Are there people that get on TRT and have no or very few side effects?

Hi! I keep reading and hearing from interviews, forums, posts in different sites reports from different people just to gather information before I take the plunge.

I keep finding reports of people dealing with side effects some of them are serious. I've seen a lot of people having issues managing their hemoglobin and other blood related issues. Some even had strokes and or heart attacks. Other people are dealing with blood pressure and some with prostate enlargement even a few with prostate cancer (I know that trt does not cause cancer however it might accelerate it)

All those issues are worrisome to me since I'm looking at the long term, next year I'll be 50 so my goal is quality of life and longevity without having to compromise one for the other ( I know that's everyone's goal)

I've been prescribed testosterone last week however I didn't start yet because my triglycerides are 4 times above normal and I want to see my cardiologist first and get more blood work done. I went 100 vegan and cut all sugar and lost 20 lbs in 2 months. I train 2 a day 5 to 6 days a week. I don't kill myself I train within my limit.

My endo says that my levels and hormones are appear to be from concussion and ptsd (I was a first responder for 15 years seen a bunch of people die, about to die or already dead almost been killed 3 times, no injuries from it just mental trauma. I also did competitive karate i have about 25 to 30 fights, 7 years mma no fights,7 years boxing no fights but sparring, and wrestling) he prescribed 130 test enanthate 1 a week. For what I read that seems like a lot to me, I would much rather start at 40 or 50 a week. I think I might be a hyper responder (I did anavar, half a dose 10 years ago and got impressed results) even now with low t I still build muscle.

I been lifting naturally for 31 years (did 2 cycles of oxandrolone for a tournament). I still lift 4 times a week plus wrestling (for fun and self defense) and boxing 2 to 3 times a week, I just hit the bag.l haven't sparred in 7 years. I do have kids so everything was working fine until 6 years ago when I had my last of 5 kids. I don't drink or smoke. No meds either, trt will be my first one but I'm worried about all this issues and all the doctor appointments some people have to go through. As you can see I have 5 kids and we are busy. I'm dealing with the ptsd and depression so I'm off work doing therapy.

I also find that there is so much conflicting information our there. To be honest it's a bit overwhelming.

Sorry for the long post but this is the most credible forum, everyone seems to be here to have a long healthy life, not to be jacked. If you have any input please let me know. Thank you!

I have little to no side effects from being on test for about 15 years now. I’m 52 and when I started in my mid 30’s my level was extremely low Since I started I have tried creams, gels, pellets and now for the last 2 years have been on test cyp I di 2 injections per week. Total of 44mg a week. Yeah 130 seems high to start. I have never had any problems with my BP or cholesterol and still don’t. As far as prostate I just had my annual PSA and it was very low which is good. The only issues I’ve had with being on test this long is with fertility. Which I was able to get back after having no sperm count but that is another story. I know you said you were 50 so this may be a non issue. But if it is I would research that aspect of test therapy. All and all though being on test has helped me a lot. As with anything there are pros & cons. Side effects from taking it but also health issues that can happen from it being too low.
I don't usually pre-load, but like the idea. What is your daily dose these days and TT/FT?
I'm starting at 16mg daily based on wanting to run steady at high end of ref scale. After 8 weeks or so, I plan to do blood work & may titrate as needed. I know many on here may do 10-12 mg daily but as we all know, no one size fits all. Hoping to have numbers like @Vince with 16mg a day...we'll see as everyone is different.

My last time on TRT 2 years ago was doing 70mg 2x week E3.5D...for 140mg total. Now I'll be 112mg week but many claim one needs less total mg per week when running daily. I am curious to see my labs to say the least.

PS I don't know my TT/FT yet as I just started back on TRT about a month ago. Labs coming soon though
53 yrs old, TRT for 6 months at 100mg, 1 weekly injection - Empower Cypionate. My side effects have been positive and in hindsight, needed for my quality of life. My skin was really dry and I had consistent dry patches around my eyes and ears and into the ear canals I thought was an outer ear infection. Now that I've stabilized on this simple protocol with nothing other than a daily whole food multi vitamin, fish oil and 25mg of Losartan(keeps my BP at 120/75 and lowers my uric acid level which was consistently at 6.0). My skin is noticeably more oily and the dry skin is completely clear. I also had frequent blepharitis and an eye doctor said my dry eye was due to decrease in oil production in the eyelid glands. That has dramatically improved and my red, dry eyes and bouts with conjunctivitis are way down.

