A different dosing strategy with bremelanotide (PT-141) yields dramatically better results

TL;DR: It may be possible to improve results with bremelanotide by taking multiple daily micro-doses.

Like many, I have experimented with bremelanotide at the recommended doses, which range from a few hundred micrograms up to a couple milligrams in one subcutaneous injection. And also like many, I found the results to be disappointing. Libido was not affected, spontaneous erections during the day were infrequent and random, and nighttime erections were prominent and disturbed sleep. Although the effects were not as desired, they seemed quite strong, leading me to question how bremelanotide compares to α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone, aka α-MSH, the hormone it augments. Some rudimentary calculations suggest that standard doses of bremelanotide could be comparable to an increase in α-MSH by as much as two orders of magnitude. That’s somewhat like giving a hypogonadal male 100 mg of testosterone propionate every couple weeks. He may experience some interesting effects, but there’s still some likelihood the overall experience would be poor, and certainly not comparable to TRT.

Credit to @Guided_by_Voices for also experimenting with and recommending lower doses of bremelanotide. I suspect these doses of 100-300 mcg could still be large relative to normal physiology — having very roughly estimated that multiple small daily doses on the order of 10 mcg would provide stimulation comparable to endogenous α-MSH. I set about testing this premise as follows:

Phase 1, days 1-4
Protocol: 20 mcg bremelanotide injected SC at 6 am, 9 am, 12 pm, 3 pm and 6 pm.
Results: Compared to a lackadaisical baseline, libido was high, even excessive and distracting. This began on the first day and continued for the entire phase. The “itch” was nearly constant, and erections came easily in response to sexual ideation or the presence of nubile females. This was again in marked contrast to baseline, where daytime erections were very uncommon without more substantial stimulation. The two negatives during this phase were a reduction in average sleep duration by 30-40 minutes and a slight feeling of overstimulation throughout. In fact these led to a dose reduction and the second phase. This was unfortunate from a data-gathering standpoint, because if the first phase was part of a honeymoon period then the period’s full duration was not established.

Phase 2, days 5-8
Protocol: 10 mcg bremelanotide injected SC at 6 am, 9 am, 12 pm, 3 pm and 6 pm.
Results: There was a rapid return to near-baseline conditions, though sleep still seemed degraded.

Phase 3, days 9-12
Protocol: 15 mcg bremelanotide injected SC at 6 am, 9 am, 12 pm, 3 pm and 6 pm.
Results: Libido improved a small amount. There was improvement in spontaneity of erections, but nothing like during the first phase. Sleep was modestly impaired compared to baseline.

Phase 4, days 13-15
Protocol: 20 mcg bremelanotide injected SC at 6 am, 9 am, 12 pm, 3 pm and 6 pm.
Results: This was an attempt to see if the results of the first phase would reappear after the prolonged exposure to slightly lower doses. They did not. Over these three days libido and sexual function dropped below baseline. Modest sleep impairment continued.

Phase 5, days 16-17
Protocol: no bremelanotide
Results: After this washout period things seemed to return to baseline.

Discussion: These results point to the need for further research. It’s intriguing to consider that it may be possible to obtain much better results with bremelanotide when it is dosed appropriately. While multiple daily injections are going to be unappealing to most, it seems likely that these protocols could be reproduced with correctly dosed troches and buccal delivery. It looks as though four days of the initial protocol was nearing the end of a possible honeymoon period, with most benefits dissipating soon thereafter. If so then the appropriate reset period is yet to be determined. If this period is only a week or two then the protocol is promising. My sense is that even 20 mcg taken five times a day is a pretty high level of stimulation relative to baseline α-MSH activity — thus caution is advised if long-term use is contemplated. It is concerning that prolonged continuous use in this trial seemed to degrade libido and sexual function below baseline, though at least recovery was rapid.

I continue to speculate that this is not the only case where overdosing a peptide obscures its full potential. For example, long-term micro-dosing of oxytocin may yield profound results that are dissimilar to what’s seen with occasional administration of much higher doses.
Gents, I thought I would update you on my daily dosing PT141 experiment. I finally got around to trying out multiple days recently. For reference, my doctor prescribed me compounded Bremelanotide from APS Pharmacy. The prescription reads: "Inject SubQ 0.01ML to 0.05ML daily for two weeks, followed by up to 3 times per week". The concentration on the bottle reads 1mg/0.1ML. In my head, if the typical dose of Vyleesi is 1.00 to 1.75Mg, he has me injecting less than 10% of that on a daily basis.

I tried a couple of one-time trial does at .01ML- .02ML (1-2 ticks on the insulin syringe). Both of these were in the afternoon. I noticed within about 10 minutes a very hot and red flushing of my face and neck. Lasted about an hour. No other sides, no nausea etc. In each instance I noticed some definite erectile "improvement" overnight. Better tingling, sensitivity and duration. Nothing off the chart however.

