don't feel as a grown man someone should be able to tell me what I can and can't do with and to myself. Some laws are meant to be broken ;-)

@Jay - ok, this is great advice, I've actually started doing that. The injections are not as pleasant though, some lumping going on. Do you get used to it after a while?

Kind regards,
Edit:Bummer, I already wrote a response yesterday with seems to have been lost.

Thank you guys for your replies. I am aware of all medical and legal consequences. I think I have familiarised myself with the topic as much as possible.

@Gene Devine - Yes, that seems more apparent to me now. Especially the dose to total testosterone level relationship.

@CoastWatcher - I’m taking 30mg/day, so 210 mg/week to be precise. I know my HPTA will be suppressed, I will soon start with a low dose of HCG twice per week to keep the cholesterol - pregnenolone - etc. pathway active. I did blood work before starting. My E2 pre TRT was at 41 pg/ml (slightly high) on the non-sensitive test (the only one available here) and now sits at 55.1 pg/ml. There doesn’t seem to be a consensus if numbers like these call for an AI with high total testosterone levels. I do have anastrozole and exemestane at hand. I log morning wood as well as other markers of high estrogene symptoms.
I measure hematocrit and donate blood.

@Vince Carter - What other information do you need? I’m 30 years old, 90kg/198lbs, < 10% bf. I live in europe, it’s not a felony here. And anyway, I wouldn’t have an issue with breaking a law, I am a grown man, my health is superb, and I don’t think anyone should be able to tell me what I can and can’t do to myself :)

@Jay - That’s a great tip, I’ve actually started doing that. Next blood work will be done in 3-4 weeks to look for a change.
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OP, the majority here are interested in your medical situation rather than which socioeconomic class you belong. Introduce yourself with a synopsis of your present and recent health and your goals. If your use is medical then you are welcome here and will receive support regardless of whether you can afford an Rx or not. Owing to the danger of injecting an unknown substance and serious health consequences of attempting diy HRT you will be strongly encouraged to place your treatment in the hands of one of the few MD's who are qualified at TRT.

You know you're committing a felony, right?
Vince, you note that op has the requisites to enter politics or become a member of one of America's many federalized "security forces".

Nice , but what is the relevance of your post?

The point was already made that op's current use is medically questionable even if 200 mg/week was misquoted as multiple 200 mg doses/week which is not what he said.

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