Those results were from a while ago, unfortunately I didn't get anything else tested at the time.
I am currently however back on that same protocol as I felt very good mental clarity and overall performance compared to other protocols, and my most recent Test Prop protocol has failed.
I have labs scheduled for 10 days from now and this time I'm going to test absolutely everything: DHT, Prolactin, Progesterone, Pregnenolone, DHEA-S, Thyroid, Cortisol, etc...on top of course of TT/FT/E2.
Those are going to be for trough levels (24 hours post application), and I'm also going to test just TT/FT/E2/DHT for peak levels (3-4-5 hours post application). I want to see what kind of daily variation I'm seeing in my levels and how high I peak. I would be ok peaking at 35ng/dL and troughing around 25ng/dL if I felt great on this protocol. Peaking at 50ng/dL? Not so much...
I'll update this thread or some other cream thread with my results.
But to answer your question, I actually feel very stable on this 1x/day cream protocol, no ups and downs and much less hyper and wired than on other protocols. I think it might be because my E2 is much lower than on other protocols, including the scrotal cream. E2 on the scrotal cream for me is much higher than forearm/biceps application.
I'm very curious to see what my DHT levels look like compared to scrotal cream and injections.