33 year old been struggling to get dialed in for 6 years looking for help

One thing that's been bothering me lately, even the times when I had decent to good sex is my refractory period. It is tough to go round 2! Hopefully this will get better as I adjust into this new 100 mg spit twice a week dosing schedule along with a testosterone friendly lifestyle.

Maybe it also takes more time with NOFAP and from qutting weed. It's only been a litte less than 2.5 months from quitting weed. 4+ months no porn
This has been my experience with TRT. My refractory period has been much longer.
I know I have mentioned this before: I feel this is one of the short comings of TRT, possibly due to the loss of our gonadotropins, particularly FSH.
It affects some guys much more than others.
I know I keep saying this too; sexual function is a lot more than just testosterone!
Many males need all thier hormones involved in reproductive function intact in order for all aspects of sexual function to work optimally.
This “NOFAP” practice is nonsense.
Enjoy what nature gave you!
Okay guys so was feeling amazing after the stretch the gentleman did on my psoas and pureformis. Got cocky and started drinking coffee a cup a day on top of my black tea for 2 days and started feeling shitty. Penis got smaller, libido went low and now I am day 3 since I gave it up and still feeling shitty. When do you think I'll feel better?
Should I stick with tea like I was doing or give up caffeine all together. Me and coffee apparently don't get along. It might just still be the dose adjustment I know it takes time. Give me hope
Sorry to say but it seems you are reacting to everything way too much IMO. You need to work on your mindset more then variables IMO. We all have good days and bad days. Even possible to have a bad week, hell a month, if we are too stressed about one thing or another. I know this from experience, and trust me in the last 17 years I'm monitoring/adjusting myself like to participate in the Olimpics, if thats one thing I learned, that's exactly this. ANXIETY kills everything and everyone. If you can't handle that shit it will eat you alive.

If coffee don't agree with you- drop it. Drop the tea, fuck em all. I love coffee and tea and can't drink any of them, so what? I don't give a damn, I don't stress about it, I find solutions and not problems. For me feeling good is > anything BUT I will take occasional risks for what I really love and crave even knowing it will mess me up for a while and I'm perfectly fine with that. The more I do it now, the less I'll do it later, cuz I'm learning my lessons,hopefully, as time goes by. And trust me I've been in every shithole you can possibly be. This is how we progress.

I love stimulants but I don't do them cuz they wind me up and effects me 10x like my girl for example. She can drink her energy drink and go to sleep, easy, not even talking about coffee. I love coffee, but most of the time it messes up my stomach and if that happens I feel like shit for the remaining part of the day. And fuck that, I can't allow that to happen, I'm not rich to be able to waste all day feeling garbage. Even though I love the buzz it gives me and been doing it for decades. We not getting younger, it's also a good one to remember.

So my advice to you would be work on your mindset and start mastering yourself because it will take a lifetime to achieve. The work is never done. Is always in progress. And just be happy, do what you live, try to minimize your daily stressors and live your best life possible. Try to be as consistent as possible on what works for you and what not. Be diligent in your work and remember that we all have our own struggles we must cope with and theres nothing you can do just to get stronger inside and outside out.

Hope that clicks with you, because I just gave you 20mins of the most precious commodity in our lifes- time.
Sorry to say but it seems you are reacting to everything way too much IMO. You need to work on your mindset more then variables IMO. We all have good days and bad days. Even possible to have a bad week, hell a month, if we are too stressed about one thing or another. I know this from experience, and trust me in the last 17 years I'm monitoring/adjusting myself like to participate in the Olimpics, if thats one thing I learned, that's exactly this. ANXIETY kills everything and everyone. If you can't handle that shit it will eat you alive.

If coffee don't agree with you- drop it. Drop the tea, fuck em all. I love coffee and tea and can't drink any of them, so what? I don't give a damn, I don't stress about it, I find solutions and not problems. For me feeling good is > anything BUT I will take occasional risks for what I really love and crave even knowing it will mess me up for a while and I'm perfectly fine with that. The more I do it now, the less I'll do it later, cuz I'm learning my lessons,hopefully, as time goes by. And trust me I've been in every shithole you can possibly be. This is how we progress.

