1 year ED/Adrenal Fatigue @ TRT gone after 1 day of Clomid

Background about me. 25 yo male NOT diagnosed with secondary or primary hypogonadism. I do have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and take Levothyroxine and Cytomel. (Absolutely no natural thyroid function whatsoever.) First month on TRT I walked around like a god, crazy erections, confidence, no anxiety,motivation, libido good. Then I crashed.
I went to a horrible doctor who put me on TRT even though I had natural testosterone levels of 691 in an attempt to reduce my fatigue. I have put on a ton of muscle in a year. Went from 168 at 5'8 to 210 @ 15% bf. I have been suffering poor erectile function, libido and general fatigue for approximately one year. My current testosterone protocol is 200 mg Cypionate administered muscularly once a week (started August 2017). My crippling fatigue has gotten worse, not better on testosterone. Testosterone and going to the gym are the only things that help alleviate my depression. Here's where clomid comes in. I have a friend on TRT who had clomid prescribed to him (trying to conceive.) He offered to let me try some and I did, (50mg) 2 days ago. Erectile Dysfunction - gone. Can actually get a full erection now. Fatigue - Not gone but im having more mental clarity and slightly more energy then on TRT. Libido - Finally back. Morning Wood - Back after about a year of absence. Keep in mind I had my protocol dialed in and all outliers ruled out. Estrogen was kept in check with Arimidex, I experimented with Arimidex, experimented with no Arimidex, nothing helped. Energy levels are up a bit too. Can actually focus a little better.

One more interesting point. Before TRT my TSH was around 3.5 on 125mcg of levothyroxine. After TRT my TSH is 17.71 on 250 mcg of levothyroxine and 10 mcg of cytomel.

Out of desperation with my ED I tried Viagra and the erections I am getting now are harder then they were on 3 pills of Viagra. Balls are also slightly bigger, and libido has been HIGHER then it ever was. I am also waking up more refreshed when I sleep.

I would like for some medical experts to chime in if possible. Everything I have heard about clomid suggests it will not alleviate HPTA supression caused from TRT/AAS use. And here I am with very real benefits after 2 days of use. What gives?

Where do I go from here? Quit the test cold turkey and go on clomid cold turkey, or stay on TRT and clomid together? Do any doctors do this with their patients?

TLDR; ED and low energy on TRT for 1 year, Gone after 1 day clomid
Your protocol of 200mg once weekly was more than likely the reason why you felt so bad, SHBG is measured and a protocol is designed around this value, it will dictate injection frequency. Total T, Free T, SHBG and estradiol sensitive are measured after the first 6 weeks of starting TRT as well as baseline numbers.

I wasted a year with endo's who didn't know what to do, decided to go private to get the care I deserve and it was life changing. You need to post all your labs, baseline as well.
Found this post that pretty much sums up my issues to a T.

Can concur, initially on testosterone my penis would get hard everywhere, random erections even in public. Last time I had sex with a girl I could barely even get my dick up. Im just going to quit the test cold turkey, get on clomid and nolvadex . Even 4 pills of Viagra didn't help my ED like clomid has after a single day. Libido also dropped to shit even on 250 mg of test - my libido is back and better then ever on clomid.

EDIT: Penis sensitivity is also through the roof
Last girl I had sex with came 6 times and I couldn't even come once in a 3 hour period. Thought it was whisky dick!
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Your experience suggests Clomid might be able to stimulate enough LH output to help restore and maintain the health of the sex organs. However, this has not been shown to be the case by any reliable data or evidence. However it is believed and practiced by some.
So you're hedging everything on a single dose of Clomid; psychosomatic; placebo.

Been on it for a week and its not psychosomatic. Couldn't get a hard on to save my life on 500 mg of test. On clomid I can get hard erections and stay hard.

Will never do testosterone injections unless I have HCG or other analogues prescribed.
Been on it for a week and its not psychosomatic. Couldn't get a hard on to save my life on 500 mg of test. On clomid I can get hard erections and stay hard.

Will never do testosterone injections unless I have HCG or other analogues prescribed.
how did you feel on 500mg test not talking about ercetions.. (wellbeing, confidence, strenght in gym, muscle growth, energy, depression/anxiety wise?) and were you taking AI or not? thank you
First two months had strong boners everywhere, all the time with sky high libido.

Well being, confidence, strength in gym, muscle growth went up, depression and anxiety went down.

Energy in the gym went UP, however energy in daliy tasks went down. I believe that exogenous testosterone gives me sleep apnea. I also think that shutting down the testes may negatively impact my thyroid or adrenals somehow.

Initially , TRT was all positives
Only downsides:
-Dick couldn't get 100% hard even with sexually attractive girl right next to me. Kept going soft after 2-3 minutes.
-Sleep quality went to shit, probably from putting on too much muscle + water retention???
Slept great when I was 140-168 at 5'7.
Had no chest natty so maybe thats what the apneas from.

Let me put things this way.
If I ever became homeless and was natty I would probably be crazy depressed. I know if I was on at least 250mg/500mg of test a week + gym access I would be able to cope. I have never taken, nor will I ever take any conventional depressants.
Testosterone, in my humble opinion is probably the BEST male antidepressant. It actually treats the problem at a base level, where as SSRI's are akin to putting a band-aid on a bullet wound. In addition SSRI's themselves cause low testosterone , erectile dysfunction and other side effects.

I only did 500 mg for a few weeks - I did it to try it out with an extra bottle I had. I think 200 or 250mg should be the high end dose for trt.

I have tried various dosages of AI, it seems like I am hypersensitive to the side effects of Arimidex. I take zinc daily and have nolvadex on hand for gyno should any pop up. I feel better with high estro then crashed estro if that makes sense.

Hopefully Nelson will find this thread and chime in with some of his many years of personal experience . Im curious how he managed to run nandrolone and testosterone for 10 years and not suffer any ED in that time. Perhaps he was concurrently running HCG to keep testes functioning?

My ED wouldn't even respond to Viagra or Cialis.
It's obvious you still have thyroid issues because of your TSH. You claim to have hashimoto's and your handle suggests adrenal fatigue. Does your doctor know if you have adrenal fatigue that the thyroid meds won't work? Your T3 will just pool. Thyroid symptoms are very similar to Low T and easily mixed up. You should post your labs for TSH, FT4, FT3, RT3, TPO, TGAb, ferritin and any saliva labs you have for your adrenals
So reading up on Nelsons posts it appears that he used or uses a regimen of HCG + Cialis/Viagra. This supports my theory - something that is shut down involving the HPTA/Testes is critical to erections and sex drive. HCG and Serms must somehow help with this process. Obviously their is no way clomid could be boosting my test yet, I still have tons of cypionate in me. . Must have something to do with testes and HPTA.
Update. Found a bunch of naltrexone lying around I ordered a while back. Took 4.5 mg yesterday night. Today, noticed more penis sensitivity and caught myself checking out girls way more. Boobs and v on TRT:
Those are nice....(meh)
Boobs and v right now:
Damn that girl has a nice ass! Id love to do some *things to it*

I would talk to girls at nightclubs and not even think about fucking them or their bodies, now as

Looks like my libido is coming back with a vengeance. Apparently naltrexone can preserve HPTA function with Trt/aas use provided no progestin derived compounds are used.

Also have Hashimotos. Could be my TSH is lowering since coming off Test. Will get bloodwork and compare results for you guys.

Also strangely im not depressed, I am finding myself much more positive and upbeat!

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