
  1. J

    Does anyone have experience coming off hcg?

    I recently stopped taking testosterone after 8 weeks! Didn't feel good on it and thought I would be better coming off and doing what I can to optimize own levels as I've seen decent levels before without trt even though they have been low as well! Been off it nearly a month (was on 75 then...
  2. P

    Difficulty finding the right dose

    I've been on TRT for about 10 years. Every time I read the benefits I realize I've never really experienced them. I wondered if I'm on the right dose. It never helped with depression so I take Wellbutrin. I'm 65 yrs old. I was on 0.7 ml but I started to have some problems. I didn't feel great...
  3. Belekas

    Sustanon250 overstimulation, racing heart, anxiety, BP elevation, feeling wired

    Hello crew. Anyone of you guys had this experience? I've been on TRT 100mg/week of Testosterone Enanthate for around 10 months without any problems and was feeling great. Just now remembered that I've changed to Sustanon250 recently and in some time I started getting all these issues...
  4. F

    Levels TT / FT / SHBG before starting TRT

    Hi guys, In Oktober I’m planning to go on TRT after my consultation with dr. Robert Stevens. His ‘golden standard protocol’ consists of daily injections of testosterone cypionate with HCG alongside to get you in the high normal range. In Europe low-t symptoms will often not be treated if...
  5. S

    SteroidPlotter and mg/day

    Recently discovered SteroidPlotter (SteroidPlotter - Graph your cycle) and thought wow that's so cool. I'm on trt and really keen on getting my dose correctly set. However, I have a quick question, does anyone know if the mg/day plots are mg of the ester or mg of testosterone, from my...
  6. A

    Coming off TRT cold turkey after only three weeks

    Hello all, I was on a protocol of 150 mg cyp (50mg 3x / week ) and 500 iu hcg for approx 3 weeks. After the third week, i decided to stop due to my age (22m) and the anxiety it was causing. I’m currently 18 days out since last pin. Feeling alright except for being a bit more tired, but my most...
  7. G

    Natesto lost effects quickly? nasal test

    eh guys, tried Natesto I didn't squeeze the 10 doses out as they say to do as appeared to come out just fine first squeeze.. now, I only do 1 dose a day which was 100% all good as I felt energy confidence sex was better and lasted into the evening and even got better sleep... in fact even 1...
  8. M

    Blood clots and Enclomiphene? Since it is the zuclomiphene isomer in clomid that accounts for many of the unwanted side effects, including blood clots (as detailed in this paper), why would there even be a...
  9. aneuman

    My 6 weeks TRT Labs: advise welcome

    Hello guys, Many of you are aware of my journey, but for those who don't know, I started with HCG 2000 IU a week, felt like a greek God for two weeks, then back to basics, Enclomiphene, Great labs but no symptom relief, then Enclomiphene + HCG, some improvements, then TRT. I was prescribed 100...
  10. S

    Pramipexole instead of Cabergoline

    I've been using cabergoline with some success as my prolactin is always high normal and not optimal. It works well, and allow me to cum quicker, and in a some cases multiple times. However I'm very risk adverse and don't like the effects caber can have on the heart value, so I wanted to give...
  11. phalloguy100

    Defy is awesome!!

    Sorry for the excitement, but just wanted to throw it out there... I had my visit with Defy for a second opinion, and OMG, they were so knowledgeable!!! The doctor new all my medical history and labs almost by heart, and listened to all my concerns about drug interactions with diabetes. He had...
  12. S

    Can proviron suppress your normal dht?

    Hi, Apologies if this is a silly question, but I think my theory is sound. I added 50mg of proviron to my current 120mg per week trt (35mg every 2 days) to increase libido, well being etc. I sourced some proviron through underground labs, can't know for sure its legit. However, it did work as...
  13. E

    Drastic increase in libido - currently multi-orgasmic to an extreme - any experience with this?

    Now a couple months after starting TRT, I have become extremely multi-orgasmic. I mean 6+ full scale ejaculations in a session with many more minor ones. Until now, I have been one-and-done for almost my entire life. My semen is clear and more watery, even the first of the day. I have gone from...
  14. K.pietera

    Deca in shoulder inject

    Hi there , I have a short question , is it safe / possible to inject deca in the deltoid muscle ?
  15. B

    Improved penis sensitivity with HGC while on TRT

    42 years old and have been on TRT for 8-9 years. I’ve used larger doses for extended periods of time but use 250mg as my TRT dose. For years Ive just lost a lot of penis sensitivity, I just wrote it off as I was getting older. I’d only really be able to get off using a firm grip, very rarely...
  16. phalloguy100

    Increased testosterone effects on blood sugar?

