Latest blood test sucked. Could use some advice for upcoming consult.

Trying to figure out if I received weak products or compounding cream just don't work for me.

On my last consult after 6 weeks on a starter protocol my TT was a whopping 300, FT 11, E2 sen 17 and my T dose was doubled.

Something wasn't feeling right so I asked to be tested 30 day early, 2 months instead of 3.

The resulting blood test revealed TT 354 FT 12.7 E2 22.
I wasn't just not feeling better I felt worse.
Am I not adsorbing the T cream? If so, why is my DHT so high?
Is my TT low because the weak HCG isn't working? so my balls are no longer adding to my TT.

I could always feel the old HCG 6-8 hours after injection.

Now I am questioning the strength of my entire protocol shipment.

Before anyone says you just don't adsorb gels/creams here is my blood test back when I was with my PCP and using Testim Gel 1% 1 tube per day.
The E2 and prolactin was why I left my pcp since he did not know how to treat it.


Here is my September blood on new clinic starter protocol for 6 weeks.
1 clicks 20% cream daily, .125 AI EOD, 400IU HCG Mon Thur, 25 mg DHEA daily


Fast forward 2 months to Nov 13th Heres my current protocol and latest blood test:
2 clicks 20% cream daily, .125 AI EOD, 400IU HCG Mon Thur, 25 mg DHEA daily





I don't quite know how to approach my issues. Gels worked for me.
I don't know if creams are the issue or weak products.

I would prefer to stay on creams if I can adsorb it however my DHT is kind of high at 96 and my libido is still 0
This Nov bloods was the first time my DHT was ever measured and I had to ask for it.
One would think that would be a standard test for all Gel/cream users since it is know to boost DHT which has good and bad sides.

All advice welcome and thank you for your time if you read thru all of this.
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Empower is a favorite among many, that said I am not a fan of their HCG at all. I seem to respond better to HCG from Hallandale Pharmacy. It is possible you require more cream than you did of the gel. Ive never used either so I cant really answer that. I do know that Defy will make the required adjustments to get you right again.

With Empowers HCG, we can order smaller 5000ui vials, keeps the HCG from weakening like it does in the 11000ui vials.
My advice would be start doing injections. It's a much easier way to control your T levels. Personally I've always loved using HCG. As you know the upside of gels or cream, higher DHT.
Empower is a favorite among many, that said I am not a fan of their HCG at all. I seem to respond better to HCG from Hallandale Pharmacy. It is possible you require more cream than you did of the gel. Ive never used either so I cant really answer that. I do know that Defy will make the required adjustments to get you right again.

With Empowers HCG, we can order smaller 5000ui vials, keeps the HCG from weakening like it does in the 11000ui vials.

I hear you. When I heard my latest order was coming from Texas I was thrilled.
I could tell the HCG from my 11,000 IU bottle wasn't working after 7 days so it is not old has not been dropped, frozen or shakened.
I'm a retired aerospace engineer I know how to follow procedures and I never deviated from my perscriptions.

Thanks for your thoughts.
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My advice would be start doing injections. It's a much easier way to control your T levels. Personally I've always loved using HCG. As you know the upside of gels or cream, higher DHT.

Hi Vince, I really wanted the cream to work. I am worried about the 96 DHT I don't want to loose any hair and my libido is 0 so the DHT is doing nothing positive for me right now. I also love HCG. I was on T Gel mono for 8 months and know what that does to your balls. The HCG works for me at least when I get a good bottle.
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When i first started TRT i was using cream as well. I was using a very high dosage but I would not absorb it. My TT actually dropped because my HPT was shut down by the little testosterone I was absorbing but I wasn’t absorbing enough to make my levels go up. One way to increase absorption is to apply the cream to your testicles or perianal area (by doing that my TT was around 1000). Problem is that this is very inconvenient and your DHT levels can get really high. Fast fowarding I switched to injections after 1 year. I wish I had used injections from day one. And now I dont have to worry about cross contamination with my wife and kid.
When i first started TRT i was using cream as well. I was using a very high dosage but I would not absorb it. My TT actually dropped because my HPT was shut down by the little testosterone I was absorbing but I wasn't absorbing enough to make my levels go up. One way to increase absorption is to apply the cream to your testicles or perianal area (by doing that my TT was around 1000). Problem is that this is very inconvenient and your DHT levels can get really high. Fast fowarding I switched to injections after 1 year. I wish I had used injections from day one. And now I dont have to worry about cross contamination with my wife and kid.

