So just got bloodwork done, here are the results
Order: CBC
Name Date Value Units Range Source
WBC 7/18/2017 3.87 K/uL 4.23-9.07 NIH Clinical Center
RBC 7/18/2017 4.87 M/uL 4.63-6.08 NIH Clinical Center
HGB 7/18/2017 15.10 g/dL 13.7-17.5 NIH Clinical Center
HCT 7/18/2017 46.00 % 40.1-51.0 NIH Clinical Center
MCV 7/18/2017 94.50 fL 79.0-92.2 NIH Clinical Center
MCH 7/18/2017 31.00 pg 25.7-32.2 NIH Clinical Center
MCHC 7/18/2017 32.80 g/dL 32.3-36.5 NIH Clinical Center
RDW 7/18/2017 13.30 % 11.6-14.4 NIH Clinical Center
Platelet Count 7/18/2017 155.00 K/uL 161-347 NIH Clinical Center
MPV 7/18/2017 10.40 fL 9.4-12.4 NIH Clinical Center
Nucleated RBC 7/18/2017 0.00 /100 WBC 0.0-0.2 NIH Clinical Center
Nucleated RBC Absolute 7/18/2017 0.00 K/uL 0.00-0.01 NIH Clinical Center
Order: Testosterone, Total and Free (calc)
Name Date Value Units Range Source
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin. 7/18/2017 22.00 nmol/L 13-71 NIH Clinical Center
Testosterone, Total. 7/18/2017 1043.00 ng/dL 262.0-1593.0 NIH Clinical Center
Albumin, Serum. 7/18/2017 4.50 g/dL 3.5-5.2 NIH Clinical Center
Testosterone, Free (calc). 7/18/2017 29.50 ng/dL 7.4-22.6 NIH Clinical Center
Order: Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1
Name Date Value Units Range Source
Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1. 7/18/2017 134.00 ng/mL 88-537 NIH Clinical Center
Tanner Stages (Females): I 44-472; II 116-449; III 182-481;
IV 186-461; V 146-431.
Tanner Stages (Males) : I 53-256; II 96-462; III 197-533;
IV 165-476; V 159-537.
Order: Thyroxine, Free
Name Date Value Units Range Source
Thyroxine, Free. 7/18/2017 1.10 ng/dL 0.9-1.7 NIH Clinical Center
Order: Prolactin
Name Date Value Units Range Source
Prolactin. 7/18/2017 35.70 mcg/L 2.0-25.0 NIH Clinical Center
Order: Acute Care Panel
Name Date Value Units Range Source
Sodium. 7/18/2017 141.00 mmol/L 136-145 NIH Clinical Center
Potassium. 7/18/2017 4.70 mmol/L 3.4-5.1 NIH Clinical Center
Chloride. 7/18/2017 103.00 mmol/L 98-107 NIH Clinical Center
Total CO2. 7/18/2017 27.00 mmol/L 22-29 NIH Clinical Center
Creatinine 7/18/2017 1.24 mg/dL 0.67-1.17 NIH Clinical Center
eGFR (African-American) 7/18/2017 91.00 NIH Clinical Center
eGFR (non-African-American) 7/18/2017 78.00 NIH Clinical Center
Unit : mL/min/1.73 sq.m
eGFR calculated using CKD-EPI equation
30-60 mL/min/1.73sq.m : Moderate decrease in GFR
15-29 mL/min/1.73 sq.m: Severe decrease in GFR
<15 mL/min/1.73 sq.m : Kidney failure
Please treat eGFR values > 90mL/min/1.73 sq.m with reserve due to increased
variability of results at higher eGFR values
Glucose. 7/18/2017 101.00 mg/dL 74-106 NIH Clinical Center
Urea Nitrogen. 7/18/2017 23.00 mg/dL 6-20 NIH Clinical Center
Order: Cortisol, Serum
Name Date Value Units Range Source
Cortisol, Serum. 7/18/2017 11.40 mcg/dL 5.0-25.0 NIH Clinical Center
Reference Range for samples collected between 8:00 and 9:00 am.
Order: Luteinizing Hormone
Name Date Value Units Range Source
Luteinizing Hormone. 7/18/2017 <0.1 U/L NIH Clinical Center
Follicular 1-12 U/L
Midcycle 17-77 U/L
Luteal 0-15 U/L
Postmenopausal 11-40 U/L
Adult Males 1-8 U/L
Order: Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
Name Date Value Units Range Source
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone. 7/18/2017 1.77 mcIU/mL 0.27-4.20 NIH Clinical Center
Mass Spectrometry T3, T4 and Reverse T3 will be performed. If TSH > 6.0
Order: Adrenocorticotropic Hormone
Name Date Value Units Range Source
Adrenocorticotropic Hormone. 7/18/2017 18.40 pg/mL 5.0-46.0 NIH Clinical Center
Order: Follicle Stimulating Hormone
Name Date Value Units Range Source
Follicle Stimulating Hormone. 7/18/2017 <0.1 U/L NIH Clinical Center
Follicular 3-11 U/L
Midcycle 6-21-U/L
Luteal 1-9 U/L
Postmenopausal 22-153 U/L
Adult Males 1-11 U/L
Order: Prostatic Specific Antigen
Name Date Value Units Range Source
Prostatic Specific Antigen. 7/18/2017 0.90 ng/mL 0.00-3.99 NIH Clinical Center
The testing method is a chemiluminescence assay manufactured by
Roche Diagnostics and performed on the Cobas 6000 analyzer.
Values obtained with different assay methods
may be different and cannot be used interchangeably.
