6 Week Labs: E2 105 HCT 57

I just received my 6 week bloodwork after starting an EOD protocol, 34mg T Cyp EOD, no arimidex. I'm very concerned about my hematocrit and E2 levels. I originally started this protocol to see if more frequent injections would help lower my hematocrit. Please review my labs and help me get on the right track:

T Total: 1108
T Free: 25
Estradiol: 105 (LC/MS Ultrasensitive)
DHT: 59 (17 - 79)
DHEA-S: 261 (106 - 464)
SHBG: 26 (10-50)
RBC: 6.61
Hemoglobin: 19.5
Hematocrit: 57
Ferritin: 34
Progesterone: .8
T3 Free: 3.9 (2.3 - 4.2
T4 Free: 1.3 (.8 - 1.8)

She wants me to donate blood immediately; I'm really hesitant to do that because my iron is so low. I went through a rollercoaster of over-donating and tanking my iron last year, and it was absolutely horrible.

She also wants me to drop down to 100mg on a weekly schedule, coupled with .5mg of arimidex, and daily Ferralet 90.

Can you please provide feedback on my EOD protocol results, and what I might do to control my hematocrit and E2 going forward?
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Would you recommend keeping the EOD schedule? Would you also recommend taking an AI immediately or letting it sort itself out over the next six weeks?

What was your previous protocol before you switched to 34mg EOD, and what did your labs look like on your previous protocol?
Would you recommend keeping the EOD schedule? Would you also recommend taking an AI immediately or letting it sort itself out over the next six weeks?

Once weekly injections is known to increase hematocrit and estrogen more so than an EOD protocol. Your dosing for an EOD protocol is too aggressive. A daily protocol would be even better for you, smaller injection, lower estrogen and more than likely lower hematocrit.

Your doctor seems unskilled at this TRT game suggesting a 100mg weekly protocol for someone presenting with high hematocrit problems.
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What was your previous protocol before you switched to 34mg EOD, and what did your labs look like on your previous protocol?

My previous protocol was 160mg and .5 AI once a week. My last bloodwork on that protocol was taken at the very end of the week right before my weekly injection and my TT was 650, E2 was 45, and HCT 53.5. Those are the only metrics included in that bloodwork unfortunately. I have no idea what my numbers would have been at the peak.
If I were in your shoes. I would donate blood and I cut my dose way down. I would consider cutting it almost in half.

Cutting his dose in half would put him at 58mg/ week, and his free T well below optimal. That might bring on some unwanted symptoms in itself no?
My previous protocol was 160mg and .5 AI once a week. My last bloodwork on that protocol was taken at the very end of the week right before my weekly injection and my TT was 650, E2 was 45, and HCT 53.5. Those are the only metrics included in that bloodwork unfortunately. I have no idea what my numbers would have been at the peak.

Unfortunately, it looks like too many variables were changed at once to really say with any degree of confidence where you should go from here. AI, total weekly dosage, and injection frequency all changed.

IMHO your SHBG is not necessarily so low as to mandate ED or EOD injections. That said, I don't think that your old high dose 1x per week protocol was right for you either.

Given your circumstances, if it were me, I'd switch to the good 'ol plain jane 50mg E3.5D (100mg/week total). No AI. Use that as sort of a baseline and go up from there if you feel like you need to. Of course this is all assuming your doctor will allow you to pursue that option.

And get into a good cardio routine. Start slow and go easy in the beginning, but be sure to make it consistent part of your lifestyle.
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So most importantly, how do you currently feel?

How do I feel? Right now I'm scared as hell that my HCT and E2 are so high! But honestly, after about 4 weeks into the EOD routine, my sex drive came back really high, I was noticing nighttime erections, my face and body slimmed down. My back acne cleared up almost instantly. I did have a fair amount of nipple sensitivity, which I think can easily be explained by the E2 coming back at 105. As far as cognition and mood go, I do feel foggy-headed, down and depressed, lacking motivation, etc. I do believe much of that has to do with my low iron (and the E2). When I tanked my iron last year, I was completely useless. My brain and cognition was awful. After my iron infusions, I swear I felt like Superman. But I've donated twice since then trying to manage my HCT and I'm back to square one. I really thought my labs would be better.
Cutting his dose in half would put him at 58mg/ week, and his free T well below optimal. That might bring on some unwanted symptoms in itself no?
Yep it would be very low, and probably too low. I think because of his high estrogen and high HCT, he could do Labs in six weeks and slowly adjust his protocol.
I switched from 100 mg once weekly to 40 mg twice a week (80 mg total) because my hematocrit was 53. This actually increased my hematocrit to 55. I don’t believe more frequent injections or even dose lowering affects hematocrit. Not sure what could be affecting it.

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