New here. Need advice. anyone with pituitary tumor?


Hello. i created this account recently to look for help on what to do next. I'm 28 and got diagnosed with a pituitary tumor. My LH is sitting at 0.9 (range 1.5-9.3) FSH 1.96 (range .63-2.50) while FT 2.80 range 4.0-30 TT 2.96 range 2.41-8.27, lastly SHBG 51. If you guys need other useful labs i could show them. The endocrinologist here wanted to do clomid but I did my research and it's bad since i have high shbg. i went to another endo who prescribed hcg but 3k weekly and i said that was too much. then he offered trt but he haves no experience with shbg. he said its made in the liver and thats about it. alt and ast are a bit high but nothing to worry about. should i keep looking for good endos? anyone with tumor and have experience?
Macroadenoma? 20% of cadavers that have autopsies done have them. So we definitely have some here. I have one, but the doctor wasn’t 100% sure from the MRI.

Somehow doctors feel these only present problems through large amounts of prolactin or growth hormone. I think the studies just aren’t there to relate them to other hormones.

If you’ve got a doc who didn’t test prolactin or hgh after finding the tumor you are dealing with incompetence.

Your high shbg indicates you will likely need a higher dose to be successful on trt. Do some more reading on here and elsewhere. You can attempt a restart or jump into TRT. You didn’t even mention fertility so doesn’t sound like you’ve learned the basics.

Don’t pinch a penny and start TRT with a pcp who know jack shit about it. You don’t realize how close to death a bad protocol can make you feel. Not worth it. Defy is one good option. Any big city should have a few good docs through if you ask around.

so from what you're saying adenomas are common? do everyone needs trt or they don't even know? my mri showed a 5.4 so its not that big. prolactin isn't high or igf1. the doctor wanted MRI BEFORE PROLACTIN. actually i was the one who asked for prolactin after i did some research.

tbh, i do need some reading to be done with this and i will get on that. fertility yeah i know. however i do feel like shit and don't even want a girlfriend or anything but i guess this will fade when i get better. i do know that if you use hcg you might become fertile again? i do still need several other tests to be done (from what i've learned) like t3 and other thyroid labs.

yeah for sure, thats why im learning the basics because i know that a bad protocol can cause more harm, BUT low testosterone can also lead to worst things. well but defy is an anti aging clinic? i don't think they have endocrinologists who deals with tumor? i don't want any medications that might make things worst.

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