    Random question… would getting higher/optimal testosterone levels have an effect on blood glucose and/or insulin sensitivity? This maybe a total coincidence, but I stopped clomid and restarted androgel. About a week into it, I’ve been getting some hypoglycemic episodes (I wear a dexcom cgm and...
  17. J

    Advice for quitting trt after 2 months?

    Thinking of quitting trt and prioritising my own production of testosterone. Before going on I done 2 tests, one was 9nmol and one was 14nmol however at the times of those tests I was under a lot of stress and mental health was on the deck. I have seen it as high as 27nmol with supplements but...
  18. M

    Consultation or Advice for supervision

    Male 22 years old. I have been treated with TRT for a little over a year now after being diagnosed with secondary hypogonadism and pituitary failure. I regularly get blood work done through my general practitioner but the clinic that provides the treatment has not asked nor seen those results in...
  19. J

    TRT with HCG & Hair Loss

    Has anyone on here experienced increased hair loss from HCG while on TRT? If so, will it likely grow back once the HCG is stopped. I’m figuring the hormonal change might be the reason. I’m getting some frontal thinning and it’s no bueno.
  20. U

    Low dose enclomiphene combined with Low dose TRT

    History.... never had great libido on injections. I've tried high doses, low doses. I've tried with and without an AI. I've tried one a week, twice a week, every day injections, etc. Nothing ever worked that great for libido to be honest. Everything else is amazing on TRT...just not the libido...
  21. R

    Blood test analysis needed

    Hi all, So started TRT 6 weeks ago on 25mg test cyp every other day and 200iu of HCG every other day. Experienced some acne on back and shoulders. Felt great in the first 3 weeks then tailed off slightly. Please could someone have a look at the results and express thoughts? This was taken in...
  22. JayD

    Over the last week i have felt out of sorts

    Hi Guys Over the last week i have felt out of sorts and are experiencing the following side effects, i believe it is possibly Testosterone related. I give myself my injection at 8am every morning and by around 1030-11am i am experiencing mild symptoms of Headache, nausea, anxiety, brain fog...
  23. N

    Coming off TRT with least amount of acne

    So after about 6 years on TRT (Im 47), Im thinking about coming off. I'm someone who was never crazy low in the first place, I just wanted to see if I would get a bit of a boost. The only boost I've seen is in muscle mass. When I weight the pros and cons, I'm thinking it might be time to come...
  24. N

    Best way to come off TRT with least acne

    So after about 6 years on TRT (Im 47), Im thinking about coming off. I'm someone who was never crazy low in the first place, I just wanted to see if I would get a bit of a boost. The only boost I've seen is in muscle mass. When I weight the pros and cons, I'm thinking it might be time to come...
  25. D

    HELP! Adjusting TRT Protocol-Acne, Libido, Low Free T

    Hello, I am 35 175lbs 5’11 and have been on TRT for 2 years. I have been trying to find my sweet spot and get dialed in the majority of the 2 years. I work out 6 days a week and eat very healthy etc…My current issues are: Back acne Oily face Low libido Testes and penis always feel cold and have...
  26. W

    Affect of trt on bone thickness

    Hi all, I am 35yrs old and are thinking of starting TRT due to many symptoms i have of low T, just waiting to speak to a doctor. One thing i'm curious about is, do your bones get thicker on TRT? Makes sense that they wouldn't get longer as growth plates would be well and truly closed by now...
  27. W

    Do bones get thicker on trt?

    Hi all, I am 35yrs old and are thinking of starting TRT due to many symptoms i have of low T, just waiting to speak to a doctor. One thing i'm curious about is, do your bones get thicker on TRT? Makes sense that they wouldn't get longer as growth plates would be well and truly closed by now...
  28. A

    New Study: Intranasal testosterone, much less likely to increase Hematocrit vs injectable

    Trial at U-Health found that intranasal testosterone gel led to blood not thickening (nearly) at all vs Injectable which was led to definite blood thickening. thoughts on this? Apparently intranasal treatment is used 2-3x a day
  29. K.pietera

    Iron overload

    Hi there , So my blood results came back and you can see them in the attachment. As you all can see my serum iron levels are way to high also my ferritin is to much. I tought it was strange because I don't consume red meat that often...( 2 times a week) But I think I have found an awnser...
  30. S

    Natesto Success Stories

    I've seen some successful examples in tbe past about using Natesto regularly for TRT. I see my Urologist this week for biopsy results and if all goes well I'm thinking Natesto instead of injections if he approves. Can anyone shout out if this works for you? My preference is cream on the...
  31. S

    HCG: how much is "too much"

    I'm currently on 500iu 2x a week. My libido is still "meh" and my ball size isn't quite where it was. Not sure if the HCG I'm getting from reliablerx is crap, or I'm letting it sit in the fridge too long, but starting to wonder if I should be doing 500iu 3x a week, or is that going to screw me...