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Background about me. 25 yo male NOT diagnosed with secondary or primary hypogonadism. I do have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and take Levothyroxine and Cytomel. (Absolutely no natural thyroid function whatsoever.) First month on TRT I walked around like a god, crazy erections, confidence, no anxiety,motivation, libido good. Then I crashed.
I went to a horrible doctor who put me on TRT even though I had natural testosterone levels of 691 in an attempt to reduce my fatigue. I have put on a ton of muscle in a year. Went from 168 at 5'8 to 210 @ 15% bf. I have been suffering poor erectile function, libido and general fatigue for approximately one year. My current testosterone protocol is 200 mg Cypionate administered muscularly once a week (started August 2017). My crippling fatigue has gotten worse, not better on testosterone. Testosterone and going to the gym are the only things that help alleviate my depression. Here's where clomid comes in. I have a friend on TRT who had clomid prescribed to him (trying to conceive.) He offered to let me try some and I did, (50mg) 2 days ago. Erectile Dysfunction - gone. Can actually get a full erection now. Fatigue - Not gone but im having more mental clarity and slightly more energy then on TRT. Libido - Finally back. Morning Wood - Back after about a year of absence. Keep in mind I had my protocol dialed in and all outliers ruled out. Estrogen was kept in check with Arimidex, I experimented with Arimidex, experimented with no Arimidex, nothing helped. Energy levels are up a bit too. Can actually focus a little better.
One more interesting point. Before TRT my TSH was around 3.5 on 125mcg of levothyroxine. After TRT my TSH is 17.71 on 250 mcg of levothyroxine and 10 mcg of cytomel.
Out of desperation with my ED I tried Viagra and the erections I am getting now are harder then they were on 3 pills of Viagra. Balls are also slightly bigger, and libido has been HIGHER then it ever was. I am also waking up more refreshed when I sleep.
I would like for some medical experts to chime in if possible. Everything I have heard about clomid suggests it will not alleviate HPTA supression caused from TRT/AAS use. And here I am with very real benefits after 2 days of use. What gives?
Where do I go from here? Quit the test cold turkey and go on clomid cold turkey, or stay on TRT and clomid together? Do any doctors do this with their patients?
TLDR; ED and low energy on TRT for 1 year, Gone after 1 day clomid
I went to a horrible doctor who put me on TRT even though I had natural testosterone levels of 691 in an attempt to reduce my fatigue. I have put on a ton of muscle in a year. Went from 168 at 5'8 to 210 @ 15% bf. I have been suffering poor erectile function, libido and general fatigue for approximately one year. My current testosterone protocol is 200 mg Cypionate administered muscularly once a week (started August 2017). My crippling fatigue has gotten worse, not better on testosterone. Testosterone and going to the gym are the only things that help alleviate my depression. Here's where clomid comes in. I have a friend on TRT who had clomid prescribed to him (trying to conceive.) He offered to let me try some and I did, (50mg) 2 days ago. Erectile Dysfunction - gone. Can actually get a full erection now. Fatigue - Not gone but im having more mental clarity and slightly more energy then on TRT. Libido - Finally back. Morning Wood - Back after about a year of absence. Keep in mind I had my protocol dialed in and all outliers ruled out. Estrogen was kept in check with Arimidex, I experimented with Arimidex, experimented with no Arimidex, nothing helped. Energy levels are up a bit too. Can actually focus a little better.
One more interesting point. Before TRT my TSH was around 3.5 on 125mcg of levothyroxine. After TRT my TSH is 17.71 on 250 mcg of levothyroxine and 10 mcg of cytomel.
Out of desperation with my ED I tried Viagra and the erections I am getting now are harder then they were on 3 pills of Viagra. Balls are also slightly bigger, and libido has been HIGHER then it ever was. I am also waking up more refreshed when I sleep.
I would like for some medical experts to chime in if possible. Everything I have heard about clomid suggests it will not alleviate HPTA supression caused from TRT/AAS use. And here I am with very real benefits after 2 days of use. What gives?
Where do I go from here? Quit the test cold turkey and go on clomid cold turkey, or stay on TRT and clomid together? Do any doctors do this with their patients?
TLDR; ED and low energy on TRT for 1 year, Gone after 1 day clomid