Hematocrit went from 46.8 to 50.1 and my doctor is keeping tabs on it. Hoping it has leveled off and I don't get above the level where I need to donate blood. Physical stamina is way up and I find my conditioning exercises and a recent move to our new home was easier, unloading boxes and moving furniture where my usually strong boys (ages 20 and 22) struggled, I just kept going!

This weekly dose has put my trough TT levels in the high 500's and my doctor wanted to see it in the 700-800 range. His target dose is 140mg weekly and I decided to stay at the 100mgs weekly with no AI as my estrogen levels are still surprisingly low although they have climbed a little off my base line when my total T was in the 325 to 400 range. I don't really know where my peak levels end up after the weekly shot but I've been reading threads carefully here and agree more isn't always better. I feel good and want to stay that way.

No hair loss, libido is way up and the oily skin side effect turned out to be a plus for me!
4 years here no issues, HCT normal and my lipids are no worse than before TRT... It gave me my life back! I have no regrets. I am on Enanthate as here in Canada it's more common to be on Delatestryl. I inject twice a week 80mg total (40mg x 2) per week. I started way higher than that though, and my only struggles were when I was superphisiological with my more is better mind set... lol

Now that I understand more is not better (I put the body builder in me at rest) I feel real good...

I went on and off HCG for testicular atrophy (purely esthetic) however I am off now and I don't feel much diffrent with and without so I don't think I am going back on anytime soon...

From my experience, if you need it it's a godsend... if you keep it physiological, there are few side effects if none... most of those with issues are running way too hot...

Those are my 2 cents...
I keep finding reports of people dealing with side effects some of them are serious.
I've been on TRT for 5 or so years, with no issues but HUGE improvements in quality of life across all areas of my life.

The amount of information you'll find on the web about TRT is skewed toward the negative in general. The millions of guys who are using it are busy living life, the guys who have "issues" are online seeking solutions or complaining.

The more aware doctors who have been working with TRT or bodybuilders and blood tests for a long time will often say things like:

"Blood work is really dynamic, someone who is not taking TRT and has just exercised hard will find their blood markers to be WAY out of range compared to what normal doctors are used to. These "normal" blood ranges are not typically measured on very healthy or fit people, so you can't put too much concern on things going somewhat out of range on one test."

...Yet TRT guys are often getting a one-off blood test and freaking out about values outside the 'normal' ranges. Those ranges are meant as rough guidelines and require a professional who is skilled in TRT to identify patterns that could authentically be problematic. Doctors without this background end up just peddling unnecessary fear."

I often wonder how much those reports of concern are actually valid, and how much they are based on a misunderstanding of things. There is SOOO much misinformation on the web and people peddling fear. I take it all with a healthy dose of skepticism and a willingness to dig deeper and find more balanced viewpoints.
I've been on TRT for 5 or so years, with no issues but HUGE improvements in quality of life across all areas of my life.

The amount of information you'll find on the web about TRT is skewed toward the negative in general. The millions of guys who are using it are busy living life, the guys who have "issues" are online seeking solutions or complaining.

The more aware doctors who have been working with TRT or bodybuilders and blood tests for a long time will often say things like:

"Blood work is really dynamic, someone who is not taking TRT and has just exercised hard will find their blood markers to be WAY out of range compared to what normal doctors are used to. These "normal" blood ranges are not typically measured on very healthy or fit people, so you can't put too much concern on things going somewhat out of range on one test."

...Yet TRT guys are often getting a one-off blood test and freaking out about values outside the 'normal' ranges. Those ranges are meant as rough guidelines and require a professional who is skilled in TRT to identify patterns that could authentically be problematic. Doctors without this background end up just peddling unnecessary fear."

I often wonder how much those reports of concern are actually valid, and how much they are based on a misunderstanding of things. There is SOOO much misinformation on the web and people peddling fear. I take it all with a healthy dose of skepticism and a willingness to dig deeper and find more balanced viewpoints.

