33 year old been struggling to get dialed in for 6 years looking for help

Guys does it matter when splitting the dose Monday - Thursday that it's not EXACTLY 3.5 days? And will there still be some potential ups and downs as my body adjusts to tuis schedule?
This is all very interesting and I definitely devoted some time thinking about what you said. Actually it really got my anxiety up LOL)
Even my lady wants me to get off. She thinks that my body coulld be fine without it but she wants what is best for me.
When I did the blood work 6-7 years ago...I had tested somewhere around 300-350 ng/dl Total T. I don't remember any of the other markers...I was experimenting with clomid before and felt really shut down..I was trying to clomid because my older brother said it would increase T. Felt good and then felt "shut down" after some time. That is when I decided to gett that blood work done.
So that + anxiety + I was living with my parents who were super negative, I was self medicating with Marijuana there were a lot of factors..

Part of me wants to get off but there is a lot of risk to that too....
What I decided on for now is I'm gonna stay the course with the 100 mg split into 2 doses Monday through Thursday. NO AI, Discontinued DIM, Just keeping things simple and not changing ANYTHING. Continuing my good diet and supplements: a good liquid multi vitamin (Liquid Gold) Vitamin D 5000 IU's Super B vitamin complex, milk thistle, Cialis 5-10 mg daily ( I started cutting the pills) MCT Oil, a good electrolyte blend, super magnesium from GNC, and ashwoghanda at night. Full spectrum 1200 mg *** oil...I think that's all of them...Trying to get good sleep and continuing to work on my anxiety.

What I notice a day after injection 1 of splitting the dose....My balls are bigger?
This is interesting. Maybe a good sign?

Guys I am really hoping this gets me to some consistency. I know we're not always gonna feel perfect but all I want is some consistency. I really believe this is going to do the trick. If anyone has any other recommendations, feedback or words of encouragement I would really appreciate it.

Clomid can make you feel shut down because of the estrogenic effects it can have in some men, even though it may be increasing natural testosterone production significantly. It can make many men feel quite awful while they are taking it.
Enclomiphene citrate (the single isomer version of Clomid) may not do this to the same degree. It is not easy to get unfortunately.
It looks to me that you diagnosed yourself 6 years ago, and put yourself on testosterone.

You have been on testosterone for some time, but with a properly run restart protocol your natural T should come back and may be even higher than it was before with the Marijuana out of your system and other lifestyle changes.
Cialis, has been know to have an effect on testicle size and function. I would think if anything, in this very short amount of time what you are noticing is from this and placebo effect.
Splitting your dose may definitely help you. I will give you this advice, simply changing protocols can have a short term initial effect where libido and other positive effects suddenly occur. This is due to hormone levels changing. The long term effects show themselves much later on. I have found it best to ignore these initial effects as they can be quite misleading and disappointing.
I still personally feel, given what you said in all your posts so far, that you should seriously question being on TRT, and that at some point in the near future you should try and reinstate your natural hormones and stay that way for a good period of time before considering TRT again.
I realise you may not be at this point now, given your concerns, but in time you may be.

I am nearly 60, I have been at this for nearly 25 years Robbie. I have not been able to achieve the same reliable sexual function I had as a young man in my twenties, even allowing for the effects of ageing.
I understand why now after many years of extensive research into male hormones and erectile function. Natural is always best and you cannot emulate our complex systems with the primitive techniques we have available to us at this time.
I know some young men in their thirties with T levels comparable to yours who are perfectly healthy virile young men.
How many morning tests did you do? Sometimes our T levels drop to a lower level and then return for many reasons. I have seen this many times with friends who get their T levels assayed often.

You have been smoking marijuana since you were 17 and have only just recently quit!
What has this been doing to your hormone function?
You already admit this made your ED worse.
There is a lot of conflicting scientific evidence as to if chronic marijuana use causes hormone issues and erectile difficulties in the human. Some studies conclude that it does others do not. Studies in primates seem to be quite consistent in that it does cause hormone disruption, testosterone loss and fertility issues.
Perhaps the effects in humans can be subject to a multitude of factors and individual biochemistry.

The much respected member on this forum called Cataceous, has developed a very complex HRT protocol which involves administering multiple drugs a number of times a day to try and emulate more closely what we do naturally. I believe he has come quite close to what he considers reliable good sexual function, compared to anything else he has tried.
His experiment confirmed to me the inadequacies of TRT and the extraordinarily complex nature of our sexual function.
If there is a chance that you could have normal healthy HPTA function and not have to worry about all of this for the rest of your life, it can become all consuming, I would take it!
I’m 32 and been struggling getting dialed in for roughly 3 years now. Even quit and came back on a year later.

I’m currently 3 weeks into my lowest dose ever which is 100mg per week that is split between two injections per week.

The come down from lowering the dose sucks and I’ve always attributed that to, ok can already tell the dose is to low but I think it’s just withdrawals from not having the same amount of dopamine that the testosterone provides.

I’m gonna stick with this dose through Christmas then re-do bloodwork to give my brain time to fully adapt to everything.

