Trying to get back to dialed in on my old protocol and issues with HCG


My protocol that I had been on for a year was changed by a new doc I had not met with before. It had taken a while when I got to Defy and working with Jill to get me dialed in, but I had finally gotten there and was feeling great...libido was very good, felt good and had good quality erections. I was on .28 ml of test EOD, .25mg of anastrozole 3X a week and 150ius of HCG daily. I had come to defy in a mess and Jill had worked with me to get me in a very good place. I had a relationship with a gf on and off for a year and had no ED issues whatsoever. A new doc stepped in while she was unavailable who suggested I go to EOD anastrozole (loweing the amount after some trial and error to .125mg) and 200ius of HCG EOD. I started the HCG regimen and took a while 4-6 weeks to change the anastrozole as it took a while to ship, I had the old anastrozole to use, and I was reluctant to change the anastrozole. The good news was that the change of HCG from 150 daily to 200 EOD shot my sex drive through the roof. It was almost too much. I was doing some "self love" 2x a day, and I had a herniated disc in my neck, so I was doing this while I was in some pretty excruciating pain. I had another health issue at that time with my hip and was out of the dating pool for a good 8-10 months.

Anyway fast forward 8-10 months, I am back in the dating pool and starting to have some ED issues. They are getting a little worse and by the time I go into get my labs retested, I knew my estradiol was high. It was not super high. But, I am sensitive to estradiol, so an E2 of 40 was causing issues. I asked Defy and they were more than happy to put me back on my old protocol that had worked very well for about a year. I figured I would be back to great or good in 4-6 weeks. 3 months later, and I am not good at all. I have tried adding the HCG back in several times, and it has caused my E2 to spike immediately and severe ED that lasts for 2-3 days. I mean when I started with Defy this was a slow transition. When I started, I started with 100ius daily, and I remember Dr Crisler asking if I was feeling anything. Every time I would say no, and he said well raise it. I never thought I felt anything much from the HCG, except when I went to 200ius EOD (suggested by the new doc) then I felt it a LOT.

But, now I cannot add it in. I am trying to go VERY slow now, but it has caused several set backs. At one point I did not use it for about a month. Without it, my test was at about 750 and my E2 was at 15 which I had been at 1000 and 20 when I was on my old protocol and using 150 ius daily which felt perfect for me.

I would think that if x amount of testosterone x amount of arimidex and x amount of HCG results in 1000 of test and 20-22 estradiol in lab work and me feeling great that it would be easy just to switch back.

Why is it just not working that easy? I have my theories, but I am wanting some opinions, and hopefully, some medical opinions. I have my next appointment with defy June 1st. I am going to stay at 100ius of HCG until then and get blood work again this week to have that as a data point.
Mn that is frustrating. Seems as if every dr i have seen wants to change me around and tweak my protocol, whne things are good. I have stopped just jumping through the hoops after 5years in this journey. One thing i have found is things move slowly, kinda like what you say. I do not even think of looking at labs before 3 months after a change, really more like 6 to be sure.
Defy dr are good, in that they will listen to you. You are your own best advocate. Stick to your guns. My first comsult they wanted to chnage everhthing and add things, I refused to to it all at once and just added one change at a time, they were cool
you cant throw the kitchen sink at this. you need to start from square one, test only low dose. no hcg. no ai. stabilize for a couple months, check blood work, assess if you want to make a change. you body most likely doesnt even need anastrozole anymore, happens with a lot of people.
stop chasing the e2 sweetspot first of all. that what leads people to problems.. i undestand everybody wants to feel their "best" but its better to feel "good" than chase that "best" risking screwing yourself up...
and how at15 said you need to start all over again.. start simple with testosterone low dose only and adjust if needed after you will stabilize on t only
i was dialed in on t solo... took me very long time
than bought dr crisler book where it was written you need dhea and preg on trt.. got screwed again now feel like shit for past year
i feel better naturally now than i did on all included t protocol with dhea and preg..
If you were low SHBG, which you are not, we know that low SHBG = (very) high Free T and that tends to go hand-in-hand with Free E, a better snapshot because SHBG binds to E as well as it does to T. Another look in to a guys Estrogen levels, the Free E being what acts on the body. I've found it informative and useful for myself.
Threads a little old, but just curious, how did you feel when you took HCG out for a month and your test level was at 750 and E2 at 15?

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