What's your protocol if you don't mind saying? Has it changed over the course of those 5 years?
Hi! I keep reading and hearing from interviews, forums, posts in different sites reports from different people just to gather information before I take the plunge.

I keep finding reports of people dealing with side effects some of them are serious. I've seen a lot of people having issues managing their hemoglobin and other blood related issues. Some even had strokes and or heart attacks. Other people are dealing with blood pressure and some with prostate enlargement even a few with prostate cancer (I know that trt does not cause cancer however it might accelerate it)

All those issues are worrisome to me since I'm looking at the long term, next year I'll be 50 so my goal is quality of life and longevity without having to compromise one for the other ( I know that's everyone's goal)

I've been prescribed testosterone last week however I didn't start yet because my triglycerides are 4 times above normal and I want to see my cardiologist first and get more blood work done. I went 100 vegan and cut all sugar and lost 20 lbs in 2 months. I train 2 a day 5 to 6 days a week. I don't kill myself I train within my limit.

My endo says that my levels and hormones are appear to be from concussion and ptsd (I was a first responder for 15 years seen a bunch of people die, about to die or already dead almost been killed 3 times, no injuries from it just mental trauma. I also did competitive karate i have about 25 to 30 fights, 7 years mma no fights,7 years boxing no fights but sparring, and wrestling) he prescribed 130 test enanthate 1 a week. For what I read that seems like a lot to me, I would much rather start at 40 or 50 a week. I think I might be a hyper responder (I did anavar, half a dose 10 years ago and got impressed results) even now with low t I still build muscle.

I been lifting naturally for 31 years (did 2 cycles of oxandrolone for a tournament). I still lift 4 times a week plus wrestling (for fun and self defense) and boxing 2 to 3 times a week, I just hit the bag.l haven't sparred in 7 years. I do have kids so everything was working fine until 6 years ago when I had my last of 5 kids. I don't drink or smoke. No meds either, trt will be my first one but I'm worried about all this issues and all the doctor appointments some people have to go through. As you can see I have 5 kids and we are busy. I'm dealing with the ptsd and depression so I'm off work doing therapy.

I also find that there is so much conflicting information our there. To be honest it's a bit overwhelming.

Sorry for the long post but this is the most credible forum, everyone seems to be here to have a long healthy life, not to be jacked. If you have any input please let me know. Thank you!
A lot of good comments already, I will try not to just repeat what others have said. I have been on TRT for 12 years.

No side effects, a lot of positives. My total T was actually higher than yours, about 350 ng/dl, though my SHBG is usually around 48 (19.3-76.4)

Typically men will get a 7-10% rise in HCT, but since mine was ~42 (37.5-51) when I started, going to ~46 (highest I have ever seen it was 48), it has not been a problem. The rise in HCT is a good thing as long as it doesn't get out of range. Your HCT at 44 is not very likely to go over 51.

IMO the rise in HCT is increased by frequent sharp spikes and drops in total testosterone. This opinion is based on tables that show how some different T esters are likely to cause a big rise in HCT.

In my case, I started with Nebido, (testosterone undecanoate) which gives a sharp rise once every 3 months. Those doing testos C report that more frequent injections like eod or twice a week results in a less side effects. My guess is because the spikes up and down are not as large though more frequent.

Like you, I want low maintenance. testosterone undecanoate is injected every 10-14 weeks and it tends to be the ester that effects HCT the least. Nebido is available in Canada. The only negative is that it's harder to self inject in the glute, and in the US I have to import it.

Natesto appears to be even better at low side effects, but you have to use it 2-3 times a day, and without insurance it is too expensive.

Before you start TRT, there are a typical range of blood tests you should get.

I would add a full iron panel. TRT tends to use more iron and a lot of men report that their ferritin levels get too low.

Since I have been on TRT for 12 years, 58>70 age, at age 70 it's difficult to determine what effect TRT has Vs just getting older. My blood pressure was perfect for the first 9 years, psa maybe went up ~20%, now it's harder to keep BP in range and PSA started to go up a few years ago, due to increase prostate size, though no bad effects. (no drugs, but I do take GABA which for me lowers BP).