Removing all other variables is ideal so you know exactly what you are feeling/getting from the testosterone then just changing one thing at a time and keeping a journal of what does what.
Despite not the greatest night of sleep and feeling a little drop off yesterday woke up with INSANELY good MW!!! Wow!!! Very happy about this. I think this adjustment may go faster because it’s not like I’m changing the amount, just the frequency.
This protocol is definitely looking good so far! Also heard Peter attia and Andrew Huberman talk specifically about this 50 50 100 mg split protocol.
Almost everyone feels like this after dosing changes, then the body finds a new normal 6-8 weeks from now. There’s a lot more to it than just keeping the same dosage, the hormone profile looks a bit different.

The trough levels will be higher, and hormones more steady with less decline between injections, and so this nets you more mg release and a higher average testosterone level.
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Almost everyone feels like this after dosing changes, then the body finds a new normal 6-8 weeks from now. There’s a lot more to it than just keeping the same dosage, the hormone profile looks a bit different.

The trough levels will be higher, and hormones more steady with less decline between injections, and so this nets you more mg release and a higher average testosterone level.
Okay but this is a good thing right? I should feel consistently good if I continue with this, good diet, sleep etc?
Almost everyone feels like this after dosing changes, then the body finds a new normal 6-8 weeks from now. There’s a lot more to it than just keeping the same dosage, the hormone profile looks a bit different.

The trough levels will be higher, and hormones more steady with less decline between injections, and so this nets you more mg release and a higher average testosterone level.
Are you saying I won’t feel good after 6-8 weeks?
Almost everyone feels like this after dosing changes, then the body finds a new normal 6-8 weeks from now. There’s a lot more to it than just keeping the same dosage, the hormone profile looks a bit different.

The trough levels will be higher, and hormones more steady with less decline between injections, and so this nets you more mg release and a higher average testosterone level.
Oh I think you were respond to the other guy my bad
Are you saying I won’t feel good after 6-8 weeks?
I’m saying I’ve seen guys get excited after dosing changes creating this false hope and then 6-8 weeks later their back complaining they don’t feel as good as they did when first changing the dosages.

It’s no different for me after dosing changes, even though I respond vigorously to TRT, just not like right after dosing changes because the body was never meant to operate at this level indefinitely.

I remember my first week on Jatenzo, wow was it great, but never felt like that again unless of course, I change the dosage and then a week later it’s all going back to feeling normal again.
I’m 32 and been struggling getting dialed in for roughly 3 years now. Even quit and came back on a year later.

I’m currently 3 weeks into my lowest dose ever which is 100mg per week that is split between two injections per week.

The come down from lowering the dose sucks and I’ve always attributed that to, ok can already tell the dose is to low but I think it’s just withdrawals from not having the same amount of dopamine that the testosterone provides.

I’m gonna stick with this dose through Christmas then re-do bloodwork to give my brain time to fully adapt to everything.

Removing all other variables is ideal so you know exactly what you are feeling/getting from the testosterone then just changing one thing at a time and keeping a journal of what does what.
Stay positive bro I promise it will pay off I feel amazing right now. Split injections at low dose is
I’m saying I’ve seen guys get excited after dosing changes creating this false hope and then 6-8 weeks later their back complaining they don’t feel as good as they did when first changing the dosages.

It’s no different for me after dosing changes, even though I respond vigorously to TRT, just not like right after dosing changes because the body was never meant to operate at this level indefinitely.

I remember my first week on Jatenzo, wow was it great, but never felt like that again unless of course, I change the dosage and then a week later it’s all going back to feeling normal again.
i need to get off this thread it’s fucking with my head. I think I’ll feel great and consistent on this dose
I’m saying I’ve seen guys get excited after dosing changes creating this false hope and then 6-8 weeks later their back complaining they don’t feel as good as they did when first changing the dosages.

It’s no different for me after dosing changes, even though I respond vigorously to TRT, just not like right after dosing changes because the body was never meant to operate at this level indefinitely.

I remember my first week on Jatenzo, wow was it great, but never felt like that again unless of course, I change the dosage and then a week later it’s all going back to feeling normal again.
Its interesting how different everyone is. Because on the flipside u have many guys reporting that they feel like crap whenever they change their protocol, and they don’t start to feel good again until weeks or months later when everything stabilizes again
Felt pretty good yesterday. Today woke up unmotivated and a little irritable day after 2nd dose of the week.

Last night I had my GF over and I made her dinner went to bed at 1 am up by like 6-6:30...Also had 2 glasses of wine and some brownies before bed.

Maybe the wine and brownies just fucked up my sleep....+dose adjusting ups and downs?
One thing that's been bothering me lately, even the times when I had decent to good sex is my refractory period. It is tough to go round 2! Hopefully this will get better as I adjust into this new 100 mg spit twice a week dosing schedule along with a testosterone friendly lifestyle.

Maybe it also takes more time with NOFAP and from qutting weed. It's only been a litte less than 2.5 months from quitting weed. 4+ months no porn

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