Acne on a chin


Hello. Does anybody here developed acne on a chin after being on TRT? I have heard that this is due to hormone 'storm' that is taking place after one changes his protocol or he's just new to TRT. When does it stop? What can be done to reduce that effect? I've heard that taking zinc helps (which i started to take 30mg per day. I also heard that it reduces E2 so that's another benefit i guess). Thank you.

P.S I am an individual who's very prone to the acne in the first place, so i guess that doesn't help.
Hello. Does anybody here developed acne on a chin after being on TRT? I have heard that this is due to hormone 'storm' that is taking place after one changes his protocol or he's just new to TRT. When does it stop? What can be done to reduce that effect? I've heard that taking zinc helps (which i started to take 30mg per day. I also heard that it reduces E2 so that's another benefit i guess). Thank you.

P.S I am an individual who's very prone to the acne in the first place, so i guess that doesn't help.

Ones genetics will play a big factor as to whether one develops acne.

When one is using exogenous testosterone there is an increase in its metabolites dht (dihydrotestosterone) and e2 (estradiol).

Dihydrotestosterone increases the size of the sebaceous gland and there is an increased production of oil (sebum) which can block pores causing acne (whiteheads/blackheads/pustules/cysts) on the face/body.

Estradiol also plays a role regarding inflammation of acne.

Ones genetics will play a big factor as to if one develops acne whether (mild/moderate/severe).

When first starting trt hormones are surging and excess oily skin can develop.

I had suffered from mild-moderate acne in my teens/early 20s but eventually it went away.....mind you I have always had oily skin even to this day in my 40s minus the acne.

I too had thought to myself when I first started trt....."hope to god I do not turn in to a zit machine", not knowing how my body would react.

In the beginning.....the first few months I only had a few pimples.....shoulders, upper back, face but eventually it subsided once my testosterone levels had stabilized.

I started trt injecting once weekly for the first 8 weeks.....than switched to twice weekly (every 3.5 days) and having more stable testosterone levels definitely helped with avoiding breakouts.

I am 19 months in now and every so often I will get the odd pimple but its far as the oily skin I am stuck with it for life (genetics).

Zinc can definitely help with reducing inflammation as well as omega 3 fatty acids (EPA/DHA) and Vitamin A from cod liver oil/egg yolks.

Many will use benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, antibiotics and some are even brave enough to use accutane in severe cases such as cystic acne but accutane use causes a lot of negative effects.

You may just need to give it time as your body adjusts to the testosterone.....mind you there are some that even struggle with acne issues even on lower doses of testosterone.

Again ones genetics plays a big role as some can use higher doses of testosterone and never have an issue where as other will struggle even on lower doses of T.
I inject 100mg twice a week along with 500iu of hCG and no AI. I have been on this Defy protocol for 3 months. My acne got pretty bad on my back. I started to take an AI and immediately noticed my acne greatly reduced. I had tested my E2 at the 2 month mark and my TT was 1060 on the trough along with an E2 of 76. 3 month labs coming up soon....but acne much better.

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