Thanks healthman, I don't have contamination issues but my DHT is high (96) and my TT is sitting at 350 using two clicks .5 ml from a 200mg/ml.
I suspect injections is what they will do next.
I have read about scrotum applications but I will not deviate from my prescription/protocol I do not want to add additional variables.
If I do exactly what I was told and it doesn't work it is easier to determine where to assign blame.
I hear you. I was in a similar situation 2 years ago. For me perianal worked great and i felt good but literally a pain in the s...
You are in good hands with Dr Saya. It will be a matter of time before you get back on track. Best of luck

Thanks healthman, I don't have contamination issues but my DHT is high (96) and my TT is sitting at 350 using two clicks .5 ml from a 200mg/ml.
I suspect injections is what they will do next.
I have read about scrotum applications but I will not deviate from my prescription/protocol I do not want to add additional variables.
If I do exactly what I was told and it doesn't work it is easier to determine where to assign blame.
My advice would be start doing injections. It's a much easier way to control your T levels. Personally I've always loved using HCG. As you know the upside of gels or cream, higher DHT.
Had my 3rd consult this morning. They pulled the 20% T cream and put me on injections.
Yeah that's good. It looks like you needed to go in that direction anyways. The cream part is weird. They always claim when it doesn't work that people don't absorb it thru their skin etc but lots of people have the same problem where it actually lowers your TT. I had the same problem my body just didn't absorb it. I had to go on injections as well. This only happens with the cream though and most make it 200mg/ml so it seems strong enough.
Had my 3rd consult this morning. They pulled the 20% T cream and put me on injections.
I know that you're a strong advocate of your health. I believe the best to get completely dialed in, one must use injections. Even though some are happy with creams or gels.
I wanted to report back on my experiment of replacing the 11,000IU bottle of HCG from empower with a new supply of HCG from hallandale. Day one I injected 400IU's and did not really notice much that evening. My thoughts were oh geez HCG no longer works for me.
My second injection 48 hours later I could feel the HCG working that evening around bedtime. Yeah, I thought about time something good happen in my TRT quest.

Still not back to 100% but the warmth and slight buzzing between my legs was back. Still no beer can effect when flaccid but I am optimistic.

I should know something tonight around 8PM since I ordered new HCG. I mix and injected 400IU's this morning should feel something this evening.

Final report- the beer can flacid penis is back. Yeah as he does the Snoopie happy dance.

Curious if there are any improvements? One thing I noticed I was dong incorrectly when reconstituting my HCG is not drawing the same amount of air out as the bacteriostatic water I pushed in thus leaving my HCG under tremendous pressure. My latest Empower vial of 11,000ui I did remove this air and so far all is well. Ive still got a long way to go with it as I only use 250ui EOD.
Curious if there are any improvements? One thing I noticed I was dong incorrectly when reconstituting my HCG is not drawing the same amount of air out as the bacteriostatic water I pushed in thus leaving my HCG under tremendous pressure. My latest Empower vial of 11,000ui I did remove this air and so far all is well. Ive still got a long way to go with it as I only use 250ui EOD.

Last week during my bloodtest phone consult I explained what I was experiencing with the HCG from Tx and how everything returned back to normal a few days after going back on the HCG from Fl. I can't explain it it is just what it is. They had no comment but changed
my protocol from 800IU/wk (2 400s M/T) to 1200IU/wk (3 300IU M/W/F) all is well the beer can is back, my wife even noticed and commented.
The subtle feeling of well being is also back.
I always pull a vacuum on the HCG bottle with the powder in it before adding the water. I add air everytime I draw from the bottle. If I need 30 I pull the syringe back to 50 then insert add air. Having a little positive pressure in the bottle helps fill the syringe.

did that answer your question?

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