Fernando wrote some solid arguments right there and I completely agree with him. I smoked for nearly 30 years daily. Most of the days from the morning to the evening till I pass out. Started at 13 and with the strongest indica available at that point in time in the 90s. Had hundreds of young kids starting with me. Young, naive, not knowing the consequences, just thinking that natural stuff ain't no drugs and we all gonna quit whenever we want to. Oh boy how wrong we were. It doesn't matter what paths in life we chose but smoking had a huge effect on our brains, cognitive functions, mind and thinking processes. Now that all this great research is coming out I can put the pieces of the puzzle together and answer a lot of my questions even though I pretty much knew the answers from my long smoking career. It depends how much you smoke, what you smoke, when you smoke it, depends on the context, etc, etc etc, how old you are, how well you are doing in your life, etc etc. I'm sorry but writing a few popular names who smoked bud (claim from online lol) means fuck all. The current research is pretty clear how it effects brain and how smoking since the early age has increased risks of mental disorders compared to starting smoking in later years FWIW. Its all very heavy context related and you can argue about it as much as you want but that doesn't change the fact that if its abused and not under the right circumstances it is detrimental and especially to a growing brain and CNS. Now you certainly can combat that by doing sports, engaging in thinking activities, learning, doing bussines whatever, but it doesn't change the fact that this stuff can either make you or break you. Also depends on the personallity hugely. I was a maximalist, which was a curse as I see it now after all these decades of being high daily and now being completely sober. Now I can't even smoke, went full circle, but that is also related to my current position in life, my vision and my goals, which require me to be as sharp as possible. I could go on and on and on, but my time is up. So one thing I want to ask you guys, please be good to one another and please try to think twice before posting N=1 examples. We all are here to learn and improve our knowledge and not prove our point of view. Hope that does't go over your heads