I have a 7mm pituitary tumor that is nonfunctional. All of my pituitary hormones (ACTH, LH, FSH, etc.) are consistently at the bottom of the lab ranges which, considering my age of 30, is not ideal. Interestingly, I had a very successful low dosage clomid run, which pushed my LH & FSH so high we could never get my E2 under control, so I moved to TRT and have been very happy since that move. We are using HCG as well to preserve my fertility, and I went ahead and froze sperm for a worst case scenario.
When they first discovered the tumor, my first inclination was "get the damn thing out of there". Luckily, I had a solid neurosurgeon take a look and he refused to operate on it, saying he would cause way more damage to the intact pituitary trying to pull it out, which would make my issues much worse. He recommended I choose HRT instead, so I am on TRT, thyroid meds, and I keep a close eye on my cortisol as it tends to run low due to ACTH being so low.
I've struggled with anxiety and depression all of my life as well. A successful TRT protocol has eradicated my depression completely, and given me some solid progress on the anxiety side, but still working on that front.
Make sure you are with a solid TRT practioner as that is key. I use
Defy and am quite happy with those guys. Many around here will agree. Good luck and let me know if you have any specific questions.