Yeah I have similar condition as well which got a lot more severe after I restarted my TRT 5 months ago after 3 years off. I did Endoscopy a couple months ago and everything was perfect except an irritated stomach lining because of the H Pylori. So much for perfect though as this bacteria made my life miserable. Barely could eat or drink water at all of the chest pain I'd get afterwards on the scale 10/10. Nothing helped. Could pop PPIs, Rennies, drink water with soda, etc etc, fuck all. So just had my 2nd round of antibiotics, together with antibacteria meds, probiotics and PPIs ofc, as per traditional doctor protocol. After finishing nothing changed still massive pain. I studied this shit for a long time and decided to make my own change to the protocol so I ditched the Omeprazole, and mind you I was taking a mega doses, which never helped. Started taking Betaine HCL with every meal, Mastic Gum and Probiotics 60mins before breakfast and 60mins after last meal of the day. And guess what, my symptoms are now like 80-90% better and def managable with clean, proper diet, not overeating, drinking non tap water, and having some vitamins with food once a day. PPI's like Omeprazole work by reducing the stomach acid. That might sound like a good idea when in reallity is the opposite as most struggle with decreased stomach acidity, not increased FWIW. And on top of that the H Pylori bacteria thrives in the low-acidic evnvironments. That's a fucking no-brainer yet docs keep pushing the outdated protocols, probably because Big Pharma learned them so or whatever. So make sure to do biopsy once you decide to go in for the Endoscopy as H Pylori is a nasty mofo which hides beneath the biofilm in the stomach and blood, stool testing might not even show it, as thats what happened for me when they tested at the NHS, yet I was dieing from pain without being able to eat anything, clean or not clean food, didn't matter. So def there is some connection between testosterone and the severity of this acid reflux/GERD or whatever else this shit is. Mine though is connected with an active and severe form of chronic H-pylori.