Given the flushing, I decided to try my consecutive daily doses injecting right before bed. That worked fine as I fall asleep very easily. Injected Thursday through Sunday. All I can say is "holy cow". Really strong and random erections throughout the night and into the next morning. I often complain to my wife that I seem to "lose the signal" and erections can go numb and limp at the wrong time. If PT141 helps the brain signal the penis, it certainly seemed to work that way for me. Had a hard time bringing a few of those boners back down. Wife was enlisted to help...:)

I think for now I am going to keep this small dosing to 3-4 days a week and see how it goes. I don't want to burn out the receptors. Given my relatively small dosing, I would NOT want to ever take a full dose that you often see prescribed. Can't imagine the sides.
I am not totally sure how this compares to the data points in the original post. But credit my doctor for giving this a try. I am hopeful it will be a good tool for the long term. Keep you posted!
Gents, I thought I would update you on my daily dosing PT141 experiment. I finally got around to trying out multiple days recently. For reference, my doctor prescribed me compounded Bremelanotide from APS Pharmacy. The prescription reads: "Inject SubQ 0.01ML to 0.05ML daily for two weeks, followed by up to 3 times per week". The concentration on the bottle reads 1mg/0.1ML. In my head, if the typical dose of Vyleesi is 1.00 to 1.75Mg, he has me injecting less than 10% of that on a daily basis.

I tried a couple of one-time trial does at .01ML- .02ML (1-2 ticks on the insulin syringe). Both of these were in the afternoon. I noticed within about 10 minutes a very hot and red flushing of my face and neck. Lasted about an hour. No other sides, no nausea etc. In each instance I noticed some definite erectile "improvement" overnight. Better tingling, sensitivity and duration. Nothing off the chart however.

Given the flushing, I decided to try my consecutive daily doses injecting right before bed. That worked fine as I fall asleep very easily. Injected Thursday through Sunday. All I can say is "holy cow". Really strong and random erections throughout the night and into the next morning. I often complain to my wife that I seem to "lose the signal" and erections can go numb and limp at the wrong time. If PT141 helps the brain signal the penis, it certainly seemed to work that way for me. Had a hard time bringing a few of those boners back down. Wife was enlisted to help...:)

I think for now I am going to keep this small dosing to 3-4 days a week and see how it goes. I don't want to burn out the receptors. Given my relatively small dosing, I would NOT want to ever take a full dose that you often see prescribed. Can't imagine the sides.
I am not totally sure how this compares to the data points in the original post. But credit my doctor for giving this a try. I am hopeful it will be a good tool for the long term. Keep you posted!
What you've arrived at seems very similar to my approach. Many people elsewhere have reported that sleep seems to be necessary to "activate" its effect so I've always used the before-bed approach. It would be interesting to know if the pharma PT-141 you have and the Peptide Sciences version has about the same potency. More good citizen science.
What you've arrived at seems very similar to my approach. Many people elsewhere have reported that sleep seems to be necessary to "activate" its effect so I've always used the before-bed approach. It would be interesting to know if the pharma PT-141 you have and the Peptide Sciences version has about the same potency. More good citizen science.
It is depend on that where the Peptide Science get their peptide from.
For example, in the UK the PT-141 (Bremelanotide) is not approved and cannot be purchased legal (pharmaceutical version) privately. So it looks all UK seller get their peptide from China. So what exactly is in the glass bottle.... No one knows ....But it is 100% not pure peptide powder. Otherwise the peptide couldn't be effectless, as me and many other people reported.
I am not totally sure how this compares to the data points in the original post. But credit my doctor for giving this a try. I am hopeful it will be a good tool for the long term. ...
It is good to see a doctor taking a step in the right direction. There is a tradeoff between what's practical and what's effective, and this approach still favors the practical. It sounds like your lowest dose was 100 mcg in one daily injection. This is comparable to the total of the 5 x 20 mcg injections per day discussed in the original post. However, my sense is that some peptides act differently and/or with less potency when delivery is relatively infrequent. Consider that endogenous α-MSH is probably secreted continuously at much lower levels. Bremelanotide is aided by its much longer half-life, but at under three hours it still cannot provide a reasonable imitation of natural activity when give once daily.

In any case, I'm still hoping someone will take one for the team by trying distributed dosing for a few days — e.g. 5 x 20 mcg/day — to see if the results are similar to what's reported above. If there's previous use then there should be a decent washout period beforehand. A few weeks, perhaps?
Thanks Cat! I appreciate the decimal conversion/comparison. While I had really nice results for that initial 3–4-night dosing period, it will be interesting to see if this can be repeated on a long-term basis.
I just happened to find this thread while looking into PT-141. I recently got one bottle from BioTech Peptides and did 200mcg in the morning (day 1). Nothing. At night however, I woke up a couple of times extremely aroused to the point I had to release “manually” to be able to sleep.

