25 years old, 6 weeks on 150 mg test cyp 2xweek, can I quit cold turkey?


New Member
For a variety of reasons, including the fact that no endo would take me seriously when I wanted to get my testosterone and other relevant panels checked (which included a huge price for each consultation), I got fed up and started a TRT protocol of 75 mg of test cypionate twice a week (mon-thurs, test is legal here). The results are, I feel great, I have high energy, morning erections are here (before I had them sparringly) and I'm 25 turning 26 this month. But from what I've read, and now that I know the benefits of high testosterone first hand, I REALLY want to get my bloodwork done to monitor my treatment and be my own doctor the right way. The problem is that I've been on test for six weeks already, therefore my bloods will obviously be different.

I know that by symptoms I had low T but I'm pretty sure I wasn't as bad as being hypogonadal, maybe on the little less then normal range (again, can't corroborate because no bloodwork)

After being a month on TRT, with the protocol I detailed before, can I quit treatment cold turkey to get my body back to its pre-TRT levels, so I can get my bloodwork done correctly? how long would it take my body to return to its normal state after a month of this protocol? is it dangerous? what are the potential side effects?

I really want to get my bloodwork done as well as get my thyroid checked, as well as possibly going down the road of HCG (not TRT) to boost my baseline test levels, but for this I need bloodwork. Any help ASAP would be greatly appreciated, as I haven't been able to sleep all night with the anxiety of thinking that I might shut my body down and be out of commission for months.

protocol: 2x 75mg test cyp per week
duration of protocol so far: 6 weeks
Looking to quit TRT

PS: I know I made a hasty decision. It took a lot of courage to do and I have my deep seated reasons to do so. I live in South America

HCG mono has a low threshold for success and would only be a potential treatment if you're secondary hypo meaning it's the pituitary that is the problem and not the testicles. This would be indicated by LH or leutinizing hormone levels. If you're determined to be primary, HCG Mono isn't going to work, or work very well or over the long haul. You certainly can just stop and you'll return to baseline levels in 2-4 weeks.
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Are you saying that after six weeks (only four weeks of injections, since I had a problem with obtaining my test cyp for two weeks) I can just get off cold turkey? or do I need to go through an expensive and complicated PCT program? I haven't slept all night. If you can please help me I would be very thankful.
Are you saying that after six weeks (only four weeks of injections, since I had a problem with obtaining my test cyp for two weeks) I can just get off cold turkey? or do I need to go through an expensive and complicated PCT program? I haven't slept all night. If you can please help me I would be very thankful.
Absolutely do not take one "pct drug" that is total bullshit. If you were on for a long time i would say run some hcg before you come off, but in this case its not necessary. Such a short period your absolutely fine. Just come off cold turkey. First two weeks youll feel fine. Tough weeks are week 3 and 4. By week 5 you should start to turn the corner.

I see why you have anxiety considering the horrible information out there on trt saying its for life and other nonsense. ALL MEN WILL RECOVER back to where they were beforehand given enough time. It depends how long they were on and their body's recovery ability. May take many months or even years but eventually they will. Your case no worries youll be back fast.
Absolutely do not take one "pct drug" that is total bullshit. If you were on for a long time i would say run some hcg before you come off, but in this case its not necessary. Such a short period your absolutely fine. Just come off cold turkey. First two weeks youll feel fine. Tough weeks are week 3 and 4. By week 5 you should start to turn the corner.

I see why you have anxiety considering the horrible information out there on trt saying its for life and other nonsense. ALL MEN WILL RECOVER back to where they were beforehand given enough time. It depends how long they were on and their body's recovery ability. May take many months or even years but eventually they will. Your case no worries youll be back fast.

Thank you for your input, but are you sure? there's so much info basically telling me that my body's natural production has ceased and I'm going to live like an estrogen filled depressed person for the next 7 months. I don't want to take a ton of drugs, and I don't know much but I'm 25 and have been on for the time I said. Why does the whole internet say I need some 2 month long PCT program to 'restart' my testicles? wouldn't they restart on their own after a couple of weeks? I'm prepared to feel bad for a few weeks after stopping TRT but not an entire body shutdown that will leave me six months out of commission. I'm scared as hell...
For a variety of reasons, including the fact that no endo would take me seriously when I wanted to get my testosterone and other relevant panels checked (which included a huge price for each consultation), I got fed up and started a TRT protocol of 75 mg of test cypionate twice a week (mon-thurs, test is legal here). The results are, I feel great, I have high energy, morning erections are here (before I had them sparringly) and I'm 25 turning 26 this month. But from what I've read, and now that I know the benefits of high testosterone first hand, I REALLY want to get my bloodwork done to monitor my treatment and be my own doctor the right way. The problem is that I've been on test for six weeks already, therefore my bloods will obviously be different.

