Anyone Feel Better Without HCG?


Just wondering if anyone on the forum feels better on just test without HCG. Is it easier to have a better T/E ratio without HCG? Can you backfill the pathways using just low dose pregnenolone? Interested if anyone has tried to incorporate HCG, but decided they felt better without it.
I am beginning to think that I feel better without. I have experimented by going without for a couple of weeks and then back on and while I need to test further, I am starting to think that I am better off without. It does not seem to have any effect on testicle size for me, either.
I use HCG, but I don't believe everyone needs to. I do believe most do better with HCG, when on TRT. The only way to know for sure, is by not using it.
I thought about giving it a try, but I finally got my chest issues under control, and with everything else I'm taking, I just don't want to add another
The biggest hormonal pathway that I keep reading concerning testicular shut down is pregnenolone. Couldn't you just supplement with low dose preg and not have to deal with the excess aromatization that HCG induces? Who knows, just a thought. Testosterone and pregnenolone are natural substances to the male body. HCG is not a natural substance to the male body. The only time in nature it occurs, is inside the female body for 9 months during pregnancy. Something concerns me about taking a foreign substance like that for a lifetime. Even with low dose HCG like 500-1000iu's a week, the testicles are not being worked like they were before TRT. I think you'd have to take at least 1500-3000iu's a week to achieve the same sperm counts prior to TRT and with that your estrogen would be out of control. I feel strongly that testosterone therapy in therapeutic doses is safe. I'm not convinced about HCG just yet.
You're neglecting the angle of inducing organ failure and atrophy and that shrunken nuts are not only painful for many men, also make you look like an 8 year old boy. There are a great many things going on here the least of which is pregnenolone or hormonal paths. Or even fertility, if that matters. I'm one I don't care for it, but for all these reasons, I use it. As far as complicating E2, from someone that agrees HCG complicates(ed) my're using too much at one-time. IMHO. All you need is just enough to keep your testes alive, any more than that, it aromatizes in the testes and controlling that aromatization is more difficult in the testicular environment, where aromatization is favored more than elsewhere. Supplementing Pregnenolone is wise, but IS NOT a substitute or end-around.
No, responsible or learned person with TRT, is going to back some one not using HCG. It's a given and a key component in any (properly administered) therapy program. Its that sort of thing...omit at your own risk/peril.
I was under the impression that pregnenolone supplementation boosted serum pregnenolone levels more than low dose HCG treatment. I've read guys on this forum that are already taking HCG have doctors recommend preg supplementation because their pre/dhea levels are low. Then, when they supplement, their serum levels go up all the while taking low dose HCG. It makes you wonder how much the HCG is actually doing from a hormone standpoint and not just a cosmetic one.
I stopt HCG for 2 month and I what I can tell is I am feeling less warm (less sweaty) and less red faced. However to be sure l´ll soon restart HCG and see if these effects come back . Otherwise I don´t feel any difference and also I don´t care if my balls are smaller now. (if they are).

l´ll guess the best way to find out is to go on and off and see for yourself.

I also tried pregnenolone but it makes me a bit sluggish and down.
I was on test for 2 1/2 years without HCG.. My boys shrank pretty noticeably... Chrisler started me on HCG about 6 weeks ago and while I haven't done blood work yet I feel that it has benefited me it seems with my day to day energy, libido, and boys are starting to fill back up... Happy dance...
Without it, I shit down bad, shrink and get pain (worst part). With it I feel better, the boys are alive.
I believe that without it, long term shrinkage is showing some level of damage to them and why not avoid it.
Even if it doesnt hurt, they were not meant to be dormant.
Also LH affect other areas of the body which is why there can be a feeling of well being and libido.
I am back on T after a short break due to some eye problems and am already showing some shrinkage.
Tried HCG last year sub q and had the worst anxiety ever right after the first injection.
Went down to 100 IU and still had the same results so I stopped altogether.
Want to try again I.M. .
Does anyone think that there is a difference in the way HCG is metabolized from Sub Q to I.M. that would cause bad anxiety....
I've always had small/medium sized testicles and without HCG they shrink down to raisins and are very uncomfortable. My nutsack literally becomes the size of half a walnut. Ejaculate output becomes dribbles and the head of my penis becomes desensitized. HCG reverses all of these things for me, and I would hate to NOT have it in my TRT arsenal. I will say that I have to be very careful with the dosing to keep E2 under control.
dont think so

I am back on T after a short break due to some eye problems and am already showing some shrinkage.
Tried HCG last year sub q and had the worst anxiety ever right after the first injection.
Went down to 100 IU and still had the same results so I stopped altogether.
Want to try again I.M. .
Does anyone think that there is a difference in the way HCG is metabolized from Sub Q to I.M. that would cause bad anxiety....

Only thing I ever read was a very slight faster absorption using IM.
Couldn't hurt to try IM
I've always had small/medium sized testicles and without HCG they shrink down to raisins and are very uncomfortable. My nutsack literally becomes the size of half a walnut. Ejaculate output becomes dribbles and the head of my penis becomes desensitized. HCG reverses all of these things for me, and I would hate to NOT have it in my TRT arsenal. I will say that I have to be very careful with the dosing to keep E2 under control.

Whats your HCG dose?

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