I have gastric reflux, had if for decades and it seems to be more genetic than what you eat. My father also had it. I have done everything including changing eating habits, taken bottles of Tums, bottles of Pepto, Zantac and eventually started on Omeprazole . It is the only thing that stopped the reflux. Nothing worse than going to bed and waking up chocking on gastric acid and food. Had to even eventually start sleep with my upper body greatly elevated to keep from choking to death in my sleep. That in itself is very deadly. I started taking Omeprazole in 1995 (27 years) and the only time I have had any problem is when I switched to the over the counter products. 1/3 of those are either under dosed or even inert. Back on the prescription version again.
I think the following statement from the research are important to remember.
PPIs have been associated with an increased risk of vitamin and mineral deficiencies impacting vitamin B12, vitamin C, calcium, iron and magnesium metabolism. While these risks are considered to be relatively low in the general population,....."
"Trials from early last decade have demonstrated a more likely association with PPIs and vitamin B12 deficiency."
So risks are relative low for the general population. Most likely people who are not very well nourished and have a horrible diet. Periodically check your vitamin status, the only risk that seem to be higher is that of Vitamin B-12. I use an injectable product to solve that. My vitamin and mineral count is very high and my bone density is also very high. Never had ED in my life.
Until science comes up with a real solution for this problem other than these health supplements that cost and arm and a leg and do little, I will stick with the Omeprazole. As I said, I can't count how many times in my life I have woken up in my sleep aspirated from the gastric acid/food going into my lungs.
I did find this....."In fact, there are no studies in medical journals that investigate the effects of apple cider vinegar on reflux and heartburn." No way I am going to chug down vinegar or eat sauerkraut ( I honestly can't stand it). This medical article went on, "It is not advisable to drink apple cider vinegar for moderate to severe acid reflux, heartburn, or GERD." Having heart burn and having severe GERD are not the same animal.
Here is a good study on the different methods to treat GERD
Medical therapy remains the most popular treatment for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Whilst interest in drug development for GERD has declined over the last few years primarily due to the conversion of most proton pump inhibitor (PPI)'s to ...
Maradey-Romero, Carla, and Ronnie Fass. “New and future drug development for gastroesophageal reflux disease.”
Journal of neurogastroenterology and motility vol. 20,1 (2014): 6-16. doi:10.5056/jnm.2014.20.1.6