Basic stats:
will be turning 65 in November.
5'9" 190lbs
TRT protocol T cyp subQ 120/wk M/W/F, 400 HCG M/T, Ai .125 if I feel the need.
Workout 4 days a week at a gym 90 minutes, ride a mtnbike ~30 miles a week.
Diet is clean but carbs and fats all over the place. I've tried both high fat low carbs and low fat high carbs.
Protein is alway 160-180g /day. I can look at a cupcake and gain weigh so I have to be very careful about my total daily calories.
I have a Defy 6 month protocol teleconference coming up at the end of July. I feel my TRT protocol is perfect. I've been higher and lower. I'm in my sweet spot. However I believe it is time to start a conversation about anti aging peptides. Something more than just TRT.
I am unhappy with my over all fitness progress given the work I put in and I am sure it is age related.
I have tried high T trough 1175 and absolutely hated it. The increase in libido is too much for me and my wife.
She is also a Defy patient so I have not been selfish an left her out of the equation.
Having the libido of a 20 year old has never been my goal. In fact it was just a flipping side effect of my journey to getting fit and healthy.
I joined a gym 8 months ago and here is a before and after shot 8 months in. I've also included two current meal plans(high fat low carb) to show
what I currently eat.
My question to the group is do you have any experience with peptides for anti aging?
I am not looking to abusing steroids or get into AAS I'd like some talking point I can ask Defy about.
They are an anti aging clinic not just TRT. One peptide that has peaked my interst is Sermorelin.
Anyone have experience with this peptide? Are there others I should investigate.
Well if you made it this far thank you for taking an interest.
I would appreciate any advice or suggestions.
will be turning 65 in November.
5'9" 190lbs
TRT protocol T cyp subQ 120/wk M/W/F, 400 HCG M/T, Ai .125 if I feel the need.
Workout 4 days a week at a gym 90 minutes, ride a mtnbike ~30 miles a week.
Diet is clean but carbs and fats all over the place. I've tried both high fat low carbs and low fat high carbs.
Protein is alway 160-180g /day. I can look at a cupcake and gain weigh so I have to be very careful about my total daily calories.
I have a Defy 6 month protocol teleconference coming up at the end of July. I feel my TRT protocol is perfect. I've been higher and lower. I'm in my sweet spot. However I believe it is time to start a conversation about anti aging peptides. Something more than just TRT.
I am unhappy with my over all fitness progress given the work I put in and I am sure it is age related.
I have tried high T trough 1175 and absolutely hated it. The increase in libido is too much for me and my wife.
She is also a Defy patient so I have not been selfish an left her out of the equation.
Having the libido of a 20 year old has never been my goal. In fact it was just a flipping side effect of my journey to getting fit and healthy.
I joined a gym 8 months ago and here is a before and after shot 8 months in. I've also included two current meal plans(high fat low carb) to show
what I currently eat.
My question to the group is do you have any experience with peptides for anti aging?
I am not looking to abusing steroids or get into AAS I'd like some talking point I can ask Defy about.
They are an anti aging clinic not just TRT. One peptide that has peaked my interst is Sermorelin.
Anyone have experience with this peptide? Are there others I should investigate.

Well if you made it this far thank you for taking an interest.
I would appreciate any advice or suggestions.
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