I have spent substantial time—years—on higher doses, the equivalent of 58-65 mg TC/week. This was after an introductory 6 weeks on close to 100 mg, with TT > 1,200 ng/dL. The somewhat lower doses included hCG, and results were pretty decent initially—certainly better than hypogonadism. But there was degradation over time, in both libido and sexual function. That's what drove a lot of my subsequent experimentation.
In the end the higher doses were not better—they were mostly worse. However, it's not really an apples-to-apples comparison given the complexity of my current protocol. This protocol provides the testosterone content of only 44 mg TC per week, but daily injections of a propionate/enanthate blend put peak testosterone close to 700 ng/dL, a little above average even for young men, and only ~100 ng/dL lower than the nearly constant levels I had on the higher doses. I also use peptides and
enclomiphene to ameliorate some of the hormonal disruption caused by TRT. I think these latter items are the special sauce that really makes things work. In my experience the higher doses of testosterone improved athleticism and caused unwanted side effects; that's about it. This is in line with the notion that many important parameters, such as erectile function, need only a modest minimum level of testosterone to normalize. Exceeding this may not result in further improvements, and at some point other problems are introduced.