
  1. W

    Effect of genetics on male secondary sex characteristics vs Low T

    Hi all, Wondering how much genetics plays a role in secondary sex characteristics vs total testosterone levels. I read a paper (attached) which shows that professional athletes have testosterone levels around 500-600ng/dl, which is around my levels but i have very poor secondary sex...
  2. X

    About to start TRT soon would like some guidance

    Hi Everyone, I'm glad I found this site and have read a bunch. I have symptoms of low T and visited a male clinic that wants me to get on on 140mg of test once a week along with an AI and Clomid. After what I read here I'm going to push back on the Clomid and AI and only accept the test. I'm...
  3. W

    Excessive sweating potentially due to low T?

    Hi all, For as long as I can remember I’ve had an issue with excessive sweating even during my childhood years. If I’m in a hot place I can sweat easily but the most embarrassing is very early during sexual intercourse so much that I have to stop. It’s definitely abnormal as my girlfriend or...
  4. U

    Need some guidance. Palpitations / Anxiety.

    Hey All. I have been experiencing palpitations and frequent anxiety for the last few weeks. Sometimes its debilitating. It causes insomnia. Sometimes thoughts of something life threatening happening in my sleep. I am 33 yr old. Workout 6 days a week vigorously. Eat a good diet. I'm 5' 10" and...
  5. K

    Should I start TRT? Dr says yes but not sure

    Just wondering if I could get some real world experience from you guys on testosterone. 43 185lbs 6”4. I lost One testicle to cancer they removed it and then had chemo. So I have one nut. Reason it got to this is fatigue n lack of concentration and can’t gain any noticeable muscle no matter...
  6. J

    TRT prescriptions and BS about the state I live in.

    Am I being fed a line of BS? My telemed trt clinic in Florida uses two compounding pharmacies to ship TC to me. Their pricing is ridiculous at $260 per delivered 10ml vial of TC. I asked them to send the prescription to my local pharmacy. They said that was not possible because TC is a...
  7. J

    My journey so far -- a year of Labs and attempts to relieve symptoms. Pls Help

    Here is a breakdown of many labs over the past year. The actions taken after each one and the effects of those actions. Currently a bit confused as to what to do next and would love some insight. I have taken much interest and allocated a lot of time to learning this stuff and accordingly my...
  8. T

    New to TRT. Is this overkill?

    I live in Europe and went to multiple doctors due to low T. After multiple interventions that didn’t really help (losing 20kg, more sport, etc.) I talked to some doctors who wanted to give me TRT. Here where I live the current regimes are quite conservative however. Low dosed testogel or test...
  9. N

    Do i need to use ai on trt/cruise?

    Hey guys, i am on a cruise test cypionate 250mg e8d, on the advice of my friend who has been taking steroids for over 5 years, he recommended me to use 0.5mg of arimidex mon/thursday at a dosage of testosterone dosage of 250mg, i was on this protocol for about 4 months, I felt pretty good, BUT I...
  10. O

    TRT for 5 years and just can't get it right

    Hey guys im new to the forum, Iv been to multiple trt clinics and just can't seem to get that awesome feeling that i should from trt. I always attributed my feeling tired and no energy to high or low estrogen. But i don't know if that the case. Right now im taking sub Q 50mg eod . I took a few...
  11. S

    Shortness of breath on 50mg test E every 3 days

    I've been on TRT for 6m now. Initially for about 3months life was good and had no issues apart from high oestrogen. However, I switched to enanthate 100mg every 4 days about 3months ago. This dose was far too high which my 6m bloods showed. It was a mess, I had total T of 88, and other markers...
  12. M

    Whats my next move?

    Hey guys! So ive been on 85mg 2x per week for 10 weeks now. Before i was on 80mg 2x per week and had no night or morning wood. Also no libido. I feel pretty good now on the 85mg x2. And occasionally i have some strong night and morning wood. But my libido is still completely dead! I have...
  13. A

    Started low dose accutane and my skin is clearer than ever/ I feel great. But my doctor wants to double my dose?…

    I'm 29 years old and 190 lbs and have dealt with cystic acne on my back for the past 10 years. Its hormonal acne from when I took pro hormones a decade ago and never recovered. I tried everything, and nothing has successfully cleared me up. I finally decided to pull the trigger and start...
  14. P

    So hear are my test results:

    Estradiol: 64.2. (since this result, I started taking arimidex .5 mg (1/2. tablet) twice per week Testosterone total: 1,190 Testosterone free: 25.6 What is the best range for best results? I know the estrogen was too high...