Order: Growth Hormone
Name Date Value Units Range Source
Growth Hormone. 7/18/2017 0.10 ng/mL 0.00-3.00 NIH Clinical Center
Order: CBC
Name Date Value Units Range Source
WBC 7/18/2017 3.87 K/uL 4.23-9.07 NIH Clinical Center
RBC 7/18/2017 4.87 M/uL 4.63-6.08 NIH Clinical Center
HGB 7/18/2017 15.10 g/dL 13.7-17.5 NIH Clinical Center
HCT 7/18/2017 46.00 % 40.1-51.0 NIH Clinical Center
MCV 7/18/2017 94.50 fL 79.0-92.2 NIH Clinical Center
MCH 7/18/2017 31.00 pg 25.7-32.2 NIH Clinical Center
MCHC 7/18/2017 32.80 g/dL 32.3-36.5 NIH Clinical Center
RDW 7/18/2017 13.30 % 11.6-14.4 NIH Clinical Center
Platelet Count 7/18/2017 155.00 K/uL 161-347 NIH Clinical Center
MPV 7/18/2017 10.40 fL 9.4-12.4 NIH Clinical Center
Nucleated RBC 7/18/2017 0.00 /100 WBC 0.0-0.2 NIH Clinical Center
Nucleated RBC Absolute 7/18/2017 0.00 K/uL 0.00-0.01 NIH Clinical Center
Order: Testosterone, Total and Free (calc)
Name Date Value Units Range Source
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin. 7/18/2017 22.00 nmol/L 13-71 NIH Clinical Center
Testosterone, Total. 7/18/2017 1043.00 ng/dL 262.0-1593.0 NIH Clinical Center
Albumin, Serum. 7/18/2017 4.50 g/dL 3.5-5.2 NIH Clinical Center
Testosterone, Free (calc). 7/18/2017 29.50 ng/dL 7.4-22.6 NIH Clinical Center
Order: Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1
Name Date Value Units Range Source
Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1. 7/18/2017 134.00 ng/mL 88-537 NIH Clinical Center
Tanner Stages (Females): I 44-472; II 116-449; III 182-481;
IV 186-461; V 146-431.
Tanner Stages (Males) : I 53-256; II 96-462; III 197-533;
IV 165-476; V 159-537.
Order: Thyroxine, Free
Name Date Value Units Range Source
Thyroxine, Free. 7/18/2017 1.10 ng/dL 0.9-1.7 NIH Clinical Center
Order: Prolactin
Name Date Value Units Range Source
Prolactin. 7/18/2017 35.70 mcg/L 2.0-25.0 NIH Clinical Center
Order: Acute Care Panel
Name Date Value Units Range Source
Sodium. 7/18/2017 141.00 mmol/L 136-145 NIH Clinical Center
Potassium. 7/18/2017 4.70 mmol/L 3.4-5.1 NIH Clinical Center
Chloride. 7/18/2017 103.00 mmol/L 98-107 NIH Clinical Center
Total CO2. 7/18/2017 27.00 mmol/L 22-29 NIH Clinical Center
Creatinine 7/18/2017 1.24 mg/dL 0.67-1.17 NIH Clinical Center
eGFR (African-American) 7/18/2017 91.00 NIH Clinical Center
eGFR (non-African-American) 7/18/2017 78.00 NIH Clinical Center
Unit : mL/min/1.73 sq.m
eGFR calculated using CKD-EPI equation
30-60 mL/min/1.73sq.m : Moderate decrease in GFR
15-29 mL/min/1.73 sq.m: Severe decrease in GFR
<15 mL/min/1.73 sq.m : Kidney failure
Please treat eGFR values > 90mL/min/1.73 sq.m with reserve due to increased
variability of results at higher eGFR values
Glucose. 7/18/2017 101.00 mg/dL 74-106 NIH Clinical Center
Urea Nitrogen. 7/18/2017 23.00 mg/dL 6-20 NIH Clinical Center
Order: Cortisol, Serum
Name Date Value Units Range Source
Cortisol, Serum. 7/18/2017 11.40 mcg/dL 5.0-25.0 NIH Clinical Center
Reference Range for samples collected between 8:00 and 9:00 am.
Order: Luteinizing Hormone
Name Date Value Units Range Source
Luteinizing Hormone. 7/18/2017 <0.1 U/L NIH Clinical Center
Follicular 1-12 U/L
Midcycle 17-77 U/L
Luteal 0-15 U/L
Postmenopausal 11-40 U/L
Adult Males 1-8 U/L
Order: Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
Name Date Value Units Range Source
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone. 7/18/2017 1.77 mcIU/mL 0.27-4.20 NIH Clinical Center
Mass Spectrometry T3, T4 and Reverse T3 will be performed. If TSH > 6.0
Order: Adrenocorticotropic Hormone
Name Date Value Units Range Source
Adrenocorticotropic Hormone. 7/18/2017 18.40 pg/mL 5.0-46.0 NIH Clinical Center
Order: Follicle Stimulating Hormone
Name Date Value Units Range Source
Follicle Stimulating Hormone. 7/18/2017 <0.1 U/L NIH Clinical Center
Follicular 3-11 U/L
Midcycle 6-21-U/L
Luteal 1-9 U/L
Postmenopausal 22-153 U/L
Adult Males 1-11 U/L
Order: Prostatic Specific Antigen
Name Date Value Units Range Source
Prostatic Specific Antigen. 7/18/2017 0.90 ng/mL 0.00-3.99 NIH Clinical Center
The testing method is a chemiluminescence assay manufactured by
Roche Diagnostics and performed on the Cobas 6000 analyzer.
Values obtained with different assay methods
may be different and cannot be used interchangeably.
Order: Growth Hormone
Name Date Value Units Range Source
Growth Hormone. 7/18/2017 0.10 ng/mL 0.00-3.00 NIH Clinical Center