I love stimulants but I don't do them cuz they wind me up and effects me 10x like my girl for example. She can drink her energy drink and go to sleep, easy, not even talking about coffee. I love coffee, but most of the time it messes up my stomach and if that happens I feel like shit for the remaining part of the day. And fuck that, I can't allow that to happen, I'm not rich to be able to waste all day feeling garbage. Even though I love the buzz it gives me and been doing it for decades. We not getting younger, it's also a good one to remember.

So my advice to you would be work on your mindset and start mastering yourself because it will take a lifetime to achieve. The work is never done. Is always in progress. And just be happy, do what you live, try to minimize your daily stressors and live your best life possible. Try to be as consistent as possible on what works for you and what not. Be diligent in your work and remember that we all have our own struggles we must cope with and theres nothing you can do just to get stronger inside and outside out.

Hope that clicks with you, because I just gave you 20mins of the most precious commodity in our lifes- time.
What a reply!! And such solid advice and anecdotes. Love the way u think and ur views on life. We need more people like u. On this forum and just in life in general
What a reply!! And such solid advice and anecdotes. Love the way u think and ur views on life. We need more people like u. On this forum and just in life in general
Thank You Gman86, you made my day. Hope all is great at your end! Much appreciated. I completely agree and would like that very much as well esp in real life. On the other hand it's fantastic that we can communicate online and find like minded people. For many years I searched for a "partner in crime" with same drive, discipline, consistency, dedication etc like I posses but could never find one so I gave up. I still believe time will come but till that day I better spend time in my own company then around people who have no idea what time it is ;)
Sorry to say but it seems you are reacting to everything way too much IMO. You need to work on your mindset more then variables IMO. We all have good days and bad days. Even possible to have a bad week, hell a month, if we are too stressed about one thing or another. I know this from experience, and trust me in the last 17 years I'm monitoring/adjusting myself like to participate in the Olimpics, if thats one thing I learned, that's exactly this. ANXIETY kills everything and everyone. If you can't handle that shit it will eat you alive.

If coffee don't agree with you- drop it. Drop the tea, fuck em all. I love coffee and tea and can't drink any of them, so what? I don't give a damn, I don't stress about it, I find solutions and not problems. For me feeling good is > anything BUT I will take occasional risks for what I really love and crave even knowing it will mess me up for a while and I'm perfectly fine with that. The more I do it now, the less I'll do it later, cuz I'm learning my lessons,hopefully, as time goes by. And trust me I've been in every shithole you can possibly be. This is how we progress.

I love stimulants but I don't do them cuz they wind me up and effects me 10x like my girl for example. She can drink her energy drink and go to sleep, easy, not even talking about coffee. I love coffee, but most of the time it messes up my stomach and if that happens I feel like shit for the remaining part of the day. And fuck that, I can't allow that to happen, I'm not rich to be able to waste all day feeling garbage. Even though I love the buzz it gives me and been doing it for decades. We not getting younger, it's also a good one to remember.

So my advice to you would be work on your mindset and start mastering yourself because it will take a lifetime to achieve. The work is never done. Is always in progress. And just be happy, do what you live, try to minimize your daily stressors and live your best life possible. Try to be as consistent as possible on what works for you and what not. Be diligent in your work and remember that we all have our own struggles we must cope with and theres nothing you can do just to get stronger inside and outside out.

Hope that clicks with you, because I just gave you 20mins of the most precious commodity in our lifes- time.
Yeah bro just wanted to say that I read this first thing this morning and you’re 100% correct. Thank you so much I really needed this bro
I agree with giving up the coffee. It can have quite a negative effect with erections and increase anxiety markedly with some people; Adrenalin!
As has been mentioned before, try and ignore most of the effects you feel after changing a protocol for at least a month. The real effects positive or negative that stay with you, will be evident after that time. Placebo effects are very likely early on too.
Belekas gave you some good advice.
Yeah bro just wanted to say that I read this first thing this morning and you’re 100% correct. Thank you so much I really needed this bro
You're welcome mate. Always happy to help where/if I can. Have a cracking Friday and a smashing weekend. Time to relax, unwind and zone out! Today the first sunny day of the week in the UK where I'm at, so just had breakfast and getting ready to go hiking and later gym to get that little pump and see how 1 month on TRT feels training-wise ;)