A few years back, I tried creams / testosterone cypionate, they both worked. I did this as a fall back if testosterone undecanoate became too difficult to acquire. If i had to quit testos-u, i would go to testos-cypionate 3 times a week.

Your doc prescribed 130 test enanthate 1 a week. If you are self injecting, I would just inject less more often ending up with excess enanthate, which for a while I would accumulate. You can use this to increase if you feel necessary. Also I would ask about Nebido just to see if the doc would prescribe and insurance would cover it. IMO cypionate or enanthate would work OK for me, but it's just more hassle and more expense, so I am not adamant about only using nebido.

If in 6+ months you decide TRT is not for you, I didn't have a hard time quitting (about 5 years ago for 1 year to increase sperm count). I don't know the stats, but the vast majority of men can quit TRT, their levels will fall back, for a short time your level may even go lower than what you started at before you start again producing your own natural T.

I started to go bald at age 35, mostly bald before I started TRT. so I have no opinion about that.

BTW, I think you are doing fantastic considering your total T is pretty low.
A lot of good comments already, I will try not to just repeat what others have said. I have been on TRT for 12 years.

No side effects, a lot of positives. My total T was actually higher than yours, about 350 ng/dl, though my SHBG is usually around 48 (19.3-76.4)

Typically men will get a 7-10% rise in HCT, but since mine was ~42 (37.5-51) when I started, going to ~46 (highest I have ever seen it was 48), it has not been a problem. The rise in HCT is a good thing as long as it doesn't get out of range. Your HCT at 44 is not very likely to go over 51.

IMO the rise in HCT is increased by frequent sharp spikes and drops in total testosterone. This opinion is based on tables that show how some different T esters are likely to cause a big rise in HCT.

In my case, I started with Nebido, (testosterone undecanoate) which gives a sharp rise once every 3 months. Those doing testos C report that more frequent injections like eod or twice a week results in a less side effects. My guess is because the spikes up and down are not as large though more frequent.

Like you, I want low maintenance. testosterone undecanoate is injected every 10-14 weeks and it tends to be the ester that effects HCT the least. Nebido is available in Canada. The only negative is that it's harder to self inject in the glute, and in the US I have to import it.

Natesto appears to be even better at low side effects, but you have to use it 2-3 times a day, and without insurance it is too expensive.

Before you start TRT, there are a typical range of blood tests you should get.

I would add a full iron panel. TRT tends to use more iron and a lot of men report that their ferritin levels get too low.

Since I have been on TRT for 12 years, 58>70 age, at age 70 it's difficult to determine what effect TRT has Vs just getting older. My blood pressure was perfect for the first 9 years, psa maybe went up ~20%, now it's harder to keep BP in range and PSA started to go up a few years ago, due to increase prostate size, though no bad effects. (no drugs, but I do take GABA which for me lowers BP).

A few years back, I tried creams / testosterone cypionate, they both worked. I did this as a fall back if testosterone undecanoate became too difficult to acquire. If i had to quit testos-u, i would go to testos-cypionate 3 times a week.

Your doc prescribed 130 test enanthate 1 a week. If you are self injecting, I would just inject less more often ending up with excess enanthate, which for a while I would accumulate. You can use this to increase if you feel necessary. Also I would ask about Nebido just to see if the doc would prescribe and insurance would cover it. IMO cypionate or enanthate would work OK for me, but it's just more hassle and more expense, so I am not adamant about only using nebido.

If in 6+ months you decide TRT is not for you, I didn't have a hard time quitting (about 5 years ago for 1 year to increase sperm count). I don't know the stats, but the vast majority of men can quit TRT, their levels will fall back, for a short time your level may even go lower than what you started at before you start again producing your own natural T.

I started to go bald at age 35, mostly bald before I started TRT. so I have no opinion about that.

BTW, I think you are doing fantastic considering your total T is pretty low.
Awesome info, thank you
My triglycerides are dangerously High and he still prescribed test
That’s the not out of the ordinary, TRT improves lipids, and lowers triglycerides. My triglycerides were very high pre-TRT and are now normal, without TRT I would still have high triglycerides.

