From reading all of the responses it seems there are as many methods for alleviating GERD as there are people suffering from it! I too suffered from GERD for many years. I have arthritis and I was taking a lot of ibuprofen. What I didn't realize is that ibuprofen increases acid production. So then I started taking omeprazole. But that's not something you want to be taking long-term. I eventually figured out that ibuprofen was the main problem, and when I stopped taking that I could stop taking omeprazole. I do still sometimes get GERD, but I've learned what not to eat/drink just before bed (chocolate, red wine...or just too much of anything). And I've greatly reduced the amount of alcohol I consume; there was definitely a correlation there. I went from 3 drinks in the evening down to one or none (and I sleep better). Overall, I rarely have to sleep in a sitting position any longer.
If it’s any help. I found that taking my PPI just twice a week has the same results as taking it everyday.