I know that by symptoms I had low T but I'm pretty sure I wasn't as bad as being hypogonadal, maybe on the little less then normal range (again, can't corroborate because no bloodwork)

After being a month on TRT, with the protocol I detailed before, can I quit treatment cold turkey to get my body back to its pre-TRT levels, so I can get my bloodwork done correctly? how long would it take my body to return to its normal state after a month of this protocol? is it dangerous? what are the potential side effects?

I really want to get my bloodwork done as well as get my thyroid checked, as well as possibly going down the road of HCG (not TRT) to boost my baseline test levels, but for this I need bloodwork. Any help ASAP would be greatly appreciated, as I haven't been able to sleep all night with the anxiety of thinking that I might shut my body down and be out of commission for months.

protocol: 2x 75mg test cyp per week
duration of protocol so far: 6 weeks
Looking to quit TRT

PS: I know I made a hasty decision. It took a lot of courage to do and I have my deep seated reasons to do so. I live in South America

As far as hpta shutdown age/dosage/duration play a role in the degree/length one will experience a dysfunctional hpta. Here is a study which showed that after weekly injection of 100mg/week TC(testosterone cypionate) LH/FSH were lost within 5-6 weeks and weekly injections of 250 and 500mg/week LH/FSH became undetectable 2 weeks after initiation. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9394096. Due to your younger age, lower dose (150mg/week) and short duration (6 weeks) if you quit cold turkey you should be able to bounce back fairly quickly but no one can say for sure how fast as after your last injection your test levels will still be elevated to a certain degree for a few weeks due to the esters half life and once your levels drop below baseline natural recovery of your endogenous testosterone production will resume as it may take anywhere from 2-4 months. You may very well feel better within a month but I would wait 6 weeks after your last shot and have blood work for total and free t/estradiol(sensitive)/shbg/tsh/dhea-s/lh/fsh and than give it another 6 weeks and have bloods done again including a chemistry panel/cbc(complete blood count)/tsh/dhea-s/tota and free t/estradiol(sensitive)/shbg/tsh/dhea-s/prolactin/lh and fsh and you should have a good idea of how your various blood markers have recovered. Having pre-trt(in your case self treating) blood work would have been very insightful as you could have compared to post trt blood work at 6 and 12 weeks. I would not be too concerned in your situation as the human body is very RESILIENT and you did not abuse testosterone/aas at high doses for a lengthy time period. Here is another article explaining the recovery of spermatogenesis from testosterone/aas for a longer time frame and will give you an idea of methods used for treatment/recovery. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4854084/
My two cents is you'll recover just fine, it will take time though. Even if you stop by using meds it still will take time. I would quit colds turkey and live a healthy lifestyle.
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My two cents is you'll recover just fine, it will take time though. Even if you stop by using meds it still will take time. I would quit colds turkey and live a healthy lifestyle.

Thank you for your opinion. Considering I've only been on test for a month and I'm 25, and didn't have bloodwork that said I was hypogonadal, how long do you believe it will take my body to go back to normal?
Thank you for your opinion. Considering I've only been on test for a month and I'm 25, and didn't have bloodwork that said I was hypogonadal, how long do you believe it will take my body to go back to normal?
You may or may not have been hypogonadal, in the absence of testing, we will never know. You wrote that you operated on the basis of symptoms, but those symptoms that suggested low testosterone could have been reflecting a thyroid problem, a cortisol issue, prolactin imbalanceor - yes - low testosterone.

Dismiss the idea of "normal." You want your body to return to its previous baseline. You will have to proceed in the basis of symptoms, and none of us can tell you how long it is going to take. Your body should come back, however.
Thank you for your opinion. Considering I've only been on test for a month and I'm 25, and didn't have bloodwork that said I was hypogonadal, how long do you believe it will take my body to go back to normal?
Anywhere from one month to a year and I'm only guessing. Since you only use T for a month the recovery should be short.
You may or may not have been hypogonadal, in the absence of testing, we will never know. You wrote that you operated on the basis of symptoms, but those symptoms that suggested low testosterone could have been reflecting a thyroid problem, a cortisol issue, prolactin imbalanceor - yes - low testosterone.