Have fun!
A lot has transpired since my last post.
Took some time and really thought about what Belekas said. My girlfriend recommended the book “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success” which has been life changing. I started meeting with a therapist to do EDMR. Also I had an idea on my day off to go to a chiropractor place. BEST DECISION OF MY LIFE. Literally cured my ED instantly and I’ve been a concrete block ever since. NEVER been happier! All along I just had some issues with nerve blockages and small issues throughout my body. My chiropractor worked WONDERS!!!! Guys definitely see a chiro!!! Staying positive no matter what happens. The information I got from the guy who stretched me out REALLY got me in the right direction. Erections are bigger, way harder and stay harder longer. Libido is WAY up! Also got back on DIM 2 days ago. I do believe it helps. Hope all is well!!! This was a huge discovery!!
A lot has transpired since my last post.
Took some time and really thought about what Belekas said. My girlfriend recommended the book “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success” which has been life changing. I started meeting with a therapist to do EDMR. Also I had an idea on my day off to go to a chiropractor place. BEST DECISION OF MY LIFE. Literally cured my ED instantly and I’ve been a concrete block ever since. NEVER been happier! All along I just had some issues with nerve blockages and small issues throughout my body. My chiropractor worked WONDERS!!!! Guys definitely see a chiro!!! Staying positive no matter what happens. The information I got from the guy who stretched me out REALLY got me in the right direction. Erections are bigger, way harder and stay harder longer. Libido is WAY up! Also got back on DIM 2 days ago. I do believe it helps. Hope all is well!!! This was a huge discovery!!
Happy days. Not sure why you taking that DIM though? Else looks fine. Glad you feeling better! Reading books certainly helps the porridge inside your head get thicker;) Also great work by your therapist re blocked nerve. That makes a world of difference when found and worked on. Good job.

I also hope that I have a nerve blocked somewhere but I flew back home, visited the best specialist I know, he did 10x massage cycles 45mins each and wasn't able to find the root cause. So the next move for me is to do full back and neck MRI scan when I'm back again. This will cost me dearly, but needs to be done. Won't even try to bully my NHS GP to get it done cuz they brainless and will probably only offer it if I visit them in a damn wheelchair smh. I got a serious issue I need to sort as I haven't even been training legs since the injury a year or so ago. Basically can't run outside as well as get nasty neck and lower back pain. Can still train so thats ok fwiw.

Got bloods back on the 100 mg a week? Surprisingly not looking bad? What would you do? Considering trying the cream. Already upped to 120 mgs. What would you do?


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TBH testosterone is probably not for you or you have a damaged mindset, habits or fuck knows what else. I can't imagine being depressed on 100mg/week split e3.5d and your blood shows that test is doing its thing. Maybe you started smoking again? I doubt raising dose will solve your issues as you've been struggling for a long time, maybe its time to hang the gloves and try going the other way around it? Without context asking us is like shooting darts in the dark. Ofc there will be people that will tell you increase the dose till you feel good and walk with 1400TT through as our ancesters did have it and flew with the eagles lol If I was you I would get off TRT completely, did a proper PCT and took 6 years to offset the time you was on test. Start from scratch, exhaust every option available, tick all boxes and only then if you still be needing it make a move. Testosterone is not panacea or holy grail mate and you're still young so you know. Needle will always be there waiting for you whenever you decide. I know this is not what you wanted to hear but somebody gotta tell you that sometimes you gotta hang the gloves and take a break only to get better and level up in the future ;)
Felt pretty good yesterday. Today woke up unmotivated and a little irritable day after 2nd dose of the week.

Last night I had my GF over and I made her dinner went to bed at 1 am up by like 6-6:30...Also had 2 glasses of wine and some brownies before bed.

Maybe the wine and brownies just fucked up my sleep....+dose adjusting ups and downs?
Wine and brownies(MJ brownies?) Even if regular brownies, along with alcohol, bad mojo. Chocolate is psychoactive. I drink infrequently, but even a beer or glass of wine in the afternoon will negatively impact my mood and sleep.
Just when you think you’ve seen it all!

You’re acting like this clinic is doing you a favor and are treating you like an nipple feeding toddler/invalid. You can inject yourself at home because you’re wearing the big boy pants now.

It’s no wonder the younger generation of men are less manly.
I had to chuckle at this. Got me thinking about he good ol' days:
"Why we used to smear our T directly on a knitting needle and stab ourselves in the leg, son" :)

I have to admit, hesitation at the self-injection was a concern, but he'll get past it.

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