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Hi! I keep reading and hearing from interviews, forums, posts in different sites reports from different people just to gather information before I take the plunge.

I keep finding reports of people dealing with side effects some of them are serious. I've seen a lot of people having issues managing their hemoglobin and other blood related issues. Some even had strokes and or heart attacks. Other people are dealing with blood pressure and some with prostate enlargement even a few with prostate cancer (I know that trt does not cause cancer however it might accelerate it)

All those issues are worrisome to me since I'm looking at the long term, next year I'll be 50 so my goal is quality of life and longevity without having to compromise one for the other ( I know that's everyone's goal)

I've been prescribed testosterone last week however I didn't start yet because my triglycerides are 4 times above normal and I want to see my cardiologist first and get more blood work done. I went 100 vegan and cut all sugar and lost 20 lbs in 2 months. I train 2 a day 5 to 6 days a week. I don't kill myself I train within my limit.

My endo says that my levels and hormones are appear to be from concussion and ptsd (I was a first responder for 15 years seen a bunch of people die, about to die or already dead almost been killed 3 times, no injuries from it just mental trauma. I also did competitive karate i have about 25 to 30 fights, 7 years mma no fights,7 years boxing no fights but sparring, and wrestling) he prescribed 130 test enanthate 1 a week. For what I read that seems like a lot to me, I would much rather start at 40 or 50 a week. I think I might be a hyper responder (I did anavar, half a dose 10 years ago and got impressed results) even now with low t I still build muscle.

I been lifting naturally for 31 years (did 2 cycles of oxandrolone for a tournament). I still lift 4 times a week plus wrestling (for fun and self defense) and boxing 2 to 3 times a week, I just hit the bag.l haven't sparred in 7 years. I do have kids so everything was working fine until 6 years ago when I had my last of 5 kids. I don't drink or smoke. No meds either, trt will be my first one but I'm worried about all this issues and all the doctor appointments some people have to go through. As you can see I have 5 kids and we are busy. I'm dealing with the ptsd and depression so I'm off work doing therapy.

I also find that there is so much conflicting information our there. To be honest it's a bit overwhelming.

Sorry for the long post but this is the most credible forum, everyone seems to be here to have a long healthy life, not to be jacked. If you have any input please let me know. Thank you!
I’m 70… Started TRT two months ago… I’m a research guy and I haven’t seen those kinds of issues… But I wish you the best in your journey
I keep finding reports of people dealing with side effects some of them are serious. I've seen a lot of people having issues managing their hemoglobin and other blood related issues.
You found guys having problems because you’re looking for it. This thread your created and the experiences of those on TRT who posted here are overwhelmingly positive and still you’re hung up on the bad experiences.

You’re focusing on the minority and not the majority of positive experiences.
been on TRT 1+ year. other then creeping hematocrit (doing donation), feel amazing! my gym recoveries are very good, prior to that it was awful, i could not go more then 1-2x week.
libido is huge, sort of every day thing, before that 1x week, when wife forced me. i'm 44y old.
TRT can help depression massively, I had none really, but low mood overall and anxiety. both improved massively as well.
good luck!
I'm not sure TRT helps depression directly. More likely men become depressed because they get fat, lazy, health declines prematurely, and they can't have decent sex anymore. Fix some or all of those things and of course depression subsides for many of them.
long time TRTer, 15yrs, never really had any issues. Hemocrit is higher but seems to level out and my doc is cool with it. Did donate 1x with no difference, haved lowered my dose the longer I've been on. 40mg x 2 per week. 250iu of hcg x 2x a week.
I'm not sure TRT helps depression directly. More likely men become depressed because they get fat, lazy, health declines prematurely, and they can't have decent sex anymore. Fix some or all of those things and of course depression subsides for many of them.
I’d say fixing those issues will definitely help with fighting depression/improving well-being, but I’d also say testosterone helps directly. Testosterone directly impacts dopamine in the brain, and well-being often improves before those other issues are resolved.
Would think this depends on route of administration and dosage. Cream format for me no side effects after 2 years other than weight gain which I suppose is from cell volume expansion and fluid retention along with a few lbs of muscle added. The other “side effect” with that is clothing.

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