The next day (day 2), there was still an improvement in libido. Had some really good sex in the middle of the day, and strangely, I felt really good the rest of the day as if I had taken antidepressants.

On day 3, I injected 300mcg in the morning. Again, nothing. But at noon, I took a 40 minute nap and woke up super, super horny. This continued all day. At night we had rough sex, for a long time.

Today, day 4, I have been so freaking horny all day long, with massive spontaneous erections (granted I also take cialis daily). Got some oral in the shower in the morning, and it was so sensitive at the head that it felt way better than usual. I took a nap in the evening and I kept waking up because my dick was so hard and sensitive that I couldn’t take the rubbing against my underwear.

So it definitely worked for me - it increased libido ten-fold, EQ and sensitivity. But, after reading this thread, I would hate for it to lose its effectiveness via high doses. I will have to try the lower dosage protocol mentioned here and report back. That is, once the 2 high doses are finally out of my system in the first place!
Thanks for posting! Glad to hear another early success story with lower daily dosing. Again, it seems like sleep triggers something positive in the process.
Great thread, guys. I have only tried PT-141 once (forget the dose) and hated the tachicardia I felt (no erections at all).

I was curious about what happened with the phase 2 study that Palatin Technologies was doing with nasal PT-141 in 2017. This is what I found out today (AI generated)

What is the status in 2023 of Palatin Technologies study using PT-141?​

️ Answer​

In 2023, Palatin Technologies initiated a clinical program for a novel co-formulation involving bremelanotide, also known as PT-141. This program specifically targeted the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED) in patients who are non-responsive to PDE5i treatment. The initial trial of this development program was set as a Phase 2 clinical study of bremelanotide co-formulated with a PDE5i. This indicates ongoing research and development efforts by Palatin Technologies in the field of sexual dysfunction treatments, particularly focusing on advancing the applications of PT-141 in new therapeutic areas [1], [2].


I think they have changed their focus to a co-formulation (injectable):

"Working with a collaborator, Palatin has developed a co-formulation of bremelanotide and a PDE5i which can be administered as a single injection. The initial trial for the clinical development program for this novel co-formulation will be a Phase 2 clinical study of bremelanotide co-administered with a PDE5i in ED patients who have not responded to PDE5i treatment. This study is currently expected to start in the fourth quarter of the calendar year 2023."

Makes sense. Already on a similar version of the "combo": 5-7mg Cialis and the low dose Brem. I get that a company would want to commercialize a version.
Just a few days after starting the low dose, several people made comments about how "tanned" I look. Given its dead middle of winter, it's kind of hard to explain. :)
I repeated the three night in a row dosing 0.01 to 0.02ML (Thursday, Friday Saturday). Same positive results: modest effect the first night, very strong erections the next two. Same side effect of flushing. Maybe some additional muscle aches, but that could have been workout related.

Haven't noticed any tanning..
I stopped the low dose of PT-141 because I started a new T protocol and didn’t want to get mixed results. After T levels are stable, I’ll retry low dose PT-141 and post here if there were any changes in libido or EQ.
Ok I'm game as always to experiment with the microdosing. I plan to start at single 10-20mcg injection and then start tweaking variables like number of injections per day and duration of multi-day break as mentioned above to avoid desensitization.

From a practical perspective, how much bacteriostatic water is needed to reconstitute a 10mg (10,000 mcg) vial of PT-141 from Peptide Sciences to accommodate microdoses as small as 10-20 mcg?

And what size insulin syringe is best for the injection of such a small amount? (I have a wide variety of sizes from all of my enanthate-propionate blend experiments!)
Ok I'm game as always to experiment with the microdosing. I plan to start at single 10-20mcg injection and then start tweaking variables like number of injections per day and duration of multi-day break as mentioned above to avoid desensitization.

From a practical perspective, how much bacteriostatic water is needed to reconstitute a 10mg (10,000 mcg) vial of PT-141 from Peptide Sciences to accommodate microdoses as small as 10-20 mcg?

And what size insulin syringe is best for the injection of such a small amount? (I have a wide variety of sizes from all of my enanthate-propionate blend experiments!)
Considering that you'll be using less than 100 mcg per day, and it's probably best not to let the stuff sit in the fridge for more than a month, I recommend splitting the hydrated peptide into at least four aliquots and freezing all but one. My experience jibes with the general statement that peptides don't lose much potency in a single freeze-thaw cycle. If you're using an ordinary refrigerator that defrosts on occasion then it may be good to put frozen peptides in an insulated bag with cold packs to buffer against temperature changes. For 10 mg of PT-141 I'd want a minimum of 10 mL of bacteriostatic water. With this amount you can reasonably measure doses in 5 mcg increments with certain 0.3 mL, U-100 insulin syringes; the Easy Touch, for example, have 0.005 mL graduations.

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