Dismiss the idea of "normal." You want your body to return to its previous baseline. You will have to proceed in the basis of symptoms, and none of us can tell you how long it is going to take. Your body should come back, however.

Do you suggest some form of PCT? if you do, since I've only taken test cyp and not in BB doses, is there some simple plan I can follow to rebalance my HPTA quick (some PCT's are for like 6 months with like 4 different drugs)? I'd much rather go cold turkey (I'm afraid of so much drugs, since there's no definitive way of coming off and there is SOOO MUCH BRO SCIENCE OUT THERE), but I'm afraid of having 0 testosterone for months, basically making me a eunuch.

I have no problem in waiting it out for a month or so, but don't want to be half a year as a eunuch.
As far as hpta shutdown age/dosage/duration play a role in the degree/length one will experience a dysfunctional hpta. Here is a study which showed that after weekly injection of 100mg/week TC(testosterone cypionate) LH/FSH were lost within 5-6 weeks and weekly injections of 250 and 500mg/week LH/FSH became undetectable 2 weeks after initiation. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9394096. Due to your younger age, lower dose (150mg/week) and short duration (6 weeks) if you quit cold turkey you should be able to bounce back fairly quickly but no one can say for sure how fast as after your last injection your test levels will still be elevated to a certain degree for a few weeks due to the esters half life and once your levels drop below baseline natural recovery of your endogenous testosterone production will resume as it may take anywhere from 2-4 months. You may very well feel better within a month but I would wait 6 weeks after your last shot and have blood work for total and free t/estradiol(sensitive)/shbg/tsh/dhea-s/lh/fsh and than give it another 6 weeks and have bloods done again including a chemistry panel/cbc(complete blood count)/tsh/dhea-s/tota and free t/estradiol(sensitive)/shbg/tsh/dhea-s/prolactin/lh and fsh and you should have a good idea of how your various blood markers have recovered. Having pre-trt(in your case self treating) blood work would have been very insightful as you could have compared to post trt blood work at 6 and 12 weeks. I would not be too concerned in your situation as the human body is very RESILIENT and you did not abuse testosterone/aas at high doses for a lengthy time period. Here is another article explaining the recovery of spermatogenesis from testosterone/aas for a longer time frame and will give you an idea of methods used for treatment/recovery. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4854084/

First of all, thank you for the info. It's insightful. Since there's no conclusive evidence as to how long my body will return to baseline, but taking into account my fear of other drugs, would you reccommend running nolvadex for a month? what will it do to my body? will it truly help? What do you think? or should I just wait it out? I've basically decided to just go cold turkey, but if someone truly informed can reccommend something (I've read that for test bases, small dos short 'cycles') nolvadex can be used alone. Do you concur? or do you suggest me stop complaining and just wait it out? thank you in advance
nolvadex can cause eye problems. wait it out man, you used a low dose for a very short duration absolutely no worries. you will be back to normal in about 6 weeks from your last inject, 8-10 weeks max. please keep us updated with your blood work this will help alleviate others fears about coming off cold turkey.
nolvadex can cause eye problems. wait it out man, you used a low dose for a very short duration absolutely no worries. you will be back to normal in about 6 weeks from your last inject, 8-10 weeks max. please keep us updated with your blood work this will help alleviate others fears about coming off cold turkey.

Thank you! I will def post labs in six weeks. Thank you for your advice!
There is no reason not to help your body get started by using some nolva at 20mg a day for a month.

Saxon, after much consideration and frankly fear, I've decided to buy nolva.

If I've done 6 weeks 150mg of testosterone cypionate, is 20 mg a day for a month really a proper PCT, or should it be less?

are you sure it needs to be a whole month? the dosages not every other day?

Please as I'm really worried about this.
Saxon, after much consideration and frankly fear, I've decided to buy nolva.

If I've done 6 weeks 150mg of testosterone cypionate, is 20 mg a day for a month really a proper PCT, or should it be less?

are you sure it needs to be a whole month? the dosages not every other day?

Please as I'm really worried about this.

Is nolva, Nolvadex? Isn't that an aromatase inhibitor/ SERM ?
You haven't posted bloods what's your E2 (estradiol) You think your anxious now... you crash your E2 and you will know hell.

Look Haytham you've already messed up once with not getting the full scoop on cypionate.
Don't continue messing up man. You did 150mg for 6 weeks (((weeks))) not months that is nothing. Just quit you don't need anything else.
You could jack yourself up really good. Please stop reading those cycling sites they are poison.

disclaimer: I'm no doc just someone trying to be a friend. Best of luck to you.

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