Vince, sorry for not giving you the complete picture. I am 12 weeks into a new test cyp daily protocol.
Below are my 6 week labs on 16mg test cyp
daily and .25mg adex EOD
TT: 912.3
FT: 30.1
SHBG: 15.9
E2 Sensitive: 19.8
Based on those 6 week labs I upped my adex from .25mg EOD to .25mg ED based on my sensitive E2 being 19.8 and my SHBG being 15.9. I also lowered my test cyp from 16mg to 13.75mg daily based on my free T of 30.1.
I’m now 12 weeks in and feel worse than when I was 6 weeks in. I feel cognitively slower, issues with forming sentences and carry conversation, lack of libido, and ED. I was hoping my adjusts (lowering daily cyp dose and increasing adex dose) based on my blood work would have made me dialed-in. It feels like the opposite. I’m wondering if anastrozole the drug itself and taking it everyday may cause cognitive impairment (as I’ve read numerous studies on it causing cognitive impairment in women cancer patients taking at least 1mg per day for 3 months) or if I simply drove my E2 too low which is causing these side effects. Stuck on how I should proceed. I do agree a blood test is in order. But, in the meantime should I continue with the AI or hold off?