Anyone else using Perrigo from Wallgreens?


I recently started trt. I went to pick up prescription from Wallgreens and was surprised to get 6 small 200ml vials of Perrigo test cyp. Each vial is supposed to last me 2 weeks as I will be injecting 50ml's twice weekly. I will be drawing from the vial 4 times. Is this ok? I think these are meant for single use. Is the stopper going to hold up? Will the test cyp go bad by week 2? Is Perrigo a good form of test cyp?
I recently started trt. I went to pick up prescription from Wallgreens and was surprised to get 6 small 200ml vials of Perrigo test cyp. Each vial is supposed to last me 2 weeks as I will be injecting 50ml's twice weekly. I will be drawing from the vial 4 times. Is this ok? I think these are meant for single use. Is the stopper going to hold up? Will the test cyp go bad by week 2? Is Perrigo a good form of test cyp?

I'm not a rocket scientist, but 20ml is huge. So I'm going to guess you made a mistake and they're actually 2ml, which in your case is 4 doses. Which sounds normal for a product from a pharma company. So there's that.

Defy just supplied my latest scrip from Hallandale and they're now 2 5ml bottles instead of 1 10ml and I'm pissed off. Even m HCG is split up in 2 orders, 1 6ml and 1 5ml. So Defy, if you're listening, I think it's bullshit to supply your patient with surprise scrips and no heads up. Not a happy camper here.
Jht0524 - I took Perrigo and really got good results from it. My doc told me the vial is considered a single dose vial, but I too used it 4 times, 50mg over 4 injections. Never had any stopper issues with it, but back then I was only piercing the stopper twice, as I would insert a larger draw needle and fill two syringes with it. I liked the grape seed oil with Perrigo. I'm now taking Westward Cypionate (cottonseed) in a 10ml vial and I had the same stopper concerns with the larger vial. I'm now both drawing and injecting with the same needle so I'm poking it twice a week for a few months.
Why is that a problem of two bottles for test and hcg? That's what I have also from Hallandale. I don't see what the issue is. 2 5ml bottles of Cyp and two of hcg.
I'm not a rocket scientist, but 20ml is huge. So I'm going to guess you made a mistake and they're actually 2ml, which in your case is 4 doses. Which sounds normal for a product from a pharma company. So there's that.

Defy just supplied my latest scrip from Hallandale and they're now 2 5ml bottles instead of 1 10ml and I'm pissed off. Even m HCG is split up in 2 orders, 1 6ml and 1 5ml. So Defy, if you're listening, I think it's bullshit to supply your patient with surprise scrips and no heads up. Not a happy camper here.

IM about to place an order for Cyp and I'm going to ask for 1 10ml vial and that it's from APS. Ive gotten one order of Anastrozole and HCG (5000iu) fro Hallandale and while it was all fine I'm used to APS.
I'm not a rocket scientist, but 20ml is huge. So I'm going to guess you made a mistake and they're actually 2ml, which in your case is 4 doses. Which sounds normal for a product from a pharma company. So there's that.

Defy just supplied my latest scrip from Hallandale and they're now 2 5ml bottles instead of 1 10ml and I'm pissed off. Even m HCG is split up in 2 orders, 1 6ml and 1 5ml. So Defy, if you're listening, I think it's bullshit to supply your patient with surprise scrips and no heads up. Not a happy camper here.

You will find that almost all compounding pharmacies will be dispensing two 5ml bottles rather than 10ml of testosterone cypionate. The reason for this is because of the FDA draft guidance "Compounded Drug Products That Are Essentially Copies of a Commercially Available Drug Product Under Section 503A of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act". This means that a compounding pharmacy should not compound a medication in the same quantity and form as a commercially available product. Since testosterone cypionate is already available in 10ml X 200mg/ml, compounders must justify the compounding of a custom medication by making a different quantity, strength, and/or combination. Although it is draft guidance so far, the FDA is visiting the larger compounding pharmacies who dispense compounded cypionate and putting pressure on them to follow the guidance as if it were law. Not to far down the road it will become a mandatory regulation, therefore its best to follow guidance now otherwise there will be bigger problems for that pharmacy down the road.

