Advice on dialing in


New Member
Hi Guys,
I've posted a few times and am feeling much better than when I first reached out in desperation. My current protocol is 40MG cypionate MWF and 1/8mg adex when symptoms present themselves. I've been so much better on this protocol and rarely use the arimidex, but when I do sometimes I respond really severely.

I usually only take 1/8 mg adex after a shot if my anxiety starts ramping up. I've done this successfully a few times each month..It also often does wonders for my ED/morning wood and libido.

However, once last month and now I seem to have gone too low in the E2. No labs to support, but emotionally flat, crazy tired and fatigues, NO libido, etc. Definitely different than the crazy insomnia and anxiety I get when I am high.

Last time, I just waited it out about a week and actually came back feeling better than ever until last week.

So my question is if anyone has any advice about how to fine tune adex dosing OR how to recover from being low more quickly.

I know all of these are probably very dumb and that I should just wait it out, but I figured I'd ask if anyone had any personal experience that might be helpful:

1. would oral DHEA help me come back more quickly
2. would increasing my dose temporarily this week help?
3. i switched from testim to shots and still have some tubes left over. I know that gels aromatase more than shots. Would using a tube this week help bounce back quicker?

My next Dr. appt and bloods are Jan 18th. I think I might ask him for lab scripts so I can go when I am feeling good once and when I am feeling bad once to see where the numbers are. I'm in NY so can't order my own labs...I really wish I could, b/c It would make fine tuning even better.

Thanks for any advice...

For reference:
Most recent labs from Oct 12 2015 when I was feeling about a 7.5 on a scale of 1-10:

TOT T 949 (high) 249-836
SHBG 16 range 10-57 (low in my opinion) I had tested at 24 in May and I think 21 or so in Aug.
Free T 288 HIGH 30-150
E2 (ultra sensitive test this time) - 14.5 range 7-49

Labs from Aug 11 2015, when I was in all out crisis mode with anxiety and insomnia:

e2 42 on a range of <40 HIGH
total t = 693 range 160-853
free t = 18.2 range 3.5-15.5 HIGH
shbg = 20.7 range 10-57
albumin = 4.7 range 3.2-4.8
dhea = 168 range 80-560
prolactin 4 range 2.1-17.7
In the absence of current labs, there is no certainty as to what is going on. Symptoms/how you feel present half the picture, objective labwork tells the rest of the story. Have you considered self-testing via Economical and quick turnaround. Many of us here rely on them to understand what we're dealing with.
There is no way that 1/8mg(?) is going to send you too far in one direction, or another. Nor is it a treatment for your anxiety. I'd think more to why you're anxious, I'd bet a dollar your anxiety and TRT have nothing to do with each other. None of your three suggestions are worth trying. TRT has got nothing to do with your anxiety.
You've got more problems than can be addressed on the internet, are you seeking counseling or other treatments for your issues:

Labs from Aug 11 2015, when I was in all out crisis mode with anxiety and insomnia:
I can't get my own labs b/c I live in NY.

I know it sounds crazy, but the arimidex really did (And does) help me at that very low does.

I really have only felt low on the e2 when I've taken more than 1/4 in a week.

I think I am very sensitive to the E2 b/s my SHBG is on the low side (i.e. more "free" e2 just like my free T is through the roof).

I've definitely tried counseling and SSRIs before going on TRT to no real success.

The only real thing that was ever "off" on an blood work was a T number in the mid/high 200s...I lost a ton of weight and started eating better, lifting weights and the T barely budged after 11 months...that's when I started down this path.

I'm just trying to get dialed in and feel better...I have had stretches where I felt like a new man, but there are still ups and downs...although my lows are getting less low and shorter, which is good.

Just trying to figure this all out.


Will definitely read the article about DHEA.
I would not supplement your injections with a topical; in the absence of labwork, you're simply driving in the dark without headlights. Changing this, adjusting that, hoping to see "change". You can drive off the road and wind up in the ditch.
I figured that...Just wanted to double check.

I do have a good relationship with my doctor. He listens to me and is willing to try stuff. He is not an expert in TRT by any means (he is a urologist by trade).

I've reached out to Defy, but when I'm feeling well I can't justify the expense (if you get the meds from them it's much more than from a normal pharmacy it seems, correct?).

Although, I would like to have an extra set of trained eyes looking at my blood work.

Maybe at my next dr. appt I'll see if he'll draw all the proper blood that Defy wants and do the initial phone consult and follow up labs.

Does anyone use Defy just for blood work but not meds?
I figured that...Just wanted to double check.

I do have a good relationship with my doctor. He listens to me and is willing to try stuff. He is not an expert in TRT by any means (he is a urologist by trade).

I've reached out to Defy, but when I'm feeling well I can't justify the expense (if you get the meds from them it's much more than from a normal pharmacy it seems, correct?).

Although, I would like to have an extra set of trained eyes looking at my blood work.

Maybe at my next dr. appt I'll see if he'll draw all the proper blood that Defy wants and do the initial phone consult and follow up labs.

Does anyone use Defy just for blood work but not meds?

Defy offers advice-only second opinions/consultations. Nobody but you knows your financial situation, but the services that Defy offers (I am not a patient,mthough I have spoken to them) more than justifies their fees.

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