Another reason for this change is due to the issue multi-dosed bottles have with sterility preservation when used over and over again. Each time the rubber stopper is punctured with a needle it exposes the contents to contamination. the preservatives help maintain sterility, but only for a limited time. Updated USP guidelines regarding sterile multi-dosed bottles state that sterility cannot be guaranteed beyond 28 days after the initial puncture.

Both Empower and Hallandale over-fill 5ml bottles by 1ml (6ml total) to compensate for any loss during needle transfer/injection. The cost should still be the same as a single 10ml bottle, so I am not sure what the issue would be when receiving two 5ml bottles. You will find that all compounding pharmacies will adopt this change by the end of the year, once they are visited by the FDA.
IM about to place an order for Cyp and I'm going to ask for 1 10ml vial and that it's from APS. Ive gotten one order of Anastrozole and HCG (5000iu) fro Hallandale and while it was all fine I'm used to APS.

APS is also in the process of changing over. Their last visit was in specific reference to their compounded testosterone cypionate.
Both Empower and Hallandale over-fill 5ml bottles by 1ml (6ml total) to compensate for any loss during needle transfer/injection.

I'm not sure this is always true. I've been having issues running out before my script is refillable, yet I've never mis-dosed or lost product or anything else that would make me run out sooner. Either someone isn't doing their math correctly, or they're assuming the bottles ARE overfilled when they're actually not, or they just don't know how to calculate for the loss that occurs when you inject EOD like I do. I'm tracking each shot I take from the bottles now so I know precisely how many injections I'm getting from each bottle and can present my case that something is wrong and needs to be corrected by the pharmacy (Hallandale this time).
I've got a Cyp refill coming from Hallandale right now, should have it by Friday, I'll post if it's a 10mL or 2 5s.

They always send two 5ml bottles. I've never gotten a 10 from them (though I used to from Empower and APS...I'm sure they're changing their policies too).
Hellboi - I have also found that Hallandale consistently under-fills vials. Good luck trying to get the issue corrected with them as their customer service is terrible. They will say they will correct the issue and make up the shortage, however, they never follow through or even return phone calls most of the time. They are a poorly run operation.
Hellboi - I have also found that Hallandale consistently under-fills vials. Good luck trying to get the issue corrected with them as their customer service is terrible. They will say they will correct the issue and make up the shortage, however, they never follow through or even return phone calls most of the time. They are a poorly run operation.

Glad it's not just me having issues.

Initially I was being told "sorry, but you're early and you have to wait 3-4 weeks to fill" even though I was going to be completely out in less than a week. I knew something was wrong as the last bottle had run short too by about a week, but I had another on hand at that time so I just chalked it up as patient error and let it go.

But this time there was no way I was going 3-4 weeks without the medicine that has absolutely saved my mental health and that I have been religiously taking for going on two years. I was able to speak with Defy's rep over there, as well as the pharmacist himself, and after about a week of back and forth the pharmacist agreed that I should be able to fill and the interval they and Defy were telling me was somehow incorrect. At that point he calculated that I should be getting about 21 injections from a 5ml bottle on my protocol (.23ml EOD). I had even gone and taken a weeks worth of syringes out of my sharps container and drew up the wasted T oil from the tips of each one using an insulin syringe so I could give him the exact amount of wastage (averaged across 4 injections) so that he could include it in his figures.

So I tracked each shot for the next fresh bottle I opened and got only 16 injections from it (no mistakes made on my part, and I got every last bit I could out of the bottle). I'm tracking the next bottle now and will know soon how many that one has in it but I bet it'll be short of 21.
I received 2 5mL vials today. I don't mind tracking the injections I get out of them but at .25mL EOD it's gonna take awhile.

Edit: I wieghed both vials thought it'd be interesting and both were 20.2g
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I hate that company so much . Perrigo is terrible in my opinion.... I was getting Pfizer and westward 200mg 1Ml single dose bottles.... for years.. got the Perrigo shiiit did my normal injection of 100mg ever 7days and in 15 mins my heart rate went up to 156 bpm and my bp went to 135/114 and i was rushed to the ER ... im now terrified to use cyp. and am back on androgel....

thank company gives me other drugs and they are horrible......

I hope u have better luck then i did. even there allergy meds are crap .... even there freaking poly ethelyn glycol